Student Council

In the school warehouse which is next to the school canteen, Arslan is seen returning the baksetball he used to practice earlier. He immediately left after tidying up the warehouse items which he thought were messy.

As he walked to head back to the classroom, Arslan met the figure of a girl who stood firmly in front of him. He paused for a moment, watching the girl.

"Annisa?". Murmured Arslan.

"Hi Arslan". Said Annisa with her sweet smile.

Annisa asked Arslan to accompany her to walk to their class. Indeed, at that time Annisa was seen still carrying her bag, which meant that she had just arrived at school. Because it is still 7:00 a.m.

"What were you doing earlier?". Annisa asked curiously.

"Ah, nothing.. Just returned the basketball I used to practice for a while.." Said Arslan.

"Ooh.. Do you like basketball?"

Arslan shook his head "not really, just for fun".

Annisa nodded, she never understood what Arslan was thinking. He looked at Arslan's face, remembering the incident in the field behind the school. A sight that her thought was very frightening at that time. Annisa tried to dare to ask Arslan, she was very curious.

"Arslan, so yesterday after school you met Deren and his gangs?"

Arslan only nodded his head to answer Annisa's question, but Arslan's gaze was stil straight ahead, without noticing Annisa who was very surprised and suddenly stopped her footsteps.

Arslan, who felt that Annisa was not his side, stopped and looked back. Annisa looks gloomy and anxious. She lowered her head to think about Arslans thought at that time, Annisa must be worried about him.

"Annisa, did you go to the school backyard yesterday?". Arslan asked Annisa, trying to calm her who looked very scared from the expression shown by Annisa.

Annisa try to raise her head, looked Arslan's eyes. "Yes, along with the headmaster and other teachers".

Aslan had not yet had time to answer, Annisa still continued her words. " Arslan I'm sorry...I'm sorry I have to involve the teachers. I'm confused, I'm afraid. I just don't want you to get hurt, I know you will definitely get into trouble if I report it to the teacher, even though you are a victiom, but you get into fights. The teachers will not tolerate fights for any reason. I'm sorry, please forgive me Arslan!". Annisa was shaking, she really wanted to let out her tears that were about to seep out. She then bowed her body, trying to make Arslan forgive her attitude whcich she thought was too much.

Arslan then laughed to hear Annisa's word. According to Arslan, Annisa's attitude was very funny, he couldn't help rubbing Annisa's head. Arslan approached and ruffled her hair randomly.

"You'are so funny, aren't you?"

Annisa who heard that immediately straightened her body, looked up at Arslan, who was tall.

"Anis, thank you for worrying about me. I don't blame you, however something like that will happen sooner or later. So you don't have to blame yourself. Understand?"

Seeing Arslan smiling warmly at her, Annisa cried loudly. She could not bear the feeling of guilt, and also very much care for Arslan. She admitted that her attitude was too much for a friend, but her heart said differently.

Her heart, as well as her current feelings, said that she liked Arslan more than herself.


8:00 o'clock in the morning, in classroom 1C.

"Do the question that I wrote on the board. Tomorrow, you send it to me, because now I have to go to the student council room. Also Annisa and Arslan please follow me to the student council room" Said homeroom teacher.

There are several students from each class who were seleceted to join student council. The student council at Patra Junior High School only allows its member to be in grades 1 and 2. Whereas for grade 3 it is disabled, so that grade 3 students can focus more on their exam. Student Council was formed with the main objective: to gather ideas, thoughts, talents, creativity, and interests of students into one place that is free from various kinds of negative influences from outside the school. Encouraging the attitude, spirit and spirit of unity among students, so that there is pride to support the role of the school as a place for the teaching and learning process. As a place and a means to communicate, convey thoughts and ideas in an effort to mature thinking skills, insights, and decision making.

Immediately after calling Annisa and Arslan to follow her, the homeroom teacher named Fitri walked, followed by Annisa and Arslan to the Student Council room. There was waiting for the first class student council members who had been elected, representatives from each class. There are only 4 classes at Patra Junior High School, including clas A,B,C, and D. Each class has 2 student representative to be in the Student Council. Whereas for grade 2, there are 5 classes with one representative for each class.

"Mrs. Fitri, I will go to the toilet for a moment. Later I will follow you to the Student Council room". Arslan said who suddenly stopped them.

"Do you know where Student room is?" Asked Mrs.Fitri

"I know ma'am." Said Arslan

"Ok then". Then Mrs.Fitri turned her gaze to Annisa. "Come on, we go first".

Annisa nodded. The two of them went to the Student Council room, while Arslan rushed to finish his natural call.

Arriving in the student council room, seen ten students who were sitting, on their respective benches, chatting with their classmates. The layout of the table and bench is unique. There is a long rectangular table, and beside the table there are 12 benches with long backs, covering the entire back to the head like tables and chairs for nobles in the movies. Seeing Mrs.Fitri who had come from behind the door, they immediately stopped the conversation. Annisa calmly sat on 2 empty chairs at the end of the table.

"Is this all?" Mrs. Fitri asked them. However, there was a very beautifull girl with blond hair, pointing at the empty bench next to Annisa's seat.

"Oh, he's still going to the toilet, I was with him". Mrs Fitri explained to the girl. The girl just nodded her head after hearing Mrs. Fitri explanation. " Then we wait a little longer, before starting the meeting".

"What is it for Ma'am? Why wait for an incompetent person?". Said the beautifull girl whose face looks like a European.

"It's okay. We'll just wait a moment". Replied Mrs. Fitri casually

The girl snorted, her face irritated. "Mrs. Fitri, the Student Council at Patra Junior High School is not just an ordinary Student Council organization. Patra is one of 5 elite private foundations in Indonesia. We are also currently at the top of the best Junior High School in Kediri, to invite students who do not have high discipline into the Student Council members, it tarnishes the good name of the school. Doesn't Mrs. Fitri understand that already?"

Mrs. Fitri, who heard the girl's words, only folded her forehead, " Cleo, I know you are the new Student Council president. Can't you tolerate a liite for a student who is going to the toilet for a little while?"

"But Ma'am..". Not yet finished the girl to speak, a girl's voice could be herd which made all the Student Council members surprised with her sentence.

" I know you are the new Student Council President, bit don't be arrogant just because you are a student president!"

The girl who spoke out loud was Annisa, who was staring at the girl named Cleo with a piercing gaze.

"What did you say?'

The two gils looked at each other, Annisa and Cleo stared at each other and intimidated each other. The other student council members also tensed to see the incident.

Looks like there will be a big debate in this student council room...