
"Sometimes we do not choose what we want to remember but somethings will always be a part of us no matter how hard we try to let go, we just learn to live with them, they come at night and what hurts is the fact that we can never go back and change things."


Nomalanga's Narrative Continued

It's Saturday and I'm lying in bed thinking about what went wrong?My parents and I always had a good relationship and I thought they would have my back but they switched sides on me.I wonder how mama sleeps at night but I know it was Tata(dad) who made her choose between him and me.I sometimes wonder if they are my real parents.I used to be a bright student and had a dream of being a doctor and that's why Langa fell in love with me, no wonder why he married Lihle, she reminds him of me.

Nomalanga knocks on my bedroom door and I stand up to open the door.

Nomalanga:"Molo Noma."(Morning Noma)

Me:"Goodmorning baby."

Nomalanga:"You know I was thinking.?"


Nomalanga:"About me I mean us."

Me:"I know and I just enrolled in a college,I'll be studying Psychology, it's not much but it's something."

Nomalanga:"That's good but it's not about that I think it's time, I meet up with him."

Me:"Him who?"


My heart beats faster than before and I knew this day would come but I can't let this happen.


Nomalanga's Narrative

I have been thinking alot and I think it's time I got to know Langa but I don't think Noma is going to like it, she has to let me go and some point no matter what I will never abandon her, I just want to live in a stable home and I know she just enrolled at a college but I know she'll quit like she always has.I asked her to meet up with him but I saw the look in her eyes, I don't know how to explain it but I betrayed her.