The Battle Begins

In the Empty Field which is precisely behind the school. There is a group of male gangs who look like they are all still teenagers, in white and blue uniforms, showing that they are still junior high school students. The group is chaired by a boy named Deren, and they all students of Patra's private junior high school. The smoke billowing around them, because they were all smoking cigarettes which of course is strictly prohibited for those who are underage. But they didn't care even if they were being looked at by the people walking around the empty field area. As long as the teachers at school don't get caught, it doesn't matter to them.

Shortly after that, a tall, handsome young man arrived in the opposite direction. The young man seemed to be walking alone towards the school gang crowd. That young man was Arslan, who had promised to meet Deren in this place.

Arslan walked calmly towards Deren and his gans relaxing. Arslan did not show the look of fear at all. Deren, who clearly saw Arslan getting closer, and Arslan's attitude was very calm like water, made Deren suddenly feel very uneasy.

"What's with that boy…?" Deren's mind seemed to rebel against him so as not to continue beyond this. However Deren, who is a very stubborn child, tried to ward off the discomfort in his heart. For him what he wants to do must be finished that very day. He didn't want any burdens in his heart to bother him.

Arslan stopped and stood tall, right facing Deren and his gang. Their distance was only 20 meters away, as if they were about to prepare for a battle which of course wouldn't miss this problem.

"So you didn't run away, huh?". Deren said with an excited face. Since this was the first time, there was someone who dared to come up to them. And Arslan did it alone too.

"hm? For a gang of cowards like you, why am I running away?". Arslan's words seemed to grab them together, their calm expressions now turned very angry. Is this kid out of his mind?

"For the size of a first grader, you are good at rambling too, huh?". Said one of them, the boy named Agus. Representatives of the gang. Agus has a large body, estimated to have weighed 60 kilograms, with a bald head and dark skin.

Arslan remembers who he was in his previous life. Agus Santoso, is the son of a high ranking police officer in the City of Kediri. He acted arbitrarily towards students he didn't like, not the least he was suspended for harassing the girls at school. Because he used to be known as a woman's chest enthusiast, because of his actions that suddenly grabbed the chests of the girls he liked. This person was the most loser male he had met in the past.

"I have no idea". Arslan laughed back to Agus. "May I have a one?". Arslan said, pointing at the cigarette box behind them.

Deren who heard that smiled sarcastically, it turned out that the heroic man in front of him was also a loser just like them, thought Deren. Immediately he threw the cigarette box and lighter right under Arslan's feet.

Arslan also took the cigarette box and lighter, he also took a cigarette and smoke from the fire for the cigarette that was already in Arslan's mouth. He smoked the cigarette while closing his eyes.

" haaahhh…it's been a while since I felt a relaxed sensation like this". Said Arslan who spat out smoke from his mouth.

Deren and his friends who saw Arslan, showed a surprised expression. They did not expect a figure like Arslan to do such a thing.

"looks like he's been desperate Der". Said one of Deren's gangs.

Deren was silent, stared at Arslan who threw the cigarette on the ground, then stepped on it. Arslan also put the cigarette box as well as the lighter into his pocket.

"Yo, seniors!". Arslan glanced at them with a sharp gaze. "can we start the game?"

Deren laughed loudly at that, he immediately ordered his friends to attack Arslan simultaneously. "Beat that brat!"

His friends immediately ran towards Arslan, ganging up on him simultaneously. Arslan, who saw those who were running towards him, began to move from where he stood.

Arslan is seen running towards Deren and his friends, lunging at them without fear. After only a few meters of them, Arslan jumped up and got ready to direct his punches towards them.


In the teacher's room, at one of the teachers' desks.

Annisa and 2 male students were seen chatting with the teacher at the table. The two people, Yosi and Yeri, accompanied Annisa to report what happened to Arslan. They told how Arslan got into trouble againts Deren, to Arslan's problems meeting Deren and his gang in the field behind their school.

The male teacher sitting at the table listened to their stories, the expression on his face changed, and the expression on his face showed deep anxiety. For those teachers, students who get into trouble with each other are troublesome things. Especially when it comes to the parents of these students. The problem that frustrates this teacher is that Deren is the son of a foundation holder in this school. And Agus, a friend of Deren, is also the son of an important figure in this city, this really makes him confused.

"Please Pak Darto, please help us in this matter. We do not know who else to ask for help, sir!". Said Annisa angrily. She was afraid that there would not be much time left to help Arslan. She also took the initiative to ask their teacher for help, that was all a helpless girl like herself could do.

"Yes, I understand. But, I cannot take a one-sided decision. We should report this problem to the principal, only he can make a decision, how will this problem be resolved properly. Come on ... follow me to the principal's office. now, before it's too late. ". Annisa who heard that immediately nodded. She rushed to follow the teacher to the principal's office, followed by Yosi and Yeri behind them.

Return to the backyard field. Seen a group of children who are not far from the battle between Arslan and the Deren gang. They are Tino and his friends, amounting to 12 people. They watched from the corner of the field, saw the fierce event with a huffed face.

"Tino, are we not going to help Arslan?" Asked one of his friends who was standing behind Tino.

Tino who heard that question only answered with a shake of his head. He looks still doubtful whether to help Arslan or not. Annisa's expression was shedding tears, this was the first time he saw it. His heart ached, but his ego was now more dominant than his pain. But before he could decide whether to help Arslan or not, he was suddenly shocked by an astonishing event.