Noma's Narrative
It's finally time for work, I put my new clothes on and I try to look beautiful but whenever I look in the mirror I see a dirty woman.What have I became?What's wrong with providing for your daughter?I am glad this is my last year, doing sex work.
There's a place where we work, I enter and smile.
As we are a busy, the police come, they grab us and put us in the back of a van,all I think about is my baby and who will fetch her from school, I promised her that this will never happen again but here we go again. The law doesn't protect us, we mean nothing we have been raped by several clients and yet nothing has happened because who would rape a sex worker?I shed a tear but I have to stay strong for my baby.
We finally arrive at the police station and one of the officers starts laughing.
-[This Woman's Work by Maxwell plays in my head]
They start calling us names,we are five by the way.
Officer 1:"Today we are going have fun all night long."
'Did he just say all night long,who is going to fetch my baby?'
Officer 2:"Oh yes!"
They grab us harshly I almost fell, these are the people that are supposed to protect us
I can't help it but start crying
They took us to an isolated cell, they ripped off our clothes and rape us over and over again, I hear them laughing and all that is in my mind is my baby. Is this what I signed up for? Was I wrong to keep the baby? What is wrong with providing for your baby?
Nomalanga's Narrative
It's afterschool and there's no sign of Noma, this can't be, I am with my friend but I am worried, what will happen when her parents fetch her? No this is not happening.
Thando:"My parents are here, want a lift?"
Me:"No,Noma is coming."
Thando:"But it's already, maybe something came up at work."
Me:"She would have called me, but okay let's go."
-Thando's parents are so nice,and her father is the best,makes me think more about Langa.They buy us some burgers and chips.
I direct them.
Me:"This is my home, thank you."
Thando:"Wow, it's beautiful, see you tomorrow friend."
I wave at her parents and they smile.
I don't see Noma's car, where could she be?Luckily I know where she hides the spare key, how could she do this to me? What's happening?
I call her and it's just ringing with no answer.
I wash my uniform and do my homeworks.
If Langa was here none of this would be happening, I am done, I pack my things, I am leaving when Noma comes I am going to stay with Langa at least it's better than staying with an irresponsible sex worker. I cook dinner and iron my uniform,pack my books then take a bathe.
'Where's mama?'
I go to bed but can't sleep.I am done with Noma's dramas.
As I am sleeping,I hear the door opening.I know it's her.
She goes to the bathroom and takes a bathe.
I stand up and go to her room.
Noma:"I am so sorry baby,I had a flat tire, I forgot my cellphone at work,I was so worried, are you okay?"
Me:"I am leaving,this weekend,give me Langa's numbers."
Noma:"Where are you going?You know what I am tired,can we talk about this in the morning."
Me:"No this can't wait,I don't want you in my life anymore, You Are Dead To Me!"
I walk out of the room.
I am done!
I hear Noma crying but I don't care, she did this all on her own. No wonder why my grandparents chased her away she is filthy.
Noma's Narrative
What have I done to deserve this? I hate myself.The only person I had in my life wants to leave me, this is just so hard to handle, I get up and take a bottle of wine.I have to call Langa.
I take my phone and send him a text "I hope you will be happy to hear that the only person I have wants nothing to do with me anyways she wants to live with you, call me when you see this."
I couldn't sleep, I keep on seeing those men raping us.
I wake up to make breakfast and her lunchbox.
'This is it, this is how my story ends.'
Nomalanga:"Give me Langa's numbers."
Me:"Goodmorning to you too."
Nomalanga:"I don't care,I am not going to school today."
Me:"Hey miss, this is still my house, my rules!"
Nomalanga:"Too bad,I am leaving and it's not like you're my mother or anything."
Me:"You are right,go now take your bags and leave, today you are blaming me for everything and chose a man who didn't want you at first but I still kept you,fed you and this is how you thank me?Is this who you are!I should have known that you took your father's toxic trait, go I am also done at least now I won't have anyone to feed and I will finally finish my studies,I will also have a life now you can go. I AM TIRED OF YOU!"
-Before she even got to answer,my phone rings.
Langa:"I saw your text,what's happening?"
Me:"Come here as soon as you can."
Langa:"Okay,I'm on my way."
I hang up and shed a tear.
Me:"Pack your things,he is coming."I walk away.
>>>2 hours later
Langa knocks
Me:"Open the door."
Langa:"Ummh,hey this must be my beautiful daughter."
Me:"You can go,bye!"
Nomalanga:"Hmmm bye."
Langa:"So this is it,you are giving up."
Me:"She doesn't want me, she chose the person who never wanted her, the person who destroyed my relationship with my parents, the person who let me become a sex worker because he didn't want the baby to start with so yes I am giving up so now you can go."
The truth is I wish the world would open and swallow me.
I watch them as they go and leave like I'm nothing but I hope my baby is happy. A mother would do anything for her child.