Chapter 4


Trey that nigga got me fucked up he shot a nigga 4 times in the fucking leg and I'm not letting that shit slide I think his girl Tokyo is gonna be my next target after all the shit Trey drove off like a damm fucking pussy I got my self cleaned up befor my next move to kidnap his girl "ay Cassidy where the fuck is that fat bitch Tokyo at" I said walking up to her with my hand in my pockets "she's at home why?" Cassidy replied me and Cassidy have been a thing for a good solid 4 months "we finna kidnap her" I couldn't be fucked listen to her I grabbed her hand and a bat she kept pulling her hands away from my grip but I was to strong for that "Put the fucking address in" I demand with no hesitation she put the address in we drove for about 5 minutes I saw a black BMW drove off we saw Tokyo walking in the house after 1 hour we got out I handed the bat to Cassidy "All I want you to do is knock on the door and when she comes out hit her with this" I said getting out the car "wait no why can't you fucking do it I can't" Cassidy said backing away and handing me the bat and walking off I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me "you where the fucking one who sent me to do this job so you fucking do it" I yelled at her she was getting on my fucking nerves she tell a nigga to kill people and she back away not on my watch "okay fine" she grabbed the bat and walked over to the door she knocked 2 times before Tokyo opened the door Cassidy grabbed the bat and  swang it across her head Tokyo fell right to the floor she was knocked out cold I tried picking her but she was to heavy so I dragged her to the car a push her up into the trunk we drove for 1 hour to get to the trap house, the trap house was surrounded by trees so nobody would ever find it. We arrived at the trap house Cassidy helped me drag Tokyo out after we dragged her out we took her to the basement we're there is no windows and the wall is sound prof Cassidy tide up her leg to the chair and handcuffed her hands. I told Cassidy we need to go to Jaeycone and Trey trap to leave a letter for James I grabbed my keys and we drove off we stopped and the end of the block we walked to the trap and nobody was there we walked straight in and into James office I was looking for paper and a pen while Cassidy went on looking for money drugs and all that in the other rooms I found a pen and paper and began to write. "To motherfucker James you won't be finding the fat ugly bitch Tokyo anytime soon I abused her that bad she might die if you want her I need 2 million in cash by the next 2 weeks, go hard finding her because you will never be able to Pussy as nigga, from Lucas" I wrap the letter in a envolpe and wrote "To pussy James" on the front, Cassidy came  with a whole bunch of weed money and guns we run a way out side and drove back to the trap we went to the basement to see Tokyo, Tokyo been knocked out for an hour and I need her to feel pain like I did. "Go get a bucket of ice cold water" I said to Cassidy opening the door she didn't say anything she went out and did what I told her to do she came back with the tub of cold ice water.


I was still knocked out cold af- I was cut off when a cold water hit my face I held my head on my hands I looked up and saw Cassidy and Lucas Infront of me, I looked around in the room I was in and it had no window and the walls were  thick asf so nobody would hear me "what am I doing here" I asked them holding my head "you really ask that question are u fucked you stole my man fat bitch" Cassidy spat on my face I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about because all I know is my man has me "girl what man are you talking about" I semie laugh but it looked like she was serious "bitch you thinks it's a joke Trey is my nigga we've been together for 1 years hoe" she yelled all up on my face, I couldn't believe Trey didn't tell me had a girl I felt a water running down my face "oh, so you crying now little thot shut the fuck up" Lucas said then Cassidy turned around I didn't even realise th- I was cut off when I go punched "try-aging-bitch-" Cassidy said in between punch then Lucas came and start kicking me "STOP PLEASE!!!" I yelled in pain my nose started to bleed and the side of my stomach "no bitch your gonna fell all the pain  and suffer in her stupid hoe" Lucas yelled still kicking and punching, they stoped I couldn't feel my body nor move I hear Lucas on the phone when he got off the phone he looked at me and laughed and Cassidy stranding there with a glare on her face "you are gonna have fun" Lucas and Cassidy said before they left, 10 minutes later and the door swang open and 2 big men standing at the door walking towards me one of them bent down to be my leave and he held my chin "what a pretty little girl" he said holding my chin and waist I pushed him off me when the other man started coming closer to me "Tokyo is that your name?" He asked I just rolled my eyes and looked at him, he chuckled "what the fuck do you want pussy" I said to him he began to touch my thighs "I want to play a game" he said smirking the other man was just standing there while watching I pushed his hand off me and I kicked him in the dick where it's hurts he fell and holding it in pain "touch me angina you fucking bit- befor I could finish off my sentence I got punched numerous times I tried to fight back but I was to weak he keep on punching and hitting me with a bat the other man stood up grabbed the bat off him "MY TURN BITCH" he yelled in anger and he began hitting me, I couldn't fight back I was way to weak I felt something coming from my stomach and I was bleeding again and my cut opened after 10 minutes of get violated he began to unbuckle his pants while the other man decided to take off my pants and undergarmen he pulled out his manhood, I was laying there crying and thinking about the man that is going to rape me and take my virginity, God is testing me I said to my self. The man came closer and inserted in me he pulled in and out of me for 5 minutes the other man was still holding me back until he let go and they both switched sides now the other man that was holding me did the exact same thing after 10 minutes of getting rapped and losing my virginity, I just wanted to end my life and never been seen again I passed out because I was losing to much blood...

//mind any mistakes and

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