Chapter 3: Outburst

Chantelleia have been frequently visiting the library, this led her parents to wonder what does this 11 years old miss may be doing. Nothing special, she had been reading the historical books of every kingdom that ever existed, specially this one that her family resides.

"My Lady, aren't you getting bored from reading all of that?" Maria asked as she pointed towards the dozen of thick history books

"Not exactly. I have been fascinated by the histories of each kingdom since before. This is the only time i'm spoiling myself" This was quite true, since she turned back in time her curiosity became widespread that a lot of questions arises in her mind.

Since reading that one paragraph it has been stuck in her mind, she cannot help but be curious . As the saying say "curiosity kills a cat" but she thinks this curiosity won't hurt anyone, she genuinely want to know why this kingdom was given instead. 'If it weren't given, then Entello's won't reign' she thought

Hearing her Young Master words, Maria didn't bother asking again instead she walked towards the Romance section where she picked some books that caught her attention. Chantelleia seeing her Friend brought 3 books, give out a giggle 'I've read that books before, and that books has exquisite scenes' she thought to herself.

As Maria sat down beside Her Miss, she was truly indulge towards the book she's reading. "Oh my..." she said as her face turned beet red. Chantelleia noticed her Friends face, she let out a laugh.

"Fascinating isn't it? Specially those scenes" Chantelleia said as she emphasized 'scene'. Maria immediately understand what her young master meant, and her face turned deeper shade of red.

"My- My Lady! Please do not misunderstand! The cover was well made that it caught my eyes! I-I did not know that this book would contain such explicit scenes like this..." Maria cried out. She cannot let her young master to misunderstand her. They were both young and underage! Reading that sort if thing is unforgivable!

Chantelleia looked at her friend as it reasoned out. "Those other books contains the same thing. That other 2 should be the 2nd and last volume of the book you're holding." This made Maria wide eyed, she cannot believe her young lady know this books! She even herself didn't know her young master read such a thing, she's been with her since they were young and she did not see her young master touched this kind of books. This lead her to wonder " H-how did you even manage to get your hands on this My Lady?! I've been with you 24 hours a day!"

Chantelleia did nothing but smile at her Friend 'i have been reading this kind of books before i was reborn. I was lonely.' She thought, she did not bother telling it to her friend because Maria would find it confusing. Making Maria believe that she was reborn to her young state would be already hard to explain nor accept.

"Do you still want to finish that? I can spoil you! We can keep it a secret"

"No My Lady! I-I'll read it on my own..thank you still" Maria replied, it was already weird enough that her young lady knows this book, letting her explain what happened to all 3 volumes would let her into an embarrassing state. She cannot let her young miss explain this shameless book!

Ignoring that Maria is an 11 years old maid, she still managed to finished every book that she took. Her face now was deep red, all of those shameless acts that has been elaborated through the book is still lingering fresh in her young mind. ' Despicable! This books are shameless! Those-those positions! How can my young miss read such!?'

"How did you find it?" Chantelleia asked Maria

"It- It was quite g-good My Lady...."

Chantelleia was caught off guard by her friend's answer. She initially thought that Maria would be disgusted by the book and asked her why she read it. Guess that Maria truly doesn't want to be on bad terms with her, it's not like she'll get angry at Maria's opinion.

"Then do you want to read more? I can find you some books that has the same scenes...." Chantelleia eyes sparkled as she volunteered to find more. Even though she knows Maria is quite uncomfortable for reading those books by accident, she cannot help but make fun of her reactions. It was quite pleasing seeing her friend from white to deep red.

"My Lady! No thank you! I'm still young, i cannot be open yet to this kind of thing. Same goes to you My Lady! We are both 11 years old!" Maria responded, Chantelleia cannot help but laugh 'I knew it, she is quite adorable' she thought

Before Chantelleia talk, She saw a knight coming towards their way. "Young Miss, Duke wishes for your presence" it said as the knight showed curtesy.

"Did Father say the reason why he wishes to see me?"

"No My Lady, Duke just ordered me to fetch Young Miss and Maria"

"Okay, you can wait outside the library, me and Maria need to return this book to its original places. We'll be out after." Chantelleia instructed the knight, the knight bowed curtesy before leaving.

After they were left behind, they returned each book. "My Lady, let me help you first. Those books are heavy, you might get injured carrying them" Maria said

"No, it's okay. It's only a dozen, i can manage it"

"Yes a dozen, dozen of thick books My Lady. I insist, and beside i only have this 3 shameless books to take care of"

Maria helped her Young Miss returning the books, it was heavy as she expected. It took some time to return one by one because the aisle of history book are far beyond the end of the library which made it 2 times harder to bring it there.

"Let's us go now Maria, Father might say something important, I should not delay more."

Both of them got out of the library, the knight that was waiting saw them and gave curtesy before moving.

As they reach the workplace of the Duke, Chantelleia instructed Maria and The Knight to be left behind the doors. Do not get the wrong idea, although she trust Maria, this Conversation that she and her Father are about to have is maybe so important that her Father is the one who called for her first.


"Good Evening Father"

"I see, you have been staying in the library for quite some time now. Are you busy?"

"No Father, i was only reading countless of books." She replied.

"You need to go." Her Father said.

'To go where?' She asked herself. There isn't a place that Chantelleia can freely visit, she's been stuck on their dukedom since se reborn, she cannot think of any place that she could have go through. "Where father?" She asked

"To the castle." He replied

Chantelleia's legs lost it strength that she fell down to the floor. 'What?....the castle?....No! I still have 4 years before i enter the palace! No this shouldn't be!' Tears formed on of her eyes that instantly fell on her face. Her face held no expression but her eyes were full of tears.

This made Alastair, her Father jumped out of her chair and ran towards her, confused and worried

"Lleia! Are you okay!? Why are you crying?" He asked as he held her up to his arms, making it seems like he is hugging her. With the commotion inside the room, Maria entered with no hesitation "My Lady!?" She shouted.

As she entered the room, she saw her young miss was being hugged by the duke. She calmed down as she saw both of them hugging, but she felt agitated when she say her young master face that was full of falling tears that she lost her composure that she almost thought of pushing her lord out of the way.

"Lor-Master.....what happened" Maria asked when she had calmed down.

"Who told you to enter my chamber without my consent." The cold calm voice of Alastair rang the room. This led Maria to shiver not only from the cold voice but also the icy glare of the duke. Yet she did not bother to answer instead she set her eyes to her young master's expressionless face that has tears streaming down on it.

Alastair saw Maria's gaze was on his child, Maria's experience looked hurt as she saw her young masters face. As Alastair saw Maria's expression, it suppressed his rage inside of him. 'She finally offered her loyalty to her' he thought

"Papa...." Alastair returned his gaze on the young child he's holding.

"Papa.....papa....papa!" Alastair was shock hearing his daughter repeatedly called for him. He hold her daughter's face to face him. He saw that her eyes darken as it was filled with tears but also filled with fear.

"Don't let me go there! i'll be good, i'll follow your orders! Please no! I'm too young to die! It's not my time yet, I still have a lot of thing to do Father please!" Alastair was shock to hear her words. Die? How can this young her think of dying just from visiting the castle?

Chantelleia outburst was truly shocking specially to Maria, she know that her young miss was once timid and shy but she never really thought that her young miss having a lot of things in her mind including death. This led Maria to feel sad, tears were now threatening to fall out of her eyes. She doesn't like seeing her young master look so helpless.

"I'll accompany you, calm down my daughter. If you feel scared i'll be with you to protect you. Calm down"

Chantelleia hearing her Father's voice, calmed down. Her tears slowly stopped, her breathing was now stable not like awhile ago that looks like she was gasping for air. She felt really tired after crying so she decided to close her eyes and enter the darkness.

"Chantelleia !" Alastair called her out but she was out of the blue. He asked maria to prepare her room and let the royal physician check up on her. He did not care if it was already in the evening, his daughter's health is more precious that he cannot be bothered on how he can bother anyone.


Author here, i was here to tell you that i almost had a writer's block lmao.

As you noticed, Maria (Chantelleia's maid) called her a lot of titles from: My Lady, Young Miss,Young Lady,Young Master. Well my explanation is that she can call Chantelleia any of that because she is her servant. No matter what way she call Chantelleia, that doesn't change the fact the Maria is her (Chantelleia) servant. Lol

So! Chantelleia is now visiting the castle. I still don't have any idea on how would they meet. Should they meet unexpectedly or should they meet in the throne room? Lmao that question has been lingering in my mind since yesterday (11/27/20).

I really wanna ask for you opinions on how should i let them meet but this chapter is draft and only to be posted when the wifi is back. Since it would be posted when the wifi is back, i'll be doing chapters again for the time being because of that i don't have the time to ask for your opinions. Lmao i guess i'll find out on my own.

Let me remind everyone that I am an amateur writer, English isn't my first language, and i'm still studying on how should i continue this book because i only made this out of reading some books that i've read before. I still don't know the proper ways to call each nobles, this is why when this chapters are now posted, i'm asking for everyone's guidance so that i can give all of you a better and improved chapters that new commers/ readers could also like!

This story is inspired out of reincarnation/reborn and transmigration novels/stories,manhwa,manga and manhua that i have read before, one insoiration(example) is "the abandoned empress" i really like the plot and that's why i decided to make my own novel/story inspired by it/them. The cliches parts would be reduced (i think but i promise it will) and the plots won't be the same. So i hope no one can make some accusations about this story because the character names are made by me and my mind lmaooooooo

Thank you for reading this story and i hope you'll give a star if you liked it. I also hope that you'll comment your insights and evaluation of this choater or the upcoming chapters that would be posted! Laovelots.

Word count/s: 2159 words