Hi guys! nb20 here!!! Well sorry for the delayed updates because I'm reallllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy busy and on top of that my exams date sheet has just been announced... So I wouldn't be able to write another chapter after this... TT^TT …. I am going to go offline from this day onward and all of my books would be on hold! Make sure to add all of my books in your collections or libraries or whatevers okay, cause might do a surprise update… Who knows? Please keep on supporting and I'm open to suggestions like always!! Do comment, vote and like!! Enough talk let's get to the chapter shall we?
The Diner was going quite well and the two best friends were making good money out of it aswell. Everything was going perfect up till now...
William's POV:
Our Diner is going quite well, no mishaps yet. As I was looking around in the Diner, observing everyone I saw Henry inspecting the powered off animatronics. His expression was confused and he was staring hard at Fredbear. I casually made my way over to him and started to talk with him. "So you like my designs?" I asked with pride in my voice and stared at him. "William.... Can I ask you something?" Henry asked rather confused and worried. "Sure thing, Old Timer!" I replied clapping him lightly on the back. "What's with Fredbear's mouth? Why does he have industrial use hydraulics in his mouth?" Henry asked with an air of curiousness and confusion. "I built them especially for you! You're my best friend so I should choose the best for you!" I replied casually and smiled at him but he didn't smile back rather he had a serious expression on his face. "You know if someone were to shove their hand or head in his mouth, they would be bitten very badly!" said Henry in a serious tone and stared at me expressionlessly. "Come on! He's totally safe to be around with! Big Ole Fred won't even harm a small fly!" I said and looked at him with an expression of "Please I know what I have created!".
My son's birthday was coming up and I really wanted to have his birthday in this Diner. That was the least I could do as a caring father. I told Henry my idea and he agreed to help me with it. Soon enough we started to prepare the Diner for his birthday party.
-Time skip-
Soon enough the big day came. Everyone was there. My whole family, Henry's family and our other relatives. Everyone was seeming to enjoy themselves and everyone like the Golden Duo. I took a short around of the Diner making sure everything was going in order. As I was walking towards the Golden Duo, I caught something from the corner of my eye. There at the far end of the Diner sat my other son Chris. And boy was he nervous as heck. I quietly made my way over to him and tried not to spook him by my sudden appearance.
"What's wrong little fella?"
"I want to go home!" He whined
"Why do you want to go home, lil buddy?"
"I just want to go home!"
"Has Michael been bothering you again?" I asked softly and sat next to him. "I-I saw Spring Bonnie eating up a man!" He almost shrieked and I could see that he was on the verge of crying. "Haha! Come Chris you must have seen the workers put on the spring body animatronic suit! Spring Bonnie doesn't eat anyone silly!" I said as I tried to comfort him. I could see his fingers almost getting blue from clutching the Golden Fredbear plushie. I kept on talking to him until he calmed down abit and was as scared as before. I got up to leave as it was finally time to cut the cake. Chris meekly trailed behind me and bumping every now and then in my legs. We all sang the happy birthday song and the Golden Duo started their singing and dancing again.
Narrator's POV:
William got busy with the adults and Chris finally decided to venture on his own. He only went a few feet away from his father as suddenly a group of older kids surrounded them. They pushed him even further than William and away from the adults by ganging up on him. "Lookie here! Looks like we caught another rat!" snickered a high-pitched female voice and laughed. "Let's take him to Fredbear! I heard he's scared of him!" piped up a male voice and grabbed Chris's left arm. "Let me go!" squirmed Chris as he tried to break free from the boy but was unable to do so. "Little bro! It seems you want to give Fredbear a big kiss!" exclaimed Michael as he caught Chris's other arm and both the boys hoisted him up on their shoulders. Despite the pleas of Chris, they took him to the stage of the Golden Duo. Climbing on to the stage one by one they yanked Chris up with them. Now they all were just a couple of inches away from Fredbear. Michael was the one shoved Chris forward and with the help of Gabriel they shove Chris's head into Fredbear's mouth. They stood there laughing at him while he tried to get himself free. At first nothing happened then suddenly something snapped inside Fredbear's mouth.....
And laughter was converted into screams and blood was everywhere......
Scary enough wasn't it? That's all for now! I'm sorry for such a short chapter but I like to keep the suspense here! Do vote, comment and like!!! Now the real fun begins! Stay tuned for the next chapter!! Want a preview of the next chapter? Comment down below to let me know! And once again! THANKYOU ALL FOR SO MANY VIEWS!!!! Well if you want updates on FNAF and want to see more theories and other FNAF related stuff then follow me on Twitter!! The username is @tabiaamir1
I go by the name of FuntimeFreddy3.0(follow me and I'll follow you back
My discord is: nightmareBonnie20 ( Feel free to drop in a message if you wanna talk!)
My Youtube channel is : T's Gameverse ( I only have two subscribers there!! TT^TT Help me grow my channel by subscribing! It will mean a lot to me!! I'll be uploading FNAF related stuff there too!!!)