
The empire of Neviza, rich and prosperous with acres of land and seas on its map, had always been notorious for its mysterious royal family that rarely presented themselves before their public. Quite unlike other kingdoms where the monarchists enjoyed parading regularly through the streets with their crowns perched on top of their heads and surrounded by their extravagant cavalry. Although just and wise, the rulers were also acclaimed to be ruthless and cruel to enemies and law-breakers. Anyone who dared to threaten or disrespect them, their empire or their people were destined to get a taste of their bullets.

The media only ever got the rare opportunities to broadcast the face of the current king, with his highness's permission, if there were any crucial announcements. There were no personal meetings with the king allowed, who had able representatives conveying his orders for him aptly.

Even so, the king's face was at least easily recognized even by a child, but his family; they could be walking in the streets wearing the most lavish robes and no one would recognize them!

Since the death of their previous king, His royal highness Luther Philip Sigwald, his father had been handling the reigns of the flourishing kingdom, at the same time, also preparing his grandson to inherit the throne. Twelve years ago, when the news about King Luther's death had been publicized, the entire nation had entered a state of shock. He was a beloved ruler who had taken the kingdom through a series of developments, expanding and establishing his sovereignty throughout the nation in an irreproachable manner. In his short reign of eleven years he had appeared before the public at a maximum of four times, but his exquisite looks continued to be regular visitors of several women's erotic dreams.

The whole country had mourned for about a month at his loss. Educational institutions, offices, constructions, all everyday life had paused except for the hospital industry, but that also only for emergencies. Memorials were set up and frequently visited to pay respects to the leader who succumbed to death too soon.

People were aware that the king had an elder brother but hadn't really given much thought to it when the younger brother was adorned with the crown and trusted with the responsibility. When the old king decided to step up himself, returning from retirement, to fill up for the role without donning the crown, everyone was forced to wonder why his elder son never succeeded to the throne.

In the present, now, after twelve years, the young prince- an enigma that had been expertly hidden from the public eye- was returning after spending the past years in a foreign land, undergoing extensive training. There was a rumour circulating that as soon as he returns the prince would be formally stepping up to inherit the throne and take his responsibilities from his grandfather, the Old sage or Sage king as he was nicknamed by the public for his scholarly aptitude and outstanding intellect. At age twenty-one, he would be the youngest king in history beating the record of his own father who acceded to the throne at twenty-six years of age, which was quite phenomenal in itself.

An excited buzz filled the air in the busy town of Melvedore, the closest town to the capital city of Neviza, Bulech. Melvedore was a small township, abundant in nature and goodwill. Bounded by deep forests and green lands as well as blue bodies, the town was an active tour spot and a budding business hub. Occupied mostly by bourgeois and paupers, the people here were humble and polite, happy and sufficient. It derived its importance from its close connection to Bulech, the capital city, heart of the revolutionary developments and home to the royal family.

Inhabited mostly by highest of the highest even in the society of prospers, Bulech was the dream city of many. Equipped with top-notch facilities and the core of rising industries, it was quite expensive and and guarded.

In the small, natural hamlet there had been an air of festivity since this morning when the people had received a message to keep the road clear for the Crown Prince and his modern cavalry to pass through. In a minuscule town, where people were well acquainted with one another, it didn't take much time for a news to spread. Especially one like this.

Everyone was ecstatic, hustling and bustling to amplify the beauty of the town, and the mayor, personally selected by the king's men, actively saw to all the preparations for welcoming the future monarch himself. Even people from small, but established rich households were arriving in large numbers to catch a glimpse of the prince and try to curry in favors from him by offering their hospitality.

The noon sun high in the sky, rained it's scorching rays, directly downwards on the people hard at work. Yet, it was unable to deter their high spirits!