Hi guys! nB20 here!!!! Sorry for such a long delay! I'm still busy no doubt about that! Just a couple of more days and then I'm free for the time being that is! Anyways here's the chapter 5!!
William's POV:
"No! No! No! This isn't happening!" I screamed to myself in my head. Why! Why did this have to happen! The paramedics came and took him to the ambulance. I followed them all the way to the hospital. He was rushed to the operation theater without any delays. They told me to wait outside in the waiting lounge. Being too nervous I started pacing back and forth in the lounge. My thoughts raced in my mind. "Is this really happening!? A-am I dreaming or something!?" I repetitively questioned myself, my eyes widening every now and then. Had I failed as a father? My pace got slower and longer. I didn't care if the people thought of me as a mad person. M-My son is in there! Fighting for his life!
After two or three hours I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I looked up to see who it was and surprisingly it was him. Henry was standing in front of me with a worried expression on his face.
"You okay?"
"What does it look like?"
"William, stop with the sarcasm!"
"Well they haven't brought any news yet!"
"Don't worry! He'll be fine! After all he's the son of William Afton!" He smiles.
"Y-you consider me as something immortal?" I raise an eye brow.
"By the looks of you, who knows?" he smirks.
I managed to give a short laugh as well and smiled. He sat next to me and his hand on mine. "Don't worry he'll make it through!" He reassured me and gave a sympathetic smile, his eyes filled with worry. The time seemed to pass slowly and my nervousness increasing with every second. Soon enough, well finally a doctor came into the waiting lounge. He at first looked around and then he spoke.
"May I know who is William Afton! Is he here right now?" he questioned.
"I am William Afton!" I replied getting up and going over to him with Henry.
"Well... We have tried our best... He's on the ventilator fighting for his life, I give maximum 24 hours!" He spoke with no sorrow or remorse; guess they are used to it. "What!?" I managed to exclaim.
I don't know what came over me about the next thing I knew, I had the doctor pinned to a wall. My hands on his collar. The doctor got extremely terrified, his eyes widened. Somehow, I enjoyed his fear, his nervous face, his quickened breaths. Then at the same time suddenly two hands pried my hands off his collar and pulled me away from him. "Back off William!" He spoke with sudden seriousness and pushed me further away from him. I stared at him without saying anything. He remained in between the doctor and myself. "So sorry! He's abit edgy you know! So please forgive him!" He spoke again, his back towards me. The doctor adjusted his collar and glared at me then at him. "Well Mr. Whoever- You- Are! This behavior isn��t acceptable! I can sue him for harassment but I won't as his son is my patient!" said the doctor unamused and turned to leave. He turned back to me. "Are you crazy William!?" exclaimed Henry in a low voice at me. "Sorry.... I don't know what came upon me!" I apologized, my eyes staring at the floor as if ashamed. "Dude... Seriously... You scared me!" His voice suddenly softened and pulled me into a hug. "Stop being so dramatic Henry!" I replied flatly but smiled at the same time. Breaking away from the hug, I went back to sit on my seat with Henry.
Narrator's POV:
The duo had spent the entire night at the hospital waiting for good news about Chris but sadly it didn't come. He lost the battle, he was..... no more. The funeral was arranged the next day with the help of Henry and his family. The most bothered person was William. He sulked in the shadows of the walls away from the crowd. He tried his best to avoid contact and stayed away from everyone. Henry eventually noticed him going into the house and followed him in. There he saw him sit on a sofa, his head thrown back and eyes closed with occasional tears coming out from them. Henry quietly made his way over to him and sat next to him.
No response.
"Hey Will!?"
"Hey... You holding up?"
"Barely I guess!"
"I'm really sorry!"
"It's okay....."
"Want me to get anything?"
"Just let me be, please."
"Sure!" said Henry as he got up to leave. He stared at William. How weak and miserable he looked right now. His skin pale due to grief and his face, tear streaked. "Is it really him?" wondered Henry as he kept staring at him with worried eyes. William opened one eye and caught him staring at him. "Uh something wrong?"
(Um a small warning, sorry! I just had to!! >.< )
William's POV:
"Uh something wrong?" I asked as he quickly looked away. "N-nothing William! I-I'll be on my way!" stammered Henry as he turned to leave but I quickly caught his hand in time. That startled him and stared at me confused. "Hey... Take it easy man!" I managed to say with a smile and got up. I was taller than him and much more well-built. Maybe I was after all immortal! I pulled him closer to me and his breath hitched. "Uhhh William.... What are you doing?" He asked half confused and half scared with widened eyes. "You scared little fella?" I joked and laughed at his facial expressions. Something was definitely wrong with me. I kind of savored his fear, his shortened breaths and widened eyes. I grabbed his shoulders and inched closer. "You don't get to do this every day, now do you?" I whispered in his ear. "Stop William!" He exclaimed and pushed me back scared. He quietly started to back towards the main entrance door. I watched him in silence as he went, trembling with fear and confusion.
"Why was he so afraid of me?"
Hi guys!! nB20 here!! So I hope you liked this chapter!!! Please vote, comment and review!!! I'm so sorry for the long delay! Im in a mess and so hecked up!!! Do follow me and feel free to leave a suggestion down in the comments!!! Would love to hear from all of you!!! Just be patient!! I'll update my other books real soon!!!!