
The weather is very hot today, even though according to Arslan this morning the weather was quite cold. Now he is in the school library. In his previous life, the library was a favorite place for him to relax and hide from the school crowd. But now the library will be the most important place for him. Many books seemed interesting for him to read, because in his previous life, buying novels with interesting stories was very expensive. But day by day technology is getting more advanced, and finaly many people who aspire to become writers can publish their stories only by using smartphones.

For now Arslan just has to focus on his goals. Because it's impossible the time will be repeated for a third time. He had to make good use of it now. Then accidentally crossed his mind about writing a novel.

"Oh, why don't I just write a novel? I still remember clearly, there are three realistic fiction stories that was very interesting. Maybe I can rewrite it, and send the writing to the publisher". Murmured Arslan with a brightly smiled when the smell of money would flow in his nose in a moment. He couldn't wait. He does not care about copyright, because the writer is not yet born at this time.

Arslan quickly left the library and rushed back to his classroom. He wants to try writing a chapter for each novel that he wants to send to the publisher later. If he still remembers the contents of all those novels correctly, he can be sure that he will be rich with the royalties he received from the publisher. Arslan immediately rewrite chapters of one of the novels he remembers, the title of that novel is Superchrome.

The story tells three young people who find a conspiracy about historical relics in the land of Java, the intrigue is very complex, making the novel a Best Seller in the coming 2025. Arslan remembers the writer of the novel was only 18 years old, and he was the youngers successful writer at that time. For 5 years Arslan read the novel over and over again, because he felt he was in the story when reading it.

"Arslan, what are you doing?". A girl's voice was heard calling him

"Oh, Anis? Eum, I'm writing a story. What's the matter? is there something important?" Arslan asked her.

"I was in the teacher's room, Mrs.Fitri our homeroom teacher called me. She said tomorrow after recess we are told to come the student council room. For the inagurration meeting of the new student council members."

"I see, ok then. Tomorrow we both go to the student council room together". Said Arslan

Annisa only nodded slowly. She immediately left, afraid to disturb Aslan, who seemed very serious about his writing. Arslan was again struggle with his thoughts about the novel, however he had to writed according to what was in the novel. As detailede and thorough as possiblle, because a wrong word will change the storyline of the novel.


Elsewhere, in class 3D

"Oi, Deren.. are you beating up that first grader or not?"

There were 10 male students sitting in a circle in the corner of the class. They are Deren and his gang. Not even a student in the class dared to look at them, the students only whispered and chatted around. Deren is a deliquent and he is the boss amongs 10 others deliquent students in grade 3.

There weren't many deliquent students in this school, if Even if there were brats like Deren, no one could match their numbers. Therefore, Deren and his ganks are greatly feared by the Patra school students.

"Of course, he will not escape from me. How dare a first year boy want to be a hero. If he left alone, the others will also like him". Said Deren which was immediately greeted by laughter by his friends.

On the other place, in class 1C, to be precise in front of the class, Annisa and Tino are seen chatting very seriously.

"Why do I help him?" said Tino Kurniawan, he is a student who elected as the 1C class secretary. You coud say Tino is also a deliquent, but his achivements in sports are very good, so his attitude that likes to provoke fight with other student is covered by his achivements. Tino is about 167 cm tall, and his dark skin makes Tino his own personality. His body is very athetic, because he can master all areas of any sport.

"Please Tino, I know you are the head of the 1st graders gang, because almost all the bad boys in grade 1 are in your gang. They are all friends from the same village with you ,right?

"And then..? What business do I need to help Arslan? He started to interfere in the quarells with that senior".

"Yes I know, but we are classmates, what's wrong with classmates helping each other?"

"Well Annisa, I have no business either with Arslan or Deren. I don't want to help Arslan not because I'm afraid or I don't like Arslan. Besides, Arslan is my friend since elementary school, that's why I never bothered him. But your attitude, begging me just to make me help him, that's what makes me have no interest at all to help him.."

Tino with an indifferent attitude just left Annisa, who started shedding tears. Annisa is very desperate, where else should she ask for help to help Arslan. If she reported this to the teacher, Deren and his friends will aggressively provoke and distrub Arslan while in this school, that's what Annisa is afraid of.

Still in class 1C, Arslan looks happy from the look on his face. It turns out that he has succeeded in copying the novel Superchrome for 2 chapters directly and is exactly the same as the novel he read. He continued to write two more chapters until it was already noon, and it was 01.00 p.m. in the afternoon, where the bell rang means the school has ended. Arslan, who heard the bell, immediately tidied his stationery and books into his backpack

He glanced slightly outside the classroom and muttered softly " I'm done getting serious, now is the time to play..". Arslan said which ended with a smile that looked very scary. Not the warm smile that Arslan usually shows to his friends, but the evil smile that looks loke he is going to kill someone.

Arslan immediately got up from his seat, and quickly walked towards the place that had been promised, the field behind the school. The place where Deren and his friends are waiting for Arslan.

Annisa, Yeri, Yosi, and Tino could only look at Arslan who walked out of the classroom in a hurry. I don't know what bad things will happen on their first day in middle school.