As the Days Roll Onward

It has now been a little over six years since Noah was taken in by Edna and Lawrence. His life was chaotic for a period of a few months when he met them. Taking in Ellie and well as the trip to the Heaven's Peak mountain range were things a young kid should not have done, but there he was. Now thirteen years old, Noah's life has grown a bit more mundane, but taking care of the now six year old Ellie has been an adventure in it of itself. She was rarely able to go outside during the first few years of her life, but once she was old enough to wear eye covers, the two went outside much more often. She would come watch Noah train with David in the mornings and then they would be with each other for the rest of the day. Noah usually took the time after training to teach Ellie while also resting. Extremely smart was an understatement for her, as she is nearly at the same level Noah was at studies wise at a year younger.

Though details are still questionable, they were able to determine what her purple eyes meant. After much testing, it was determined that Ellie was able to use both Creation and Destruction magic. Why she was born with a mix was something no one was able to guess. Noah and David completely forgot to ask the Titans of Ice for potential information on it, and the trip back to Heaven's Peak was absolutely not worth that information. David helped to advance her magic to the creation of water, but Noah decided that there was no need to risk anything more at this point in time. Destruction magic was out of the question since it would be near impossible to find a teacher, as well as it would be hard to hide her experimenting with the magic. Not to mention the danger that comes with not knowing proper control. Ellie was hardly able to use the magic to start so that's the only reason they were able to determine she had it.

In the six years that have passed, the killing of magic users has slowed down to a point. It's an absolute miracle that eye covers have not been discovered at this point. The question is, when will they be found out? The chances get lower as more magic users are able to escape due to the laxing in laws regarding traveling out of the country. The borders are still heavily guarded, but people are able to find reasons to leave due to work. Some people are still caught off guard at points though. Infants are tragically killed if born with magic. The king even offers compensation if a couple turns their child in to the knights. Noah's village has not been affected by this as it isn't regularly visited by knights due to the placement of it being so close to the border, and since it is the farthest village from the capital city of Snowfallen. So as the country continues to be in a questionable place, Noah's life continues in peace.

Ellie: "Dad, dad!"

Noah: "What is it kiddo?"

The two of them were just lazing in bed as Noah was somewhat tired from morning training.

Ellie: "Can we visit Lynn today?"

Noah: "Any particular reason, or?"

Ellie: "I like her. If we don't visit enough she'll fall out of love with you and you'll die alone."

Noah: "For one, we aren't in love. Also, why are we just assuming that I would die alone?"

Ellie: "You don't talk to any of the girls here, or any of the people your age actually."

Noah: "Probably because I don't like the other kids here. They always ask so many questions and it gets annoying."

Ellie: "Like I said. You. Dead. Alone. Let's go visit her!"

Noah: "Yeesh. Alright kiddo, we'll leave in five minutes."

Ellie: "Promise? If you're lying I'm going to beat you up."

Noah: "Pinky promise."

While Ellie may be ahead of other kids her age in terms of studies, her mental age still peaks through the cracks plenty of the time. A sure fire way to gain her trust was to pinky promise. Noah had no intention of breaking any promise with her regardless, but the pinky promise would let him get his five minutes of waiting time in peace. After the five minutes, they set out on their walk.

Ellie: "Should we stop by the farm too?"

Noah: "Lucas is still pretty sick apparently, we should hold off on going there for now."

Ellie: "Okay then."

As planned, the two passed over the farm. Lucas had been rather sick, to a worrying point of if he'd even make it or not. For now Sarah wants to be alone with him as she treats his illness.

Ellie: "Is there any way to stop your nightmares?"

Noah: "If there was I would have done it already. It's not normal for them to be going on like this as is. Why are you asking though? Is me waking you up every now and then getting that annoying?"

Ellie: "No, but you always seem so tired."

Noah: "Well, I can't deny that. I can't remember the last full night of sleep I had. Pair that with training in the morning, it's pretty rough."

Ellie: "Now I feel bad for making you walk all the way to Lynn's."

Noah: "It's fine kiddo. I like Lynn."

Ellie: "Oh?"

Noah: "Shut up. You know what I mean."

Noah playfully messed with Ellie's long brown hair.

Ellie: "Chill out, I've been taking Lynn's advice on making it look nice."

Noah: "Oh come on, I didn't mess with it that much."

Lynn had decently long hair herself, but she normally kept it in a side pony tail. Her blonde hair complimented her golden eyes rather well. Even the fake blue eye covers she had worked with it.

When Noah and Ellie arrived, they said their hellos to the villagers out and about and then went to the shop. When they walked in, they expected to see Clayton, but Lynn was out front.

Lynn: "Oh, hey!"

Ellie: "Lynn!"

Ellie ran behind the counter and embraced Lynn.

Noah: "Where's your dad at?"

Lynn: "He's out delivering to some other village. Now that I'm a bit older he's been more out and about, ya know?"

Noah: "Yeah I get you."

Lynn: "He's also getting a doctor to go look at Lucas."

Noah: "Is it that bad now? I thought maybe he was getting better?"

Lynn: "Unfortunately, he's doing really bad is what my dad told me."

Ellie: "Hopefully he ends up fine."

Noah: "Right."

Noah and Ellie kept Lynn company as she worked the shop, though not many people came in throughout the day. Eventually, it was starting to get a bit darker outside and Clayton had yet to come back.

Lynn: "I'm starting to get a little worried, he should have been back a while ago."

Noah: "I'm sure he's fine, maybe he's just taking forever talking to someone."

Lynn: "I hope, but honestly I just don't know-"

Clayton came sulking through the front door.

Lynn: "Dad! Where have you been? I was worried sick."

Clayton: "Sorry that I worried you, but... Lucas didn't make it."

A look of shock was thrown onto everyone's faces in the room.

Noah: "Are you sur-"

Clayton: "I'm as sure as I can be kid. When I got there with the doctor he was throwing up blood and shaking. Not too long after that he passed. Likely the doctor wouldn't have been able to do anything about it..."

Lynn: "Noah... you should probably go back home and let David know."

Noah was tearing up a bit, but he wiped them signaled for Ellie to follow him. The two ran back home to break then news. While everyone was shocked, David took it the worst. Noah didn't know exactly what type of relationship he had with Lucas and Sarah and how it came to be, but he knew he cared deeply for them.

The next week a small gathering was held at the farm to honor Lucas' life.

Noah: "Sarah."

Sarah: "Oh, Noah, hello. Sorry, I must look like a mess right now."

Noah: "It's fine, but, I heard you might stop the farm?"

Sarah: "Maybe, I can do the work on my own for a while, but I don't know if it will be worth it to keep going."

Noah: "Keep it going, and in a couple years, I'll help you out, just like we talked about before. This farm is important, even if it doesn't produce as much as the larger ones."

Sarah: "I'll keep it going for at least another year, if I think if I can keep it going for another one after that, come to be when you're fifteen and save the place."

Noah: "Deal, just stay strong for as long as you can!"

The community was shook up, but life continued on. On the day Noah turned fifteen nearly two years later, he was able to start working on the farm.