Class Leader and Vice Leader

Fifteen minutes had passed since voting for the class leader and vice leader in class 1C. The students were very excited about the event for their first class leader and vice leader. Besides they wil not undergoing subject classes, the event also makes them get to know each other, and which of them will become popilar in the eyes of the students.

"Well, everyone has voted, right?" Asked the homeroom teacher to the students.

"YES, MA'AM !!!". The students replied in simultaneously.

"Then it's tme to announce who the class leader is.."

The homeroom theacher immediately saw the voting results on the blackboard. The teacher quickly counted them, and soon the results of the voting were seen. She also turned towards the students who were waiting for the results of the voting.

"Ok, it seems clear who wins here..". Said the teacher with a smile

"The class leader of class 1C is..."

Everyone was waiting silenty. Meanwhile, Arslan looks very happy with his sweet smile. He already knew the final result, but he tried to remain calm.

"class president of class 1C is Annisa Maurina!!"

"Applause for Annisa..."

Immediately, the cheers of class 1C students could be heard to the class next to them. Even their cheers startled the gardener who was feeing the stray cat in front of their class.

"Ok, next for the vice class leader is... " All was silent.

"Arslan Lay..!!! Applause for Arslan!"

And the second cheers were even more uproar, because the girls who heard from the next class also celebrated Arslan's election to become the class vice president. Where they heard it was not very clear.

"And for the position of treasurer is Yohanes Wicaksono. Then the positions of Secretary are Tino Kurniawan and Debora Asih Asmawati.."

"And.. for the five students who have been selected, please cooperate to make 1C the best from the other classes, understand?"

"YES, Ma'am..!!". The five of them replied simultaneously.

"And now the classes will be exempted from subjects until shool hours are over. You can get acquainted with friends of this class, or from other classes. Or you can also take a look at the school environment. Class are free, but not allowed to leave the school environment. Welcome to Patra's private junior high school and welcome to meet your friends. See you tomorrow..."

After the homeroom theacher left, the classroom became lively with laghter from the students. Meanwhile, Arslan just sat back in his chair, and filled in the textbook that were still plain without the slightest scratch.

In this new life, he prefers to fill school life with a focus on studying diligently. He doesn't want to think too much about other things when he is in the school environment. Because he knew, this opportunity was only one time, and he didn't want to waste it anymore.

In the middle of his struggle with the textbook, Arslan was startled by the scream of the girls outside his class. They call Arslan's name like crazy people. There are even some students who bring small gift such as cocolates, pens, books or whatever they can give so they can also see Arslan closely. What was even crazier was the girl who cut the rose which the Principal planted in front of the teacher's room, only to be given to Arslan.

Arslan who saw the girls's behavior could only laugh a litte. In the middle of his gaze outside the classroom, his gaze accidentally turned to Yosi and Yeri who were sitting, and they both looking at Arslan. Suddenly Yosi and Yeri turned their faces away when their gazes met. Immediaty, a very clear memory appeared about the two of them in Arslan's previous life.

Arslan was silent for a long time, as if he was thinking about something. A plan that will make Arslan change his life. An idea occurred to him that he thought he could share with Yosi and Yeri, who were actually his best friends during middle school.

Arslan immediately got up from his seat and walked towards Yosi and Yeri.

" Yosi.. Yeri..". Called Arslan.

Yosi and Yeri turned towards someone who was calling them. "Arslan?" suudenly, Yosi and Yeri were shocked. They didn't belive a guy as popular as Arslan would greet them, especially Arslan was the one who also helped them both from Deren

"Hmm.., can we talk for a moment?". Arslan asked them.

"Oh.., yeah, yes you can. What do you want to chat about?" Yeri replied nervously

"It's not a good place to have a chat, let's go the canteen, I'II treat you, how?". Arslan said which was quickly answered by a nod by Yosi and Yeri.

The three of them immediately went to the school canteen, ignoring the girls who shouted his names when they saw Arslan leave his class.