The trip back was quiet. It was a complete reverse of the way there. The most noise made in a day would usually be Noah waking up from his nightmares. David only spoke when he needed to tell Noah they were going to eat or set up camp, just any sort of set of directions in general. It was a depressing atmosphere. David losing the trial was one thing, but as usual, Noah refused to commit to taking on the trial in the future. Not wanting to pressure him, David didn't ask about it. It was hard to do so though. David knew he couldn't give out the information to anyone else, and Noah was the only once capable of growing into someone with the ability to defeat it. Noah promised to continue training with David until he made a final decision. That was the most David had been perked up throughout the trip. Just that one day.
While just focusing on walking, they made it back to the city much faster than they expected to. Noah was able to walk into the city without any panic issues due to the crowd, but David immediately headed for the inn. Their promise to see the city was broken. Noah would have asked, but he knew David was in a delicate state at the moment, and Noah also knew that going out on his own was not going to happen. Too many things could happen in a large city that he knew nothing about, so when they got the inn, both of them hopped into bed. Noah let David break his promise, but after they left the city, he knew he needed to say something in regards to the trip back.
Noah: "David."
David simply looked at him with sullen eyes as his response.
Noah: "We're going to see Lynn and Clayton on the way back. We'll see Lucas and Sarah as well."
David: "I was planning to anyway, no point in keeping them in the dark on the details."
Noah: "Good. I promised Lynn I would visit on the way back, so you better help me keep it."
David: "If this is about the city, I'm sorry, I just wasn't feeling it. Obviously you know why."
Noah: "It's fine, but this is my promise, not yours, so I'll be keeping it no matter what. Even if I have to split off from you."
David: "Right."
Eventually they reached the village and entered Clayton's shop and home. David didn't have to say a word to convey the results to the renowned tailor.
Clayton: "Well, that's unfortunate, isn't it? Don't beat yourself up over it, you might have another chance with that kid still in play."
David: "He doesn't know if he wants to do the trial."
Clayton: "Well that's fine. No need to rush the decision considering his age. Oh, Noah, Lynn is upstairs. I believe you saw the steps when you last when to the back room right?"
Noah: "Yeah, I did. Thanks!"
Noah went to the back room and up the stairs.
David: "I'm worried about what choice he's going to make in the end."
Clayton: "Personally, I think he'll come around eventually."
David: "No, I mean I don't know if he's going to choose what he really wants. I've been doing a terrible job of hiding how I feel about the situation. I just can't help it. I do feel bad pressing him like this, especially since I failed. If he fails he'd probably feel a million times worse than I do."
Clayton: "Teach him well then while you can. Forget that for a second though, tell me what went wrong for you."
As David described the issues that went on during the trial, Lynn and Noah started their conversation in the other room. At first Noah didn't know if he could talk about it in detail, but Clayton had filled her in on why David and Noah were travelling.
Lynn: "You weren't hurt were you?"
Noah: "No, but David was. The Titans had healers though."
Lynn: "Sounds cool. I'm trying to get better with my healing magic, but there's never anyone to heal, so practice is hard to come by. Healing magic doesn't work on the user either so I can't do it that way."
Noah: "I don't think you'd want to do it like that anyway."
Lynn: "Yeah, probably not. So... are you doing the trial next?"
Noah: "I don't know."
Lynn: "It does sound like a lot of work. If you ever do it, I want to watch."
Noah: "The trip there is pretty difficult, but sure, I'll take you."
Lynn: "Sweet."
Noah: "I could probably bring Ellie along too."
Lynn: "Ellie?"
Noah: "A baby we took in. I'm sure that if I do decide to go that she'll be old enough to join us by then."
Lynn: "Oh, okay good. I thought it was some other girl and that you were cheating on me already."
Noah: "I don't remember ever saying that we were dating."
Lynn: "I know, I'm just kidding."
Lynn started giggling, though Noah didn't really think it was that funny.
Noah and Lynn continued to talk until David called down Noah so that they could leave.
Noah: "Goodbye Lynn. Cya Clayton."
Lynn: "Come visit at least once a week or something."
Clayton: "Right, you're welcome to come here any time."
David and Noah started on their way to Lucas and Sarah's farm.
David: "We probably won't stay there for long, I'm ready to get some sleep."
Noah: "You have been working really hard, you deserve some time off. I'm fine with leaving early as well, I want to see Ellie."
Eventually the two made their way up to the front door of the farm house. David knocked and they were greeted by Sarah, who then prepared some tea.
Lucas: "It's a shame to hear about the trial, but it happens. I'm sure someone will rise up one day. Maybe even a group of people."
Sarah: "Yeah, knowing you I'm sure you've been taking it harshly, but knowing you did your best to do at least something should be good enough."
David: "Thanks. I've been hearing that a lot, but I should probably take those words seriously. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to win."
Lucas: "You're plenty strong, but the story you told makes it seem like the odds were always meant to be against you in that fight. The real trial is making it up to that lair, fighting the creature at the gate, and then the one inside. Think of it like that, and you made it further than most anyone in history."
David: "I suppose."
Once they had finished the tea, the group said their goodbyes as Noah and David headed back to the village. The walk was still quiet, but it had a better feel than it did before. Finally, after well over a month away from home, the two made it back to the village.
Noah ran through the door to the home of Edna and Lawrence.
Noah: "We're back!"
Smiles were exchanged throughout the room.
Edna: "Perfect timing, Lawrence was just about to make dinner."
Noah: "He's making dinner?"
Lawrence: "In exchange for her taking care of the baby, which is going to be a shared responsibility now that you're back."
David: "To address the topic of the trips results, I failed. Plain and simple, I couldn't do it. I've complained enough about it recently though, so let's just have a nice dinner."
As everyone made their way to the dining area while Lawrence prepared food, Noah pulled David aside.
Noah: "I'm sorry, but, I don't think I want to do the trial. I'll still think about it, and like I said, I'll train with you still, but I'm thinking that I probably won't."
David: "That's fine. You better become a great dad to Ellie then. I'm sure Lynn will make a great mother."
Noah punched David's arm as they laughed their way into the dining room. They all shared a meal together as they talked their worries away. With Noah's decision on hold, how will things shape up in the end? If he refuses, who will save the country in peril?