Chapter 5: Holy Palace (Eintiellyo Sun)

A/N: lmao, i'm only at chapter 5 yet i already have writers block. Wish me luck. I hope this chapter makes sense putangina BTW! This would be Chantelleia's perspective! P.s note at the end, please read it

"Maria, how many more hours until we reach the Palace?" I asked as i looked outside the carriage window.

"Not hours My Lady, minutes. 30 minutes to be exact" My Friend, Only Friend (and servant of course) Maria.

"What? That long? We have been sitting here for 1 and a half hours Maria! I'm bored." I whined. My butt feels numb from sitting this wooden chair, even though it has a foam this carriage has been frequently used by Mother. I don't know what she's been up to since she goes out in morning then return late in the afternoon with her maid carrying bunch of bags, its probably dresses.

"Be patient My Lady, we are almost there" Maria gave me a candy instead

"A candy? Seriously? Maria, i'm not hungry. I'm just bored down to my core" I whined even more as i playfully rolled my eyes on Maria. This led her to giggle

"We cannot play games My Lady, you'll ruin your dress AND we are inside a carriage. It's not spacious enough for us to play, specially with you wearing.....that...that dress." She replied with a smile on her face.

"Hey! It's not my fault for wearing this dress, Mother is the one who insisted that i should wore this awhile ago remember?" I retorted. It's not that i hate that Mother takes care of me, its just over the top...sometimes....?

"You could just said no, but My Lady Did not say." Maria replied

"I mean, you know me Maria. I just can-Ah!!!" I got interrupted once the carriage shook violently.

"Mr. Boux! Are you okay? What happened" Maria asked once the carriage stopped shaking.

"Ehem....I'm okay Young Misses, i accidentally hit a rock. No worries..." he replied.

I looked towards Maria, she looked at me in return.

He's not Mr. Boux

I glared outside the window where i saw a shadow sitting on tree and when I blinked it was gone, i looked at Maria and gave her a nod. She immediately understood what i meant, she hurriedly closed the windows, then she tied her hair into a bun.

"My Lady, Please stay inside this carriage no matter what." She instructed, i gave her a nod.

Maria immediately open the door and got her daggers under her skirt. She swung herself in front of the carriage where she encountered a black clothed man.



Sounds of metal occupied the whole space, the carriage stopped running and I remained inside seated.

"What do we have here? The heir of De Peir family" a voice said, i did not bother looked at the person but i am sure its a man. "Oho~ do not mind me entering this daring carriage my dear".

"Won't you look at me" said by the voice and I reluctantly did. My face held no expression, hence i still remained calm. A full black clothed man was sitting in front of me, an Assassin to be exact. His eyes were almond shaped, not that it mattered.

"Remaining calm i see, that's good. it'll be better capturing you that way" he said. I saw his eyes wrinkled, he is probably smirking.

He took out the rope behind his back, as he came near me i waited the right time to strike.


I punched him in chin which led his mouth spat blood. "You!" I did not let him finished, I again struck him but this time in the stomach, he held his stomach as his eyes held pain.

"My Lady are you okay!?" Maria shouted

"I am fine, continue what you are doing. I can fight him." I shouted back

I was supposed to kick him in the stomach but he caught my leg instead and threw my body out of the carriage. My body met the hardened soil with a *bagh*

Cough! Cough!

I coughed some blood, I instantly stood up as i saw him walked out of the carriage holding his stomach while still in pain.

"You! You really are a daughter of that monster."

I held no expression, even if my back hurts. This insignificant human is testing my patience

He got his daggers out and ran towards me. As he strike the the daggers towards me, i did my best to dodge but because of dress it slowed me down casing my dress receiving the blow.

My dress!!

I glared at him, i putted my hands under my dress and got 2 daggers out. As he ran towards me, i held a stance waiting for him. As he swung his daggers towards me i did the same.






The sounds of our daggers hitting each other fill the place.

"What do you want?" I ask indifferently, he did not bother answering. I looked at his eyes and saw his rage, he did not expected a young girl like me to make him suffer from pain.

With space between us, i saw my dress ruined. My once dress full of fluff was now full of tear, no fluff can be seen. Only droopy set cloths.

"You...You ruined my dress" I said casually, yet my face held no emotion.


"Let's get this over with. I'm done playing with you" I smiled. I saw his body stiffen, I grabbed the chance and swung my daggers across his neck. As the blood squirted out, it squirted on my neck and half purple dress. I look at him coldly, i saw his eyes quiver from fear

"Y-you...mon..ste....." i stabbed his chest instantly killing him

"My Lady!" Maria ran towards me.

"Where's Mr. Boux? Did you find him?"

"Yes My Lady, i saw him him unconscious on that bush"

"Now, we wasted so much time. How many minutes did we waste? How many more minutes till we reach the palace?"

"20 minutes My Lady. Since we are already 20 minutes late, 30 minutes more doesn't really matter, it is still the needed needed till we reach the palace but My Lady....What happened to your dress?"

"I was careless, but this dress saved me from getting injured."

"My Lady, Mr. Boux is unconscious. I will be the one driving instead" Maria suggested

"Bring Mr. Boux inside. I'll be waiting there"

"But My Lady, your dress."

"It's okay, i'll borrow new clothes at the palace once we get there"

I entered the carriage and Mr. Boux unconscious body entered next. I closed my eyes not minding the blood stench, and i slept through the whole ride.


"My Lady, we are here" I opened my eyes but it was still blurry

"Alright, wait for me outside"

As when my eyes started to clearly see, i stretched my whole body making it used to movement so that I won't strain any parts of my body. Mr. Boux was still lying unconscious, how can these man be unconscious? He's a goddamned fighter for pete's sake.

"Wake up Mr. Boux. Stop pretending. Aren't you having a lot of fun?"

"Pfft——I'm sorry Young Lady" He sat right up and looked at my eyes. I smiled at him while he kept laughing.

"I'm leaving, you'll untie yourself on your own. You can do that, can you?" He gave me a smile and nod. As soon as I got out of the Carriage, I saw my Father looking at me worried.

He ran towards me, "What happened? You're late for 50 minutes."

"Assassination attempt"


"They were strong, Maria even had a hard time fighting the fatter one."

Father's face softened as he saw me covered in Blood, weird right? Well he asked me if the blood was mine, it wasn't so he was proud.

Tailing from behind was the Emperor, Elyan Vir Entello. The Father of the crown prince. As The Emperor saw me, his face that was full of delight turned to surprised when he saw me cover in blood

"Chantelleia! Dear what happened?" The Emperor asked with horrid eyes

"Hail the Emperor of Eintiellyo Sun, May you reign for eternity" I curtsy, i may be covered in blood but i am still his follower. I need to show my respect


"I apologize for letting you see my horrible state but if the Emperor don't mind, Can I , The Daughter of Alastair Von De Peir asked for a bath and a new set of normal clothes? I do not want flashy ones. Also I don't want the Emperor smelling blood stench of an assassin." I asked. I might have over done my request but he dotes on me, so why not?

"I approve your request but Assassins? To you? What happened?"

"We were attacked by 2 Assassins of the Wolfrians Fang Clan. They were strong but Maria and I killed them, it took a lot of time tho. Next time we'll deal with them less than 5 minutes" i smiled. The Emperor was stupefied seeing my innocent smile.

" may go...." he said, i smiled in return but before i enter the palaced i looked back and said

"Father, Mr. Boux was pretending to be unconscious when we were attacked. I think he had a lot of fun watching us. Just letting you know"

At the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Boux shivering in fear when Father looked at him. I let out a giggle 'that's what you get, dummy"


After being cleaned and dressed, I saw Maria outside the room wearing rather a peculiar clothes that none servants are wearing. Female knights Jumpers (sundress) ?

While me on the other hand was wearing a white below the knee length dress with crystal like stitches at the edge of the dress. My dress was strapless so my shoulders are seen, i was also wearing an 4 inch heels it was pair of half ponied hair.

"You look beautiful Maria, but why are you wearing that? You're not s knight silly"

"They were probably troubled since i was also covered in blood. They might have thought that i'm a knight secretly when i'm just your simple maid My lady" Maria giggled

"But My lady, you look stunning!" She later added, what can i say? Me and Maria might be 11 years old but i've got an upper hand. My body bloomed earlier most of my age, I am quite taller than an average 11 years old. My bosoms already bloomed comparably into a half rice cup, that's considered big since i am only 11 and I'm still growing, a lot of people also mistaken me for a young adult since i already held an almost hour glass shape body.

I smiled in return, this friend of mine never ceased to make me smile.


"Chantelleia, dear. Come and sit beside your father" Emperor Elyan smiled as he instructed his Assistant Sir Gait to lead me to beside father.

"Hail the Emperor of Eintiellyo Sun, May you reign for eternity"

"Yes, yes now you may sit down."

I nodded and sat down beside Father. Father And Emperor Elyan started talking about politics, about the taxes of commoners, and taxes of aristocrats. I just sat there, only listening to them and did not bother interfere.

"So Alastair my friend. Chantelleia's age is 11, 5 more years until she reach her coming of age. I'm here to offer you my support, i would also like if you'll use the palace as your place where it would take "

I nearly choked on my tea. What? Here?

Both of them looked at me, waiting for my reply. "I am only a child Your Majesty. If my Father wants me to have an Coming-of-Age ceremony here, then i will."

He looked at me with a smile. "Hahaha, such lies. Tell me, why don't you like the idea of celebrating your Coming-Of-Age here?"

My eyes palpitated as i heard him. My throat became dry as i opened my mouth, no words were heard. I never really intended accept His Majesty's offer, I do not want any grand celebration. Unlike before, I had a grand celebration that led people know me specially him. This time, i do not want it, I only need my family.

"Stop teasing My Daughter Elyan."

"HAHAHA alright Alright! Such scary person. I am still wondering Chantelleia, do you not want to be known by many?"

"No...I do not want any celebration. I only want my family with me. I'm sorry your Majesty but i'll decline your offer"

He gave me a frown but it was only for a second before he smiled. "That's too bad. Then we'll attend instead"


"Is it not allowed?" He questioned

"It's not like that Your Majesty but 'we'?"

"Will you bring Mr. Gait?"

"No, me and my son"



Author Here! I want to clear something....lmao it's about the 3rd person chantelleia and the 1st person chantelleia. Idk if y'all noticed the difference but when i make chapters in 3rd person, Chantelleia looks like a serious yet elegant person when she is talking but in 1st person she acts like a kid that contrast with her age. 3rd person and 1st person chantelleia is, i say the same person. it's just that you see through the day with different Perspective. They are the same person but i felt like if you really wanna know chantelleia well, you gotta see her as she see herself, like a kid (well atm). In the first person she looked so playful specially with the words i'm using, but when it's in 3rd person she seems so mature (That's what i want it to look like) because i think about the words i'm gonna use thoroughly even though it's kinda hard for me to think about any deep words lmao... well i hope you got my explanation

Yes, i put some action but as you can see it's a little bit...amateur.....yes! Lmao. I don't know how to make an action scenes even if i read a lot, its still hard for me to comprehend some words. I hope all of you can help me improve my writing skills as i take a journey with this book (lmao what!? HHAHAHA)

If you liked this story please give it a star, and it would be much appreciated if you leave a comment, i want to know your evaluations and insights about this chapter! With your comments i can also improve! Thank you! I love y'all

P.s the next chapters would probably be 3rd person again! I'm already used to 3rd person chapters, it's much easier to make, than 1st pov! I'll put a note in front of a chapter if its again 1st pov.

Word count/s: 2501 words