Deren's Cry

On Sunday.

In a hospital in the city of Kediri,

Two teenage boys were seen sitting together in the garden chair of the hospital. One appears to be wearing a patient's shirt with a bandage on his head, and one is wearing a casual cloters, a red shirt with a black bomber jacket, he is wearing black pencil jeans with white sneakers. They are Arslan and Deren who are currently seen chatting.

"How are you?". Arslan asked opening the conversation in such an awkward atmosphere.

"What are you here for?". Deren just replied curtly.

"Isn't okay to visit a friend?"

"Tchh. Since when did you become my friend?"

"Maybe from now on". Said Arslan who turned to Deren with a warm smile. Deren just looked at Arslan bitterly. He didn't really respond to Arslan's joke.

"If there's nothing important, you better go home, I want to rest". Said Deren who immediately wanted to leave Arslan. But he canceled it because Arslan's words surprised him a little.

"Some time ago I met your mother at school"

Deren who heard Arslan's words immediately returned to where he sat. And now Deren's gaze is piercing Arslan, demanding and explanation.

"What did the old demon meet you for?"

Arslan glanced at Deren and then laughed softly. "Looks like you really have a problem with your mother, huh?".

"It's none of your business. You just need to answer!". Deren said in a threatening tone, his hand moved to grip Arslan's shirt. Trying to get Arslan to speak in a straightforward manner.

"Yoo, man. You scared me, don't blame me if your head is bleeding again". Arslan raised his hands up, indicating that if he did not want to fight at this time, he only wanted to speak. He just grinned showing the rows of white teeth. "Can we have a good talk today?" said Arslan.

Deren began to loosen his grip, his heart ached at the thought of that woman named Magdalena. "She...". Deren clenched his fist, trying to stay strong when he wanted to explain everything.

"Hmm?". Arslan noticed Deren's silent expression and closed his eyes. Arslan knows that it seems like it will be hard for Deren to reveal something he has been keeping secret for a long time.

"Shee.. that woman, is not my real mother". Deren said, still standing in front of Arslan.

"What did you say? She's not your real mother?". Arslan, who heard that was a little surprised, did not think that Magdalena was not Deren's biological mother. He also began to understand a little why Deren's behavior was so bad at that young age. From what Arslan could have guessed, it looks like Deren has a very bitter life story. Putting aside that he is the son of a rich person, who gets whatever he wants, in fact he is in torment and no one sees that.

This man is pathetic. That was all Arslan could see in Deren.

Deren began to move from his place, he sat a little away from Arslan. And start explaining all the problems he's been keeping all these years.

"Yes, she is not my biological mother. I was born from the son of a servant who used to serve the Sumarja Family at that time". Deren began to explain at length how it all started.

Deren Aria Sumarja, is the only child of the main leaders of all companies managed by the Sumarja family. Deren's father is named, Aria Sumarja who is the eldest son of 5 children. When he was 21 years old, he married a woman named Magdalena Oey. They married without any love that Aria had for Magdalena, because the man love a servant woman named Siti.

Siti was a servant who worked for the Sumarja family when she was 13 years old. Aria loves Siti when the first time the girl comes to Aria's family house, introducing herself as the daughter of an old servant who has retired from serving the Sumarja Family. Siti's very beautiful face with an oriental face made Aria's heart flutter when he saw Siti working at home for the first time.

Day after day passed by Aria who saw Siti working for Aria's family very diligently, the man was even more amazed and thrilled to see Siti like that. Even Aria's father and mother treat Siti like their own child, because Siti is always smiling, even with all the sweat running down her forehead. Bot Aria's parents, who love Siti even more, agree to send Siti to the foundation they manage, of course in the same place as Aria.

Aria, who heard that Siti would go to school in the same place as him, was excited when he learned about this. Aria also began to think of a plan to approach Siti, because Siti would go to school in the same place as him, it mande him free to approach Siti without his family knowing. Step by step Aria passed without bothering to approach Siti, and even Aria openly approached Siti at house when Aria's father and mother were dong work outside the city which took weeks.

Siti, who is still a teenager, start to repay Aria for his treatment, which she thinks is very gentle. She felt like she was in a fairy tale when Aria spoiled her at school and at home. When Aria did not even hesitate to help Siti with household chores such as sweeping, mooping, washing, and so on. The other maids who had grown up just shook their heads at the behavior of the two teenagers. Finally, Aria started dating when they were in the first grade of high school. Their relationship is getting more intimate every day, many school friends who notice that were jealous of Siti. Who wouldn't want to be the lover of a child from a respectable family like Aria, that would be impossible. According to them, Siti was very lucky to get love from Aria Sumarja.

However, the closeness of the two of them was greeted indifferently by Aria's siblings, the four of whom were only one year apart. All of Aria's 3 younger siblings were boysm and the youngest was a girl. Those who saw Aria had a special relationship with Siti, according to them it was just a pleasure. In the end, according to their family tradition, children from the Sumarja family will be matched with children from other families whose wealth is equal to or even exceeds that of the Sumarja Family. Relationships that are like dating, friends, and others, for them are just a pleasure before they are trusted to take care of the companies that the Sumarja family manages when they grow up.

However, a big tragedy shook the family when Aria and Siti were on vacation with their friends at a large villa in Malang City, which is one of the properties owned by the Sumarja Family.

A distant cousin from the family, reported Aria and Siti's relationship to Aria's parents, which made the two parents very surprised by the news they heard.