
Under the vertical rays of the burning star, a young girl dressed up in a flowy, pastel pink top and a pair of white cotton pants suitable for the summer season, arrived at the scene.

A crisp, white cap sat atop her head, blocking the harmful UV rays from affecting her porcelain skin, unnaturally pale with a healthy glow. The ponytail of her luscious, chocolate locks fell like a waterfall through the small hoop at the back of the snapback, raining down to reach till her lower back, a few wisps over her shoulder and the rest bouncing with her steps.

It wasn't strange for the people around her to pause for a moment and admire her, for so were her beauty and charm, rich and striking even in the most common attire, effortlessly drawing attention. She was like an angel walking amongst the mere mortals on Earth, but besides innocence and purity, her aura also radiated poise and spirit.

Taking each step with elegance, she walked towards a crowd of a few people, who were turning around after hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, with two baskets filled with different varieties of colorful flowers, each one more exotic than the next.


"Oh! Thank Goodness you're here!"

"Just on time Elle."

Eleanor pulled her pink lips to flash a dazzling smile, her pearly white teeth sparkling brightly along with the joyous glint in her enticing green eyes as she greeted the elders who stood there waiting for her to arrive with the flowers they needed to apply a finishing touch to their arrangements.

"Here is your order," her voice sweeter than honey with its calming lull, provided a sense of peace to the listeners as they felt their nervousness ease a little.

A plump, old lady with a kind face came forward and took one basket from her hand and inspected the flowers.

"Fresh and lovely as always Ella, thank you!" she voiced as she bunched the flowers up in her hands delicately.

"My pleasure, Madam Martha."

Another man standing there noticed the other basket still hanging in her arms.

"What is this basket for Ellie?"

"Oh! I almost forgot. Happy violet day!" she wished handing a blue violet to every person standing there.

Everyone had a knowing look on their faces, a shadow of grief casting over their features.

"Did you go to visit your mother, dear?" The mayor, a good-hearted quinquagenarian, asked kindly afraid of hurting her with the touchy subject.

An unidentifiable emotion entered her gaze. A melancholic smile graced her features.

"Yes. I'll get going then. I have to distribute all these and hurry back to the store, otherwise aunt Daffy will bite my ear off," and with a cheeky grin she left after bidding farewell.

A sigh. "Poor child."

"Don't worry. She'll be fine. She has always been strong."