Chapter 6: Rich Baron’s Daughter

A/N: This chapter and the upcoming chapters are in 3rd person pov.

Chantelleia has been in and out of the palace for 3 months, she was tired. Why did the Emperor call for her everyday? She did not understand his intention, is it because she's bright or he's observing her?

"My...My Lady! Slow down!" Maria panted, Chantelleia was walking too fast paced for her to catch up. 'This Emperor is testing my patience' Chantelleia thought to herself while her brows are knitted together.

She unintentionally ignored Maria's cries, as her head was full of thoughts. Did the Emperor called her for her opinions? An 11 year olds opinion? It sounds ridiculous as it looks but that truly is her purpose. For the past 3 months she decided to lay low. No interaction with anyone but the plan was ruined because her Father kept bringing her to the palace. Once she was there, she only listens to the Emperor and her father's business, eventually one problem caught her attention.

The problem was the unexpected withering of crops in the southern border. The Southern border was known for the hot humidity and dried lands, it was a miracle that crops decided grew there instead of the Eastern Border where the lands are healthy. No one in the Empire would ever expected that the crops would wither suddenly because for a 1000 years crops were growing in an unimaginable number.

In Chantelleia's past life, a young Prime minister suggested to look under the land of the Southern Border. He thought that something has been eating or drinking the food or the prime resource of the crops, People laughed on how ridiculous the suggestion sounded. But The Emperor accepted his suggestion, later a lot of knight and farmers dug under the border. What amazed them is that.... under the land, there were a lot of ponds of water yet they concluded maybe it wasn't a pond since the surrounding were wet by water, every corner dropped water droplets everywhere. This information was reported to the Emperor, and the Emperor informed that knights nor farmers that they should keep an eye.

This led the farmers and knights to take turn. They kept observing for a week, yet as the days passes by, they were getting nowhere, that led them thinking that the Young Prime Minister's words were foolish. On the last day, one knight was in charged to check under. Before the knight could enter fully its eyes glimpse what he thought monster? No A huge worm. As he observed more, he was sure it was a worn. A worn that lives from eating water, he waited until the worn leaves. As the worm leaves it left out some kind of biodegradable, he immediately run out under the border. When the knight was outside, the crops magically became healthy again.

The worm eats the water, the water turns into solid inside the worm, then the worm push the waste out. Then the waste turned into a biodegradable, it means that's the prime resource of the crops! Not only was water present but also an unimaginable amount of biodegradable helps the crops! Maybe that's why the crops suddenly withered. The lack of water and biodegradable.

The big news was reported to the Emperor, then the Emperor decided to hunt the The Beast. With the help of Chantelleia's Father the worm was killed instantly, what surprised them was the worm was not only big but also pregnant with thousands of small worms that may turn into beast. While they let the ones live, the mother was killed and it was turned into a biodegradable that made the Southern border prosper again, the Young Prime Minister was given a gift.

"Uhm Father, I have a suggestion...." Chantelleia looked on both of them

"Chantelleia, this is not a child's game. You cannot suggest anything without any proper consideration"

"Alastair give your daughter a slack, such a frightening person. Alright let's hear it dear." Emperor Elyan smiled

"I heard that the Southern border was knows for its hot humidity and dried lands but somehow crops manage to grow. What if the problem...what if the problem cannot be seen from above? What if its below?"

"You have a point My Dear but if the land is dried from the surface, it's expected that below is too." Emperor Elyan replied

"What if you're wrong? What if there's someone....rather something, eating the power house of the crops?"

"What do you mean?" Alastair asked his daughter

"I mean, maybe there's water or maybe a biodegradable beneath the land that made the crops grow and something keeps eating it?"

"That's absurd" the Emperor Knitted his eyebrows

"Please, believe me. Let knights nor farmer dug a hole and let them observe it for a week!" Chantelleia plead

The Emperor cannot help but doubt the young child but when it begged to believe her, he cannot help but feel soft. After 2 days, it was decided that Chantelleia's idea would be used. Like she said, there were ponds under it, and one if the knights reported about a huge worm that its waste turn into an amazing biodegradable. Alastair nor Elyan cannot believe their eyes, the Young Lady's prediction was right. Alastair cannot help but smile, he cannot believe his young daughter was a genius.

After the worm was defeated, Chantelleia recieved a gift from the emperor, from now then on. The Emperor wishes for her every single day.

Back to present, at first she felt guilty since it was not her idea but was Young Prime minister's. She was given praises for something she does not deserve, but what can she do? Tell people that she's from the future? That the idea she told was from the Young Prime Minister? No one would believe such ridiculous idea and it would make her look like a lunatic or a humble person.

Now she despised herself for suggesting, ' i should not have told the suggestion! I could have been relaxing in the manor if i did not do it!' She told herself.

"My! My Lady be watch out!" Maria's shrieked snapped Chantelleia out of her thought, she looked in front of her and before she could look, she and another person bumped to each other.

"OUCH!" A young girl shrieked

Chantelleia looked down and saw a Young Maiden? Probably around 14-16 years old. She stretched out her arms, offering it to her but it was slapped.

"You! Don't touch me!" It shouted. On its own, it stood up and cleaned her clothes

"I'm sorry i did not see you"

"You ruined my dress! You imbecile!" It shouted

"Do not dare swear My Master." Maria glared at her, Maria was letting a cold aura surround her as she glared at the young maiden.

"How dare a servant interrupts 2 nobles? You got no shame" it tried to smack Maria but Maria caught her arm and twisted it

"Ouch! Let go you bastard! A mere servant do this to me!?"

"Maria, let her go" chantelleia told Maria. Maria looked at her confused why her lady wants her to let go. This young maiden deserves a beating. How dare she curse a De Pier Heir.

Maria reluctantly let go of the young maiden

"I am the daughter of a rich baron, how dare you hurt me! You'll pay the consequences! For a mere servant like you and a mere lowly daughter of baron hurting a rich one! I won't not let you go!" She shouted

In her perspective Chantelleia and Maria are mere lowlives. Unlike her, wearing a fluffy dashing bright pink dress with paired 5 inch heels, her face was caked by layers of makeup and her hair was tied into a huge buns with curls. To her Chantelleia's clothes are like for commoners, brown plain knee length dress and a flat black shoes to be paired with it.

Chantelleia can 'clearly' see the difference between them, but Chantelleia's purpose was only to stay low, she did not bother wearing high-class clothes. She's worried that she'll attract a lot of people. They decided to look like a commoner to blend in the market but instead she looked like a fallen baron's daughter. Either way it didn't bother her since she'll just visit the palace, and help the Emperor.


Chantelleia's cheek began to sting, she was slapped. Maria eyes widened as she see it happen, her hands form a fist as she became more angry. Her face frown as she let that happen, 'you.....'

Maria came forward and reluctantly slapped the daughter of a baron twice as hard as her master felt. It fell on the ground holding its cheek while she was lost in thought.

"You! How dare you hit me!? I Am Vanizel Trink, daughter of a Rich Baron and you dare slap me!?" She shouted as she held her cheeks

" dare you slap my master in front of me...." Maria's eyes darken as her voiced sounded like a cold low growl that made Vanizel shiver

"Knights, Arrest her! And the imbecile of a maid!" Vanizel as she shouted while still touching her cheeks 'fuck! That stings!' She thought

The knights didn't move, they knew who their master encountered. One wrong move they'll have their head hanging on a metal gate.

"W-we cannot young miss...." Vanizel was dumbfounded, why can't they? They are a Mere lowly baron's daughter and servant!

"If you-

Vanizel was interrupted by a big voice, she immediately knew that it was her father. She stood up and pushed Chantelleia and ran towards her father.

"Daddy! That lowly Bitch baron's daughter and servant dares to bully me!" As she cried and show her red cheeks. Her father, Mr. Trink held ugly expression 'how dare they!'

"You bastard of a d-" Baron Trink was interrupeted by Maria low cold voice

"Dare to curse My Lordship and My Lady, i'll have your head in my hand." Maria eyes held rage as she got her daggers out of her clothes. The sun was reflected on her dagger, it allowed them to see its insignia.

'Eagle and a beast!?' Baron Trink thought, 'I recognized that insignia! De Pier dukedom!? How can my daughter encounter such a dangerous person!?'

Chantelleia noticing Baron trink's expression, smiled. 'He finally knew..' she thought

"A-apologize now Vanizel" Baron Trink ordered her daughter, Vanizel looked at her father confused

"Why!? Why should i apologize to them!? They are no one!"

"Apologize to them now! How can you encounter such dangerous people!? That Young lady, she's the Heir of De Pier dukedom!" He whispered

"Who cares if she's the heir!? Her servant slapped me!"

"JUST APOLOGIZE GODDAMN IT! You stupid daughter of mine bring up trouble anytime! If you aren't my daughter, i could have sold you to them and make you their servant! How dare you stir up trouble with De Pier dukedom!" He shouted

"They're the one who did something wrong to me first...why should i apologize specially to that maid"

"Baron trink, you might have recognize me. I am Chantelleia De Pier, the sole heir of De Pier dukedom. I sincerely apologize for bumping into your daughter, i was simply occupied. I did not bother looking where i was going but.....your daughter slapped me and my servant did not like the idea of me being slapped. So Maria decided to Slap her. I may have did something wrong unintentionally but your daughter, not only slapped but downgraded me because i'm wearing such clothes. Let me ask you Baron Trink, is there something wrong with my clothes?"

"N-None My Lady"

"None? Oh that's good. Then let your daughter's eyes get checked, i'll call the royal physician to check on her. There might be something wrong with them, wait...let us check her brain too! Maybe we could find it" Chantelleia smiled

Baron Trink was red from being embarrassed, not only her daughter stir up trouble, a 11 year old sole heir of De Pier dukedom humiliated him. Chantelleia's smile grew wider as she looked an Vanizel

"Let me tell you Young Miss trink since i do not like the idea of frightening people, you might be an exception . This is Maria Merri, she is the first daughter of Merri Dukedom. Merri Dukedom are known for being practical and savage during wars, My father is a friend of Maria's Father. Maria's Father is the right hand Man of my Father."

"This mere lowly servant that you've humiliated was actually more powerful than your family. She herself can make your family go bankrupt and can make all of your lifestyle vanished like thin air. Maria's a nice person, be grateful enough that she only slapped you because if she didn't, you'll lose your life instead."

Chantelleia showed an indifferent smile yet her eyes stay cold. She saw Vanizel Quiver in fear as she explained.

"Now, i've wasted so much time. His Majesty is waiting for me, now what excuse should i say? Well i'll think of something. Goodbye Baron trink and Young Miss, i hope we could see each other again" chantelleia turned her back and dragged Maria out. Maria was still furious, if they stayed a little bit longer Maria could kill them all.

"Young Miss trink, I certainly wait for you apology in my manor but please remember...our servants aren't just servants so please be'll lose your life if you do not" Chantelleia shouted as she walked further she did not see Baron Trink's body collapsing due to fright.


Author here! I sort of like this chapter, it still lacks something but i liked it! Specially to the part when i talk about the southern border! Hehehehe i also had a writers block while writing this so i hope you'll understand this chapter even for a little bit!

I will probably draw a map about this kingdom including the rest of the kingdoms. I'm not a good artist so i hope you'll forgive me if it looked kinda ugly heheheh but i'll do my best❤️

Lmao, i like Vanizel Trink's image here, a stupid mf...kidding! Actually I don't know if i did her well, i mean her reactions and shiz. I'm still kinda new to this things. Should i make her an extra or part of the main chsracters? Hmmmm what do you think?

Well if you liked this story please give it a star and i would trully appreciate if you comment your evaluations or insight about this chapters so that i can improve my grammar, english, plot, scenes and actions!

Thank you so much! I love y'all!

Word count/s: 2457 words