Deren's Cry 2

When Aria's parents found out about it, they immediately asked Aria and Siti to meet them. At the Sumarja Family's house all members of the Sumarja Family gather, from close relatives to distant relatives. Because Aria's father is the eldest son who directly leads the foundataion and all the assets of the Sumarja Family. Other families are only responsible for managing the assets of the Main Family, such as being the Board of Directors, Directors, General Manager, Branch Manager, and many other high positions they hold.

Aria and Siti, who are now 16 years old, just kept quiet, sitting in the middle of all the families staring at them calmly. While Aria's grandfather showed an expression of anger to Aria and Siti, making the two children very scared with him.

"Then what was your great-grandfather doing?". Arslan asked very curious. He did not expect to hear a disgrace from a respectable family like the Sumarja Family.

"Hm...". Deren chuckled. "of course they were forcibly separated". He said.

"Forced separation?". Said Arslan who seemed to catch something wrong from Deren's explanation earlier.

"Yes. Forcibly". Said Deren who looked up at the sky as blue as an ocean, and then continued his story.

After Aria's grandfather asked the whole family to separate Aria and Siti, the two children felt like they were being stabbed by thousands of needles. Siti plans to return to her hometown. Meanwhile, Aria will be sent to school abroad, so that she won't be able to meet Siti again no matter what. Aria, who could only surrender to the incident, tried to keep thinking. However, it was his fault that Siti had to be sent home, and automatically all school activities had to be stopped. Aria took the courage to give conditions, if he was willing to be sent to school abroad, and was no longer allowed to meet with Siti, but with one condition that Siti remained here and continued her studies until she graduated from college. All the families agreed to these terms, and in the end Aria had to give up her broken heart to make Siti happy.

The nect day Aria was sent to England to study until graduation and to do an internship at a company that is a business relation of the Sumarja Family, where it is based in London, England.

"So your father spent his youth in London? And even internship there?". Arslan, who had been silent without a sound, opened his mouth and asked Deren.

"Right. And that's where Dad was introduced to that woman, Magdalena Oey..". Said Deren, with a sinister laugh.

"Ah..!! No wonder your face is not too handsome for a child from a rich family..". Arslan said and holding his chin as if he was thinking hard.


Deren who heard that immediately directed his hand, slapping Arslan's head tighlty. Making Arslan groan in pain and his body almost flipped to the side.

"What's wrong with you! How could a sick person hit a sane person!". Arslan shouted refused to accept Deren provocative treatment while he was in the hospital

"You are insane..! How can a junior direspect his seniors! Only people like you are like that..!!". Said Deren snorted loudly.

Arslan who heard that grinned showing a row of white teeth. " Okay, okay, I'm sorry Seniorr... Deren?". Said Arslan, raising his eyebrows. Showed his innocent face.

"Never mind. It's stale!" Said Deren while folding his arms.

"Then how can your mother give birth to you, if your father is in London?"

Deren took a deep breath. He then returned to tell the story to Arlsan.

The incident began when Aria returned to Indonesia at the age of 25. Even then, Aria's situation at that time was engaged to Magdalena. Magdalena, who first met Aria, immediately fell in love with him, and was very happy when she heard the news that they would be arranged and married when Aria officialy became the main heir of all the business run by the Sumarja Family.

Then when Aria arrived home, flashed through his memories and all the memories that were passed by him and the woman he loved, namely Siti. Memories of him and Siti are stinn in Aria's mind. His heart still aches when he thinks of Siti, even when he is in London, he secretly hired a detectives just to monitor Siti's condition, but it didn't go well. Because Siti actually moved the next day after Aria's departure to London. Aria also did not find a trace of where Siti was until now.

When he thought about it all, je gelt dizzy and stressed. Aria really missed the figure of Siti.

Siti is a cheerful person, Siti who always smiles sweetly, Siti who never complains, Siti who is compassionate, and Siti who is very patient. Aria really likes everything in Siti.

For one whole week Aria spent his time busy with his work. At that time, Aria was a Director at a retail company owned by the Sumarja Family. With his busy life as a Director, he lightened his longing for the figure in his life, he gets news from the detective he secretly hired, that the detective has found Siti's whereabouts at that time. Aria who was surprised and happy because of the news, he immediately got ready to meet the woman he loved.

It didn't take long, Aria found Siti's whereabouts in a small town in East Java, to be precise in the city of Tulungagung. The city still borders the city of Kediri, where Aria lives. Aria finds Siti's whereabouts in a remote village in the city. At that time, Siti was an elementary schoold teacher in the village area, with her title as a Bachelor of Mathematics, she got the opportunity to teach at the school and became a permanent teacher, not an honorary teacher anymore. Her life is very happy, and what surprises Aria is that Siti is currently single and has not yet had a serious relationship with another man.

Aria took the courage to meet Siti, and how shocked Siti was when she saw Aria's figure at that time. They both finally let go of longing for each other, after years of holding them anxiety in their hearts. They are termented with feelings of love that are stored in their hearts and minds. After all the trials and storms that hit, they were finally able to meet again. Since that incident, Aria seemed to have disappeared without a trace. He left all the luxuries and career at the heigh of it pnly for a woman named Siti.

All of Sumarja's close relatives and main family members were in an uproar over the disapperance of Aria, who was not known at the time. All their efforts were only to find the figure of Aria, who at that time was the main inheritor of all Sumarja Family assets, and the fiancee of a subsidiary of a large company owner in Indonesia. Suddenly the incident became a painful boomerang for them. In addition to frequent power struggles within the family, their business competitors also took advantage of this incident to overthrow the Sumarja Family as one of the 10 richest families in this country.

The Sumarja family at that time was like a tiger trapped in a cage and lost its fangs. All media also spread information about the loss of the main heir of the family, althoug they did everything they could to prevent the media from spreading the incident.

But no matter how smart the carcass is hiddent, the smell will soon be smelled too..