The Daily Toil

Noah's life, though fulfilling, had become an extremely busy one once turning fifteen. Each morning he would wake up and go to David's for training. He would then immediately head over to the farm as fast as he could so that he could work there. Sarah had become too old and weak to help him with the job, so he was stuck tending to everything himself. Even apart from the farm, he still had Ellie to take care of as well. She still accompanied him to David's, but would only come to the farm with him once per week to talk with Sarah. Otherwise, Ellie would just laze about at home with Edna and Lawrence. Of course, at least once a week Noah and Ellie would visit Lynn. The word "hectic" was not enough to describe his life style. Noah would take one day every other week off from training so that he could properly sleep. Nightmares still tormented him, but rather than hurting his emotional state, it would take a toll on his physical form. A good night's sleep was near impossible with the schedule that he had. Sarah noticed this and decided to give Noah a day off. She was too old to constantly work, but she assured him that she could do enough for just one day on her own. This was also a day where Noah wasn't going to train.

Ellie: "Daaaaddd"

Ellie stood next to Noah's bed, shaking him. Reluctantly, Noah wakes up.

Noah: "What do you need kiddo?"

Ellie: "It's time for breakfast. You haven't eaten with us all for a while, so we all want you to join."

Noah sighed. Of course, for Ellie's sake, he would get up. It was slightly annoying as he just wanted to spend his day sleeping in bed so he could be well rested for tomorrow. After finally gathering the strength to get out of bed, Noah sat down at the table.

Edna: "You really need to ask for more days off. It might also be good to look into some way to get rid of these nightmares."

Lawrence: "I doubt there's anything medicine out there that can stop that."

Noah: "There probably isn't. Having nightmares each night for eight years is already unprecedented. I really don't think there's a way to stop them other than to hope they naturally go away."

Edna: "Is there really any need to keep going to David's each morning? I feel that's something that can be cut out of your schedule, or at the least you should go less often."

Noah: "Until I give him a straight yes or no on whether or not I'll take the trial, I'm going to keep going."

Ellie: "Trial?"

Noah: "Oh... uh, not really important right now. I'll tell you the story one day."

Ellie: "Boo... secrets are no fun..."

Noah: "Sorry kiddo, it's just a long story."

Ellie: "Fiiiiine."

Obviously having annoyed her, Noah wanted to try and appease the now eight-year-old Ellie.

Noah: "Do you want to visit Lynn today kiddo?"

Ellie: "Oh! Yes!"

Edna and Lawrence chuckled a bit.

Noah: "What?"

Lawrence: "Oh, nothing. Nice save."

After breakfast, Noah and Ellie walked around for a while before heading off to Lynn's village.

Ellie: "I think Edna is right by the way. You really need more days like this."

Noah: "I'll think about it."

Ellie: "You better actually thing about it. Don't just be saying that to make me stop pestering you about it."

Noah: "I actually will think about it, don't worry."

Noah grabbed Ellie and pulled her close to mess with her hair. She started punching Noah to retaliate.

Ellie: "I thought I told you to stop doing that!"

Noah: "I never said I would stop though, did I?"

Ellie pouted as they continued their walk. The idea of cutting down on training sessions was tempting for Noah. He felt an obligation to David, but he also realized that others around him had concern for his well being. He also seriously considered trying to find some method to quell his nightmares. For all these years Noah has just dealt with them, but hasn't tried many methods to get rid of them. He kept thinking about it on the way there, but couldn't come up with any ideas, so he decided to put that fantasy aside for now. Eventually, Noah and Ellie made their way into the shop.

Clayton: "Oh? I thought you would be on the farm right about now?"

Noah: "I've been graciously given a day off."

Clayton: "Good, good. You were always like a zombie whenever you came to visit. I won't be giving my daughter away to a member of the undead ya know."

Noah: "It didn't take long for me to get used to those jokes, I'm surprised that after all this time you still tell them."

Clayton: "We'll see one day if they really are just jokes."

Noah: "I assume that she's upstairs like usual?"

Clayton: "Indeed."

Noah and Ellie headed on upstairs.

Lynn: "I thought I heard you down there! Why are you-"

Noah: "I have the day off."

Lynn: "You could at least let me finish."

Noah: "I've already told a few people today, gets annoying to repeat the same thing."

Lynn: "You're either the nicest guy or your personality just gets sour. There's no in between with you, is there?"

Ellie: "Well when he has someone as cute as me to take care of, some of it has to rub off on him."

She puffed out her chest in triumph, but Noah just messed with her hair again.

Ellie: "Twice in the same day! Do you not have a single kind bone in your body!?"

Noah: "See, you have a pretty sour side too."

Ellie: "Only when you keep messing with me like that."

Lynn: "You are a pretty easy target in all fairness."

Lynn then also joined in on messing up Ellie's hair.

Ellie: "I thought you were on my side! How could you!"

Ellie plopped over on the floor as if she had died, exaggerating her sadness.

Lynn: "I'll put it in a pony tail like mine, so don't worry."

Looking back with a shine in her eyes, Ellie likely forgave Lynn in that moment. Noah would have to earn his love back some other way."

Noah: "That's gonna make it a lot harder to mess with for me though."

Ellie: "Good, you need to learn how to behave."

Noah had decided by the end of the day to ask David and Sarah for more days like this. Perhaps once a week, a day where he did nothing would be nice. Noah in the end did just that. Once a week he would take a day off. Eating breakfast with everyone and seeing Lynn with Ellie made those days heal his soul in a way. All the nightmares he had couldn't compare to the dream he lived in those off days.

It would be foolish to assume everything could stay like this. As time goes on, the chances of tragedy striking only increased. Noah lived his days in bliss, not needing to make the choice that has been sitting at the back of his mind for all of these years. When would this choice be thrusted to the fore front of his thoughts? He knew that he would likely need one more large push to choose the harder path, the path of a hero. What would make him risk that though? He loved the life he had. Being a father to Ellie, living with Edna and Lawrence, being friends with David and Lynn; all of these things are important to him beyond anything else. Trying to rise up against the evil in this country would mean potentially exposing all of those things to danger. Was it worth it?

The choice will have to be made soon. Destiny does not wait. Time marches on, forever, without stopping. There will be a dead end where Noah must choose.