A Condition

In the Counceling Room,

A middle aged woman who still looks beautiful at that age, is Magdalena Sumarja. She is the mother of Deren Aria Sumarja, who was involved in a conflict with Arslan in the backyard field.

The woman is seen sipping green tea with a graceful movement. "please sit down Arslan, we have many things to talk about". The woman said after finishing sipping the green tea and placing the beautifully carved cup on the table.

Arslan immediately took his place to face Magdalena. The woman seemed to fold her forehead, she watched Arslan carefully.

" This kid doen't seem bothered in the least, why is he that calm? His attitude shows he's lived so long..."

Arslan, who is now sitting on his chair, just sighed. As if he understood the topic of this conversation going forward. " If it's a matter concerning Deren..."

Magdalena suddenly burst out laughing. Hearing his laughter like that, Mr. Indra and Arslan looked at her with disbelief. They felt something was wrong with this woman.

Satisfied with her laughter, Madam Magdalena glanced at Mr. Indra, who froze seeing her like that. "Mr. Indra, can you leave us both alone, please?".

Mr. Indra who heard his name mentoned, immediately realized from his shock. "Ah, yes madam, then I will leave Madame and Arslan talking". Mr. Indra immediately ran away from them. According to him, the woman next to him was really insane. He did not want to linger there.

"So, where were we?". The woman said as she took another sip of her green tea.

Arslan who only looked at madam Magdalena with a very curious look about her. He finally asked. " How old are you now mrs?". Arslan asked her.

Madam Magdalena, hearing that absurd question stopped sipping her favorite green tea. " About 39 years? Why do you ask about age?"

"I'm just curious, but Mrs, you looks still 25 years old". He said honestly.

Indeed, Magdalena looks very young. With stragiht black hair that she tied back, also the luxurious clothes wrapped beautifully on her slender body, and a face that was completely without wrinkles, it made Magdalena still look 10 years younger than her real age.

"Thank you for your compliment Arslan". She said with a smile making her look beautifull.

It wasn't Arslan's intention to tease Magdalena, but he was really just curious. Then Arslan's gaze immediately fixed on the cup containing the green tea.

"Is it because of that green tea, so you looks younger, mrs?". Arslan aksed innocenlty.

The situation was silent after Arslan's question. Magdalena leaned forward, folding her arms on the table for support.

"Your name is Arslan, right? You are very good at guessing for the size of a boy who was a teenager".

"So it's true..". Arslan smiled wryly, knowing his guess was correct.

"It's true. Green tea is what keeps me young, umm.. it's hard to get this tea, but it's worth it.

"I see, it is not very expensive?

"Do you know about this tea?" asked Magdalena curiously, wheter Arslan just guessed again or did he really know this tea.

Arslan held his chin, seemed thoughtful. "Ordinary green tea is known for its properties about being able to stay young, as s the case with Cahmomile Tea, or Rooibos Tea in Africa. It's just that the tea auntie drinks is a little different.

Her forehead frowned, Magdalena felt that somethin was wrong with the boy in front of her, how could a 12 year old boy know about the types and properties of tea that can help to stay young. Although these 2 types of tea are commonly known to the public, there is no way that their knowledge could reach such a thing.

" What difference do you mean Arslan?" Magdalena asked Arslan again.

"Yes. It's different. The color of this tea is not like most green teas. They have a clear color and a distinctive aroma. But the Green Tea that auntie drank has a green color like jade, and is very thick. The aroma is like the aroma of spices. Spices, not the usual aroma of tea. Aren't there only a few teas in the world, and their growth is very limited?".

Magdalena gaped in surprise, but she kept trying to be as calm as possible. And asked Arslan again. "Do you know the name of this tea, Arslan?"

Arslan rolled his eyes, "Yiqian-Kuqi, or so called a legendary Herbal Tea from the land of Tibet, Thousan Years Tears. Is it true auntie?". He replied with a flat face.

Magdalena's mouth was wide open, her eyes wide open. It was as if she had been struck by lighning in the mornings

"How do you know about this tea? This tea is not even known to the public. I have a younger brother who work as an assistant chief in an ancient medicinal research center in China, and their discovery was not published. My brother gave this tea as a birthday gift. My 35th year. Only the Chief Researcher, and the scientist working on the Ancient Herbal Tea project knows about it. Just one piece of information leaks, their heads are at stake..!!"

Arslan's face also looked surprised by Magdalena's words at that time. He didn't know that the effect of mentioning the legendary Green Tea name would be this severe. Even though out of nowhere, all of those answers suddenly appeared in his brain whe Arslan thought about it. 'Damn..! My brain seems to have been planted with AI in it when I was reincarnated. It seems like if I'm not carefull it will make trouble!". Arslan thought that also swallowed nervously.

Arslan just laughed awkwardly. He did not expect a trivial matter like this to be complicated.

" Never mind, just forget it. You better keep it secret, don't let it spread widely. I was told by my brother, that the project is a state secret of China and it's allies. If the find out there is a 12 year old boy who knows their secret, you can imagine for yourself the risk". Said Magdalena, who was worried and still afraid of what she had just found out.

A 12 year old boy? Nonsense. This kid gives me goosebumps. Magdalena thought as she looked at Arslan with a serious expression.

Arslan only nodded after hearing the reprimand from Magdalena. He felt that he just had to be careful with his thoughts from now on.

" Alright, let's get back to the main problem, why did I call you here". She said as she took a cigarette which she kept in her special cigarette box. After she lit the cigarette, Magdalena looked back at Arslan and started to say something. " I'm here only representing my husband to ask your responsibilty to Deren.

I don't really care about his situation. And also at the same time as my position as the head of the foundation, I also have the right to determine compensation for the fifteen children you beat up. May I know what your plans are, Arslan?".

Arslan seemed to be thingking, what answer would he give to that woman. Judging by her nature, she would not accept any harm and pointless answers. According to Arslan, the woman would leave after getting the answer she wanted.

" I.. don't know what kind of compensation, auntie". Aeslan said honestly.

" You're still a kid, of course you don't have money right? How about we both make it easy. I'll help you fix this problem, but on one condition".

"A condition? What condition is auntie?". Arslan frowned. Not a ridiculous request like becoming her boyfriend right?

Magdalena smiled slyly which made Arslan suddenly feel nervous.