Class 1C

Class 1C is very noisy. This is where Arslan will spend his 1st grade of Junior High School. Many events and memories are reminded in Arslan's mind from his previous life. Happy, bitter, and sad events. He never forgets every inch of the incident that will lead him to regret being a stupid and lazy students to study.

He discovered every room, saw in detail every classmate whom he had memorized all their names and personalities. He still didn't believe that he would return to this life, reincarnating back into his 12 year old self. Arslan is fully aware that this is reality, he will not waste the second chance God has gave to him.

"Nis.. Aniss !!!". Shouted a girl who sat next to Annisa. Making Annisa jumped in surprise. The girl's name was Bernadeta, a friend of Annisa.

"What's the matter Bernadeta? Why are you shouting at me?"

"I called you many times and you didn't reply me. What are you daydreaming about?"

Annisa changed her gaze towards Arslan, who was sitting alone in the back left corner. "I'm still worried about Arslan, surely the ferocious senior will continues to disturb him". Bernadeta only took a deep breath.

"okay. So, what can you do to help him? We are girls, obviously we can't help him fight with seniors". Said Bernadeta who suddenly made Annisa turn to her.

"Fight? Are they going to fight?". Asked Annisa Innocently.

"Yes, of course! Such a ruffian guy like Deren, doensn't like to solve problems just with his mouth, he prefers to solve problems by fist fight".

"Then what we need to do? We have to help Arslan, he's only alone, while Deren definitely brings his friends!" Annisa sentence suddenly made the 2 people in front of their seats look back, precisely to Annisa and Bernadeta who were chatting.

" You girls are talking about Arslan's problem earlier right?. Asked a guy who was actually 2 people who had trouble with Deren earlier.

"Yess.. Wait, your name is Yeri right? And you are Yosi?" while pointing to the person next to the boy named Yeri.

They both nodded. The 2 boys named Yeri and Yosi are very enthusiastic about the conversation between the two girls in front of them. Arslan is a hero who helped them, it is appropiate that they will help when Arslan is in trouble.

"We will also help him, Arslan has helped both of us, we can't just keep quiet seeing Arslan face Deren alone". Yosi's words immediately made Annisa and Bernadeta look at each other whith happy faces. Finally, there are some help, atlhough the assistance is small, but means a lot to them.

"Then do you have any ideas to help Arslan?. Asked Bernadeta with enthusiastic to Yeri and Yosi. She was curious what ideas they have to help Arslan.

"Alright then first we have to ask all the boys in this class to help Arslan fight against Deren's gag, then..". Yeri and Yosi explain to each other their idea of helping Arslan. Annisa and Bernadeta listen their plan carefully.

A few moments later...

"How about it guys? For class rules and others, did you understand? And can you all apply it together?" Asked the teacher in class.

"YES MA'AM..! Said students in class 1C simultaneously.

"Okay, now I will ask you to vote to determine who will be class leader and vice leader is. The rest of the candidates will be treasurers and class secretaries. And the elected class leader and vice leader have the rights to become student council members in this school. Each class has it's representatives as well as members of the student council. If you already understand, I will call 5 names according to the results of the teacher's meeting held yesterday." After saying that long sentence, the homeroom teacher took a piece of paper that was on her desk and read out each name.

"Okay, the name I called please come forward. Annisa Maurina, Tino Kurniawan, Debora Asih Asmawati, Yohanes Wicaksono and Arslan Lay. The names I mentioned earlier please to come forward."

The class became crowded when the of their names were mentioned, as if there was a festive event that delayed the subject.

"Alright.. alright.. silent please!! Now you start voting. On the blackboard there are the names of the candidates, each student gives 1 vote on each name that you think is suitable as class leader. Start from the first seat..."

Arslan was seen standing next to Annisa, making the girl very nervous when he was close to Arslan. His face was very red like a tomato.

"You are more suited to be class president". The words made Annisa out of her daze. So she looked towars the voice which to her was like an angel's voice, it was Arslan's voice.

"Wh.. whaat?". Annisa stuttered, she didn't know what to answer

"I'm talking serously, you are suitable to be class leader"

"why you said that Ar?" Annisa Asked curiously, she also had to reply to the conversation so that she didn't look awkward.

"I don't know, I just thought like that". Arslan said, smiling sweetly in front of Annisa which now makes Annisa bowed back in shame.

Arslan's word became a big question mark for her. Why is she talking like that, what good is I as class leader?. Annisa's curious mind heard Arslan's words. For her, she who is reckless is not suitable to be class leader. Annisa was appointed to be the leader of the school basketball team in elementary school, but she was unable to bring her team out of the qulifying group. Annisa thought that she is very bad at leading other people. But Arslan thinks it is different, he prefers Annisa in managing class and students in the class 1C.

Arslan looked at Anisa who was bowed embarrassed. He could only chuckle at the girl's cute behavior. He thought, besides her funny behavior, there is another side that Arslan likes very much from Annisa is her caring attitude towards others, which also makes him unable to forget Annisa.

Annisa, other people will not understand and see the real you, But I really know about you.