Chapter 3


Trey really thought I am fucking stupid I know he took out that fat bitch Yesterday at the fucking restaurant, so me, Tash and Faith made a plan we're gonna kidnap her and kill both of them.


I was at the trap smoking a blunt I heard someone knocking on my door. "Come in" I said "ay man you won't believe who set you up yesterday with Tokyo" my nigga Dre said, Dre is like my brother we grew up together I have know him for 18 years and his the only person I can trust "who nigga" I said taking out my blunt "Cassidy and Tash , I was walking past their trap and I heard them both saying she wants to kill you and Tokyo" he said pulling his hand in his pockets "Nah man what the fuck are you serious" I said rubbing my face "yeah man their coming for you and Tokyo you gotta keep her safe" Dre said looking down at his shoes shaking his head "ight man" I said before he left. I really don't know why Cassidy is switching up or even in a gang, I gotta tell my boss James about someone coming after me but I ain't saying shit about Tokyo because I'm not meant to be entertaining no bitches at the moment. I sight and got up I grabbed my keys and drove to the other trap where James is. I arrived to the trap I got out the car and dapped up the niggers out side I walked up into the trap and into James office "ay boss I need to talking to You real quick" I said with my hands in my pocket I really didn't want to tell him because I know he will cuss me the fuck out "yeah Trey you can always talking to me" Jams said finishing off writing "well Cassidy and Tash motherfucker gang is after me they were shoot at me yesterday' I said in the same spot when I first walked in "Trey are you FUCKING serious how the FUCK did this happen" he got up yelling, "because I didn't take out Cassidy" "TREY I FUCKING TOlD YOU STOP ENTERTAINING THESE FUCKING HOES NOW LOOK WHAT YOU GOT YOUR SELF INTO, NOW THIRE NOT ONLY COMING FOR YOU THERE COMING FOR US GET THE FUCK OUT NOW" James demand I left and got back in my car and drove to Cassidy place I walked to the door with my gun in the side of my pants i knocked 3 time before she opened it "oh, I didn't expect you to be coming to pick me up so early" Cassidy was smiling on the other side of the door with a robe on I pushed past her and walked in "so I've been think when will you make is up for me" Cassidy drooped her rob and walked over to me she was wearing a red lace 2 pice I pulled out my gun and pointed in between her eyes "who the fuck did you send to come after me" and this point I didn't care about her "what are you fucking talking about what people" Cassidy was now shaking "don't fucking lie to me who the fuck did you send to kill me and Tokyo huh?" If this bitch lies 1 more time I'm pulling the fucking trigger "LIE TO ME 1 MORE FUCKING TIME AND ON MY MOMMA ILL WILL SHOOT YOU SO WHO THE FUCK DID YOU SEND YESTERDAY HAH?" my blood was boiling I wanna shoot this bitch right now "okay fuck I sent my gang to come after you and Tokyo because you really thought I was that fucking stupid I saw you yesterday nigger at the restaurant with her" Cassidy said crying "who the fuck is your boss stupid hoe" I was still holding the gun between her eye "m-my boos is l-Lucas" I put back the gun in my pocket I punched her in the face making her full back "Fuck you Trey something is coming for Tokyo and your gonna regret it" she yelled I walked out and drove back home, I gotta keep Tokyo I can't lose her....


I was laying down on my bed watching green leaf on Netflix, I kept on replying what happened last week with Trey I haven't talked to Trey in almost a week and I felt bad on walking out on him.

Me-ay I was just thinking if you want too go to the park and talk ?

Trey🥵- sure I'll come in 10

I could tell Trey was smiling the whole time anyway I got up and put on black jeans with a long sleeve off the shoulder orange crop top with black TNS,  I grabbed my phone and put on perfume I made my way down stairs to the door, Trey stood at the door with flowers "Hey" I said smiling "wassup you look beautiful I got these for you" he said handing me the red flowers they smelt good and I was happy because I am falling for him he might even be my first love 😏 "thanks you what are these for" I said grabbing the flowers from him "because I am sorry for what happed with the shooting and I think a beautiful girl like you should definitely deserve one" he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug and the hug was so long I broke the hug apart and we walked to the park when I was walking I saw Tash kissing some dark skin nigga at his door "What the fuck Tash what are you doing" I said throwing my hand up "First of all you fat ugly bitch mind your fucking business just because you can't get a man fatty" she said laughing this bitch got me fuck all the way up "Jae- I was cut off when Trey had to speak "first of all she ain't not fat ugly bitch she my fucking girl so try again hoe" Trey said as he wrapped his hands around my neck I was shock I thought he didn't like me or he only tock me out because he felt bad for me "haha you really love this fast ugly bitch she's not worth it" "shut the fuck up you mad childish send niggers to kill me your and you boss Lucas ain't shit" Trey said shaking his head "what the fuck you say Pussy" The nigga standing in front of Tash and I think that might be Lucas he pulled out the gun and start shoot Trey grabbed me and we ran Trey began shooting we go into his car and speed off "TREY your fucking shoulder" I yelled Trey got shoot on his shoulder and he was bleeding a lot "Shit I'll drop you off ma' and clean this shit up FUCK" he yelled in pain he dropped me off and speedway, I walked in the house and Jaeycone was on the couch watching a movie I walked up to him to tell him about his bitch "Hey Jaeycone" I said walking over to him and giving him a hug he paused his movie "Hey Tokyo where did you go dressed all nice and shit" his said hugging me baked and smiling "I went on a date" i replied smiling "okay sis find her first love ouu" he said poking my shoulder "anyway I saw Tash" "and?" "Well she was at some niggers house kissing him and shit" I replied "Tokyo Tash is a loyal girl and I know she will never do that" he said pulling his hands in his pockets but little dose he know I record everything because he thinks I'm always lying "since you don't Fucking believe me watch this" I yelled pulling out my phone from my purse and showing him the vid, Jaeycone grabbed the phone and watch the whole video shaking his head he sent the video to himself so he can show Tash "Sorry Tokyo I thought you were lying so I can end things with Tash but now I really am Fucking done with this bitch what's the nigga name?" He said mad "his name is Lucas his her boss she works in a gang" he handed me my phone and busted out the door I shook it off and when up to my room. I FaceTime Sierra and we talked for 1 hour I end the call and went to take a shower I ordered pizza I heard a knock on the door so it might be the pizza, I quickly put on my clothes and made my was down stairs I opened the door and something hard hit me on the head then i blacked the fuck out.....

To be continued

//mind any mistake

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