
In the morning at the Patra Junior High Basketball Court . Where only security and gardeners are at school.

A tall man, with a very handsome face. He was seen playing basketball in the field alone. Apart from being able to do Lay Up, which can also jump to Dunk, he occasionally shoots from a distance of three points with perfect accuracy.

"Fuh..fuh..fuh". Gasping for breath. He returned to dribbling again, and it was seen that he was trying to put the ball into the bed from midfield.

His eyes narrowed, trying to gauge the distance from the basketball hoop's target. He begins to square off for the shoot, calculating the strength he needs to shoot the ball from midfield

After he felt he was ready, he threw the ball towards the basketball hoop he was aiming for. The ball hovers in the air, swooping down its path in a very smooth spin.


The basketball shot straight into the basket, and the ball finally entered.

Right on target?!

Even he was surprised by the accuracy of his shots. How is that possible? It's center from midfield! Yes. That figure is Arslan.

"Shit..! Even basketball got perfect results? This body is terrible!"

Arslan's eyes were wide open when the ball went straight into the basket. Not even a bit of the basketball touch the ring. Indeed, in several cases that Arslan saw in his previous life when he was 25 years old, he had seen much footage of professional basketball matches that took long shots with a very perfect level of accuracy. But the chance of shooting that shot is only 0,0001%. That means for every 10.000 shots the player takes, there is only one chance to shoot that distance. That even according to experts in the world of professional basketball, it is very, very rare, and you could say it is luck.

"In fact, this is the first time I made that shot and went straight in. It doesn't look like it will be difficult to get into the NBA", Arslan's said and he smiled wryly.

"For A WISNU GOD SAKE...!!!" Shouted someone carrying a mop from the back of the basketball court to the adjoining men's and women's bathroom. That person's scream even shocked Arslan who was still pensive thinking about the state of his new body.

Arslan immediately investigated the direction of the shout. There was a man who was tall, his skin was brown, his body was thin and he had a mustache and a long chin that connected neatly to his ear.

"What's with that scream, are you a devout in worship?" Thought Arslan who thought the man was praying.

The man immediately ran towards Arslan when Arslan's attention had been diverted to him. When the man had reached a very close distance to Arslan, he immediately grabbed Arslan's shoulders tightly. At the same time trying to calm himself when he watched Arslan from head to toe, and his gaze turned sharply back to Arslan's eyes.

"Son, you are very talented! You can be a National athlete! What is your name?" Said the man with an excited expression, as if he had won a lottery that he had never won.

Arslan just smiled awkwardly when he heard the man say that. Never even once in his mind that he would become a National Athlete if given the opportunity, he would prefer to become an International Motorcycle Racing Athlete like Valentino Rossi.

"My name is Arslan sir. Class 1C..". He said introducing himself.

"ooh, still in first grade? I thought you were a transfer student in grade 3.."

"Am I that old, sir?

"No, I mean your body. Your face is still cute like a kindergarten child.

Arslan laughed hearing the old man in front of him say that. Arslan knows clearly who the identity of the man is. He is a sports teacher at Partra Junior High School, who is usually called by the students as Pak Agus Yordan.

"Son, join the school basketball team. Patra's junior high school needs a talented child like you. Please think about it!".

Hearing that Arslan's expression immediately turned flat. He returned to dribbling basketball casually, saying so. "It's not that I reject your request sir, but I can't join the basketball team."

Sir Yordan frowned, not understanding what Arslan said. "Can't? What makes you say that?". Yordan asked curiously.

Arslan stopped his ball game and looked at sir Yordan seriously. " A lot of things I have to do and plan for my future sir. Basketball, Football, or other school clubs, for me personally it's an act that is just a waste of time". Arslan said firmly, who then walked away leaving sir Yordan, who was overcome with disappointment when he heard Arslan's words.

After a few seconds felt ignored by his student, Yordan looked back at Arslan's back and let out sentences. " Kid! It is necessary to make plans for the future that you want to. But, at least enjoy your youth which only exists once in your life kid, so that in the future you will not regret it..!"

Arslan only replied to sir Yordan with a wave of his hand and kept walking away from the basketball court. Sir Yordan who still paid attention to Arslan's figure who was nowhere to be seen, could only smile wryly at Arslan's behavior which he thought was very unique.

But then sir Yordan was seen reaching into his pants pocket and taking out a cell phone. He seemed like he was about to call someone important, judging by his hasty actions.

"Hello, James. Can we meet in the canteen at the school where I teach? You won't believe what I just saw. In this school, there is a kid with a body that has a 100% grade!"