I wake up and I have a headache,anyways I still have 3 days before classes start.
"Wakey Wakey"
"No Phiwe,I have a headache"
"This is why I made this for you,how many shots did you have Noms?"
"A lot,but anyways thanks"
I take the drink,and drink it.
"Ew this tastes awful"
"Lol I know so tell me all about yesterday"
"Wooh",I smile
"So yeah yesterday I met Steve Biko I mean..."
"Shaka right?"
"You know him?"
"Yes everyone knows him,he is 'thee hottest guy' around,he attends at UJ and yeah''
"Oh is that so anyways we were kissing and then he asked whether I have condoms or not?"
'Yoh Phiwe likes things'
"Anyways I said no I can't have sex with a stranger"
"Rule one,Have Fun"
"I know and the worst thing is I don't even have his digits"
"Shame,sis we'll probably see him there again,that's where he hangs out"
"Yes let's do it!plus I have some unfinished business with the waiter there"
"Lol now leave I want to rest"
"Okay bye",she stands up and I think I should check up on Lihle
I call,it rings and she answers.
"Hey baby"
"Hello Ma,how's everything going?"
"Just fine,we miss you though"
"I miss you guys too especially Siya"
"Thank you for calling,I have a patient,I love you"
"I love you too ma"
I hang up.
'I thought Lihle would hate me but she has always been there,done more for me and has shown me love,now I know why dad chose her'
So I get up and help Phiwe with the cleaning.
"Do you realize that we only met yesterday?"
"Yeah but it feels like I've always known you"
"Yeah Noms,Friends?"
"Friends!",we both laugh.
We make food,eat,watch movies.
"It's already 16h30,lemme go bathe"
"Okay friend",she stands up.
I go to my room.
'What am I going to wear?'
I look in my closet after bathing.
I wear blue jeans,a black bra shaped top and thin strap tie leg heeled scandals.
'Ndiya baba'(I'm hot)
"I'm done."
She comes out.
She's wearing a bra shaped dress and damn she looks fine.
"Let's go"
There's complete silence in the car.
I hope I see him again.
>We arrive.
I see him.
"Nangu Steve Biko wakho"(There's your Steve Biko)
'I look up and I see him with another girl,well what was I thinking?'
I fake a smile.
"Let's sit there",I just nod and walk.
We order ciders.
I look up and he's looking at me.
"You like him nerh"
"No not really,I only met him yesterday"
Wale ft Rihanna 'Bad Girl' plays
I swear this is my favourite song.
I start dancing and damn I'm doing it right.
'He's still looking but I don't care'
Whuuu Phiwe is nasty!
I keep doing my own thing and damn I'm having fun.
'He stands up and walk to me'
'He touches me and I keep dancing'
If Lihle sees me,I swear I'm going home.
"You got moves",he whispers
I just smile.
"I'm tired" and somehow Phiwe ditched me again.
"Let's sit"
"And your girl?"
"That one,no she's just a friend"
'I look stupid'
"I'm single by the way"
"Don't care",but I know that I'm lying.
"Okay miss"
I laugh.
"So why do they call you Steve Biko "
"I'm the leader of the Varsity's small kind of a union and I'm studying political science"
"Makes sense,you remind me of my dad"
"Your dad?"
"Langa Gumede"
"He was your dad,my deepest condolences"
"You know him?well thank you"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Let's disappear."I whisper.
He smiles and grabs my hand.
We go to his car.
"Relax babe"
I nod.
He starts kissing my neck,I close my eyes.
'Have Fun',I remember.
He continues kissing me and I just go with the flow.
His hands start moving,he touches my breasts slowly and I'm already wet,his dick hardens and damn it's huge.He sucks my breasts "hmmmm",he continues and his hand is moving,he unbuttons my jean,it's still moving and it reaches my honey pot,I don't say a word.
"I want you",he says like he means it.
Before I even say a word,he starts rubbing my honey pot.
"Hmmmmmmmmm,just fuck me already"
He smiles.
I touch his dick too.
He pulls out a condom.
"I came with my own one"
'We both laugh.'
He wears it and puts it in slowly and slowly.
"Ahhhhhhh hmmmm ahhhhhh"
He stops and rubs my honey pot.
"Put it in,fuck me daddy"
He follows my orders and thrusts in faster.
"hmmmmm faster"
"You're a bad one."
We finish and he wipes me first.
"That was amazing"
"I know right."
He kisses me.
"I really want you Noms"
"Can I have your numbers?"
"Sure" I take his phone.
'He saves my name as My love."
I blush a bit .
"Let's go before Phiwe gets worried"
"Okay babe"
>We get in the club and chill together.
'I am so in love'.