I get home and see the kids.
They look worried and I try to put a strong face for them.
"Mama mama where's papa?"(all the kids)
Me:"O hambile"(He's gone)
They all start crying,Nomalanga stands up and leaves the room.
I call his parents.
'Phone rings'
Langa's Father:"Makoti"(Daughter in law)
Me:"Tata,can you and mama please come here today"
Him:"Why?Why do you sound sad?Where's Langa?"
Me:"Please just come."
I hang up and start crying.
The kids are still crying nonstop.
'This happened too soon,way too soon'
I go to our bedroom,we were not sleeping in the same bedroom anymore but I can still feel his presence.
Memories come back,I can still see his smile when I gave birth,we used to do everything together,clean and cook.
I know I should be downstairs,comforting my children but I'm the one who needs to be comforted the most,I couldn't save my husband.
Nomalanga:"Utatamkhulu no Gogo ba kgona"(Grandpa and Grandma are here"
Me:"I'm coming"
I wipe my eyes 'Here goes nothing'
I can see they look confused especially when the kids are crying and I'm wondering if they already know.
Them:"Is it true?"
Me:"Yes,the doctors tried their best"
Langa's mom:"Tried?You called it trying,they should have tried harder."
Me:"We tried ma,we kept losing him,he had an accident"
Langa's father:"God?God?My one and only son"
I have never seen him crying,never even he lost his parents but I could see this put a strain on him,he looked at me and tears flowed.
Me:"I'll have to contact people to help me with the arrangements"
They nod their heads.
I call Siya and Khaya.
Siya is my first born and Khaya is the youngest.
Khaya:"Mama,where is Dad at?"
Me:"He is in a very beautiful place,he is an angel now"
Khaya:"Wow and when is he coming back?"
Me:"He is always with us,watching over us with his wings"
Khaya:"I want him to come back"
Me:"Yes he will come back,just be patient"
The lies,more people are coming and this feels real.
I sit on a mattress in my bedroom,my parents are here and the first thing I do is cry on my mother's shoulder.
"Uhambile mama,I begged him,I begged him but he still left and no don't give me the 'there is a time for everything speech' please just don't"
Mama:"I won't,be strong,you have children to raise"
Me:"This wasn't part of our plans,this was not,without him?"
Mama:"Yes but you have us,now rest"
I lay my head on the pillow and rest for a bit.
I'm an orphan.
No this is not real,I just can't believe it.
Noma and Langa both left me alone,in this cruel world.
I hate God even more,I don't understand how he works and thinks,does he even care?
I go upstairs and lock myself in room.
I start screaming,I kick my bed and recall the day he left,we had an argument and this might be my fault.
I didn't say Goodbye.
Rest In Eternal Peace.
Who's going to walk me down the aisle when I get married?Take me to the airport when I leave for varsity?Who is going to cry when I graduate?My kids won't have grandparents.
These little moments matter!They are important but I guess I'll have to experience them alone.I don't know what the future holds and from on now I just live each day as it is and go through whatever it has in store for me.
I feel so numb.