'It's been a few months since dad's death,I passed my matric with distinctions and I got a bursary.
I have got accepted at Wits and I'll be doing medicine there.'
Lihle:"Are you ready?"
Me:"Nervous but ready."
She just laughs
'Lihle has been there,filled the void of not having parents and assured me that I have a parent in her.'
'I take my suit cases and put them in my car,yes my car.'
"Let's Go"
'It's not really far from where I live but I have decided to rent a flat well share a flat.
I get there,open the door and find my roommate,she looks ghetto.'
Her:"Hey you must be my roommate right?"
Me:"Yes,I'm Nomalanga and you are?"
Her:"Simphiwe but you can call me Phiwe and your name is long,I'll call you Noms"
Me:"Lol Phiwe,nice to meet you,let me settle in"
Phiwe:"Can we go out later?"
Me:"Sure thing."
'Go out without parents or any adult?I'm up for it!'
I change into a denim jumpsuit with black scandals
"Mashambe"(let's go)
Phiwe:"You look hot,let me call an uber"
Me:"Oh no babes,sis has a car"
Phiwe:"By sis,you mean you?"
Me:"Yeah so let's go!"
She looks shocked but hey,I'm ready to have fun.
So we drive off to this amazing club.
"This looks nice",she just nods and grabs my hand.
Her:"So one rule,Have fun!!!!"
Me:"Haibo Fun?"
Her:"Yes Fun!"
'I order some shots,just to ease the nerves while mogirl is hitting the dance floor,I think she's already drunk.'
"Wooh relax",I turn back.
I see a tall,chocolate skinned guy,with dimples and I melt.
He's wearing a black V-neck shirt,torn blue jeans and black Nike sneakers.
"Hey I'm Steve Biko"
I roll my eyes
"Steve Biko?You are kidding"
He smiles and those dimples pop out.
"You must be new,everyone calls me that"
"It's a story for another time but you look sexy"
"Thank you"
'Did he just say sexy?okayyyyy!'
"So you are?"
"Noms",I laugh
'He's looking at me'
"You are hot Noms'
'He looks like a player'
"Let's chill",I just nod and stay calm.
The night is still young,here I am drinking like I'm not going to drive but here I am giving zero fucks
"Mind if we move somewhere private?",he grabs me.
"Private,where is that?"
"My car"
'So he also has a car?'
I nod.
'So Steve Biko has a Range Rover'
"Get in"
I get in
He's looking at me.
"Mind if I kiss you?"
'I just lean in and not say a word.'
His soft lips against mine,we pause and smile for a moment,I am getting wet and I can feel that his penis is hardening.
As we are kissing,he stops.
"Do you have condoms?"
"Wait,condoms for?"
He rolls his eyes
"Wait do you want us to have sex?"
"Really Noms?What are condoms for?Unless you're a virgin?"
"No I am not"
"So?What's wrong?"
"I can't have sex with a stranger"
"I'm not a stranger,you know me"
"Lol,Steve Biko?I hardly know your real name"
"Shaka,It's Shaka!,now do you have condoms?"
"You know what?I'm leaving"
"Go,stop being a baby,people have sex all the time"
I don't say anything and walk out.
'Men',I roll my eyes
"Noms!"It's Phiwe
"Let's go home"
I'm a bit tipsy but I still drive.
"Where were you?"
"In the toilets"
"Doing what?"
"Getting Some Dick Noms and you?"
"I'll tell you tomorrow"
We reach our destination and the way I'm so tired,I go straight to bed and think about 'Shaka'
It's a pity,it ended too soon.
I close my eyes and fall asleep.