Chapter 4: Heated Conversation? (Father & Mother)

A/N: there's s surprise at the end hehehe consider this a warning to those youngsters reading this

In the next day, Chantelleia heard murmurs as she regained her consciousness. "Lleia!" A Female voiced called out as she opens her eyes. It turned out to be her Mother, Leanelle. "My Daughter! Are you feeling okay!? You fainted on your fathers arms yesterday night!" Leanelle worriedly talked to her.

" long was I unconscious mother?" Chantelleia asked with her hoarse voice

"Almost a Day Lleia, I do not know what your Father told you to be in that state! That Man!" Her mother shared her dissatisfaction with her husband. Neither the servants nor Chantelleia stop her from her outburst. No one can stop her even her husband, Alastair. " What did your father told you that led you into that horrid state?" She asked as she calmed down.

Chantelleia kept quiet, she did not feel like telling her reason why. 'I am gonna be killed by the crown prince someday, that's why' she thought. They won't believe whatever she says, she's only 11 years old. How can she think about the crown prince killing her? That's a ridiculous reason! She did not bother talking.

"You better tell me, or i'll ask your father instead" Leanelle warned her daughter yet got zero response. "Okay, i'm asking your Father, everyone get out except Maria. You, Maria you stay and keep an eye on her." Leanelle was clearly feeling infuriated.

As her Mother and other servants went out, Maria stayed seated on a chair beside her Young Master's bed. "My Lady? Are you hungry?" Maria asked, Her Young Master haven't eaten anything since Yesterday night. She thought that her Young Master became a little bit hungry.

"No, I'm Fine Maria" Chantelleia told Maria. Maria was sad because on how Chantelleia looks like. Her complexion was now pale, her lips are chapped, her body was full of sweat yet her master did not felt hungry. If she could just let her Young Master eat even if its just a small portion of food yet she did not succeed.

Maria observed her Young Master that was looking outside the window not far from her bed. 'My Lady...what nightmare did you dreamt that drove you into that state' She thought. Yesterday's scene has been repeating inside Young Maria's mind since the night her Young Master Fainted. She remembered how pitiful her Young Master looked like as she begged Old Master not to let her go to the castle. She cannot help but feel remorse since she cannot help her Young Master that time. It felt like she did not do her job as a Servant, Guardian And as a Friend.

"Don-Don't look at me like that Maria" Chantelleia stuttered with a hoarse voice as she manage so talk. She felt embarrassed as she remembered how she wailed uncontrollably yesterday. 'Now father might think I'm a lunatic' she thought. She cried so much that her voice became so hoarse that almost only airs the only thing that comes out of her mouth. 'Stupid, Moron, Dumb! How can i think of that!? We clearly turned back in time. It means he's still a crown prince!' She thought

"I'm sorry My lady...." Maria hesitated to talk, she is very curious since she is still a child. She wants to know why her Young master thought of those absurd words yet he did not bother asking.

Forward to 3 days later Chantelleia was now healthy as a baby, she manage to dodge every question that her Mother can ask her. She doesn't want to answer any of them, and even if her mother asked her father, her father won't know any answer either.

" are still going to the castle. The Emperor wants your presence" Her Father told her as they were eating lunch. Chantelleia expected this, even if she did faint because of the news she received, she still need to go, she's still a follower of the Emperor.


The sound of the drinking glass hitting the table, rang around the room. Both Alastair and Chantelleia looked over Leanelle. Leanelle wore an expression that she's angry, she gave Alastair an cold glare that made Alastair gulp his saliva. This made Chantelleia feel shiver through her spine 'Scary woman' both thought.

"You despicable man! You saw how our daughter fainted when she heard about that news and you dare bring that up! What if she fainted again! I'll die from worrying" her Mother shouted. Alastair became wide eyed but returned being expressionless

"I cannot disobey His Majesty. I am his right hand Man, i need to follow his every command " he reasoned out

"What if he ordered you to kill us, would you do it? You are not a dog Alastair! You're not a dog that follows its owner everywhere! You, your own, should know what's right and wrong! Specially if it about the dukedom." Her Mother was Angry, no Rather Furious at his father

"You don't understand. He needs to talk to our daughter."

"Make me understand! Explain it on how it should be! Do not tell me even your way of explaining is the way the emperor wants!? What does he need from our precious daughter?"

Alastair did not answer

"You! You're unbelievable." Leanelle stood out of her chair and got out of the room. (Bahg!) that was the sound the door made when Leanelle got out of the room. Silence fill the room no one talked even the Alastair and Chantelleia.

"2 days from now, you'll visit the castle. I'll be coming with you don't worry. I'm done eating." Alastair said as he stood up. Once both parents were out, the maids and knights fell on the floor 'Ha! That was intense' all of them thought

"Ha.....that was intense" Chantelleia blurted out, it made everyone inside the room looked at her. It was like their thoughts was heard by her.

"I'm sorry everyone, you have to see that kind of thing. I hope you'll forgive us" Chantelleia felt so bad, not only they let out such horrendous auras but also had an argument. She also felt embarrassed, they all see manage to see the heavy conversation between her parents.

" you don't need to say sorry My Lady"

"It is natural between married couples Young Miss"

"Don't be bothered Young Master"

"It's okay Young Lord"

Everyone felt quite remorse as they heard their Young Miss apologize , it was alright because married couple tend to have misunderstanding. It just that they never seen them got angry so much, and it was also due to their ignorance that they made their Young Miss see their weaknesses.

"Still, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted that day, if I didn't this would not be happening. This might lessen the chances of me getting a sibling" Chantelleia blurted out, that made the servants shocked. 'Y-Young Miss wants to have siblings!?' They thought

Chantelleia who saw their reaction, giggled. 'I never had a sibling before. I was doted a lot because i was timid and shy, they never really had a time to conceive another one' she thought to herself

At the courtyard, Leanelle was drinking her tea, it was a way to calm her down. While drinking tea she heard some of her maids gossiping about something related to siblings. She called out one of her maids, "can you tell me what does some of you are talking about?" She sounded more harsher because she was still furious to her husband.

"Yes, Duchess. The servants who served Lunch were talking about how Young Miss telling them that she might be the reason why she'll have lesser chance to have a sibling" hearing the explanation of the maid, Leanelle dropped her cup of tea. Her face turned beet red and she was unable to talk.

'C-conceiving another child!?' She thought. Leanelle was still as beautiful as she was 11 years ago. She was only 32 at the moment, her body is still beautiful. Every part of it, if you know what i mean. Conceiving another child was not hard for her nor Alastair since she still look so youthful but she worries about Alastair. That man, That man was a monster, not only in war but also in bed. When they first intimate, her body was so sore yet Alastair continue to intimate with her for a week resulting being pregnant after 3 weeks. She did not mind the sore because it felt good on her or his part either way, but she wonders, how would both of them make up if they had an argument.

Alastair on the other hand was also told the same since the gossip reached his workplace, he cannot help but put out a smirk. 'I guess i got to work extra hard today' he thought while smirking. His assistant saw his expression, his assistant instantly thought that his lordship finally knew how to solve the problem so that his lordship could intimate with his wife.

At night both of them were wearing nightly gowns, both staring at each other waiting for one another to talk.

"I'm sorry" said both, they looked at each other and their expressions softens. Both were wrong, so they decided to forgive each other.

"I heard Chantelleia wanted siblings..i hope you don't mind but be prepare" Alastair said smugly as he smirked. This made Leanelle's face turned darker shade of red. Alastair kissed Leanelle's slips softly then slowly sucked of them, this made Leanelle squirm a little bit. Slowly Alastair asked permission to enter his tongue into her mouth, Leanelle open her mouth meaning he had her permission.

Leanelle was moaning while they were kissing, Alastair slowly remove his clothes, while they were kissing Leanelle's eyes were on Alastair built and toned body. His muscles became more broad and his scars made it more daring to touch, without any hesitation Leanelle put her hands on his chest, touching it seductively. This made Alastair fired up, he impatiently removed her clothes that no clothes were left.

"Stop staring... i'm getting shy" she said as she about to cover her breast and flower with her arm. Yet was stopped by Alastair hands

"No, I cannot. I love staring at them. You are so beautiful." Once again Alastair kissed her lips then moved towards her neck, he gave her neck so lovely hickeys " musn't..ah..mhmm.." leanelle said while moaning. This made Alastair smile, "stop? But your moaning so much" Alastair said as he keep fondling with her breast.

"Ah..mphh..ah! ah! Wait not yet! Ah!" Leanelle moaned when Alastair decided to touch her flower down there


Little did they know, Chantelleia and Maria was awake beside their room. Blushing from the sounds they were making.

'I guess i'll be having siblings soon'


Hi Author here, lmao surprised? HAHAHA me too! I never thought that i'll make a chapter with an ending like this! Lmao I didn't finish the smut/lemon part. I'll leave that part to you guys to imagine. Though i like reading stories with smuts/lemons, i am still uncomfortable making my own (lmao it doesn't look like it but i do feel a little uncomfortable) this is my first novel, making too many adult chapters might be a little too much considering i did not put the "Mature Contents" in the description. I am also considering those youngsters who would read this in the future.

Since i did put teasing smut here, lmao i do ask for forgiveness because i cannot help those oldies (or youngsters who liked reading smut like me lmao) who wants to see the full version. I'm considering those youngsters who is still uncomfortable with this setups. And i'm still practicing how to elaborate actions, making complete smut scenes would be challenging since most author elaborate as much as they can. If future problem arises with this chapter, and majority or readers wants me to delete the smut scene, i would gladly delete it because i'm considering everyone's ages. And if majority ask me to make a full version smuts i would gladly make so since i made this book for everyone to enjoy.

Thank you for reading! Please give a like if you like this story. And i hope you could comment also! I wanna see you evaluations and insights about this chapter so that i could improve my future chapters!

Word count/s: 2091 words