Chapter: 7

Footsteps were heard coming from the corridor. William had to act fast, carefully yet quickly he took off the spring body animatronic suit and propped it against the wall. Turning the lights off he hid in the supply closet and waited for the footstep to fade away but they abruptly stopped in front of the door.

"Think we should check this room?"

"I don't know.... No one's allowed here!"

"Well we have searched the whole pizzeria, maybe she's here?"

"Luka's right! We haven't searched here....."

"Gabriel..... I-I don't think that's a good idea....."

"You scared, Fritz?"

"N-no! Well freak it! I'm checking in here!" replied the red haired boy abruptly and twisted the knob of the door and opened it. Stepping in, one of them punched the switches and the lights came on. They looked around and couldn't find the dead body until one of them almost tripped by a black bag wedged between the gaps of the closet and the working table. "What in the world?" exclaimed Gabriel as he examined the bag and upon closer inspection his eyes grew wide. "Uh... guys.... We better get out from here..." he quivered with fright as the other two were busy meddling with the hollow heads of the animatronics. "You chickening out? Gab?" retorted Luka as he lifted up a spare Bonnie head and then turned to look at him. While they were at it, someone silently locked the door and once again knife in hand William made his move. He plunged the knife into Fritz's back and tore out his spinal cord then turning towards Luka who was staring at him horrified plunged the knife in his neck instantly killing him. Gabriel was shocked and unable to move, he saw William approaching him with a side droopy smile with a blood stained purple shirt. "Y-you're William.... Afton!" he exclaimed as he frantically felt for a tool or something to defend himself with. "You were one of those boys, weren't you?" he spoke tonelessly but his eyes told a different story, wide with anger and hate. "I-it was Mike! H-he told us to do that!" stammered Gabriel as he finally found a big metal screwdriver. "It's not nice to rat out your friends..... You little b***h!" he roared the end sentence and before he could react, the knife plunged his stomach. He fell on his knees; the screwdriver fell with a clatter from his hands. Looking up he saw him staring back at him with disgust. He smirked and slowly he lost conscious.

"Michael this was all your fault"


A lot went on the very next day. Each parent of the four threatened and raved at Henry and William who were trying their best to assure them that their kids would eventually turn up. Everyone including the staff was present at the Pizzeria. No one was allowed to leave the place until they had been interrogated by the police. So one by one the police inspected the staff and then prowled about the pizzeria. Then the tapes in the security guard office were checked and the police finally got a direction to go in. "Um Detective Omens, you might wanna see this!" said a night guard who stopped the recording at once. The guard replayed the recordings for the Detective. "Are there cameras in that corridor?" he asked intrigued looking at the monitors. "Well I don't think we do, sir!" she replied adjusting her guard cap and looked at him. "Hmm... That's strange... Well I'm going to check the corridor while you stay here!" he spoke turning away from the monitors and heading out from the room closing the door behind him.

He approached them. Who knew the bodies would that heavy? He dragged them all the way to the back stage. How well he had hidden the bodies. Such a clever mind! Upon approaching the back stage, he looked at the animatronics who were in "Sleep Mode" for the time being. Opening up their chest cavities he shoved one in each of them. The backstage didn't have cameras so he was safe for the time being. After shoving them he cautiously made his way back to the corridor. Slinking in the shadows he saw the Detective coming right this way. He managed to press himself against the darkened walls as much as he could and silently made his way towards the Detective. He paused as the policeman abruptly stopped in mid-way. Shining his torch light, he caught William casually approaching him.

"Yes Mr. Omens? Can I help you?" he asked really casually with a faint smile. "I um, Mr. Afton what are you doing here?" he counter questioned as William neared him. "I came to check on my pizzeria and my employees, perhaps doing a little mystery solving myself!" he replied not at all jumpy or nervous and again faintly smiled. "Well... I was here to check the safe room; I hope you don't mind me snooping around!" replied Mr. Omens and eyed him suspiciously. "Be my guest, just don't touch the two golden spring body animatronic suits otherwise you will meet a bad end..." spoke William with a straight yet sly tone, his eyes twinkling sinisterly. "Um sure will..." replied the policeman again eyes still narrowed with suspicion and proceeded towards the room with William smiling hysterically behind his back and he too proceeded to head out from the corridor.

"Naïve fool..."

The detective found nothing, he carefully searched the entire room. Then his gaze fell on the golden bunny animatronic suit. He neared it with caution remembering William's warning. He examined it really closely. He noted apart from the bleach smell there were light pink stains at various places on the suit. "Perhaps got dirty during various parties... But why only pink then.. Maybe cake stains...?" he contemplated as he carefully felt the suit all around and then his gaze fell on a silver object shining underneath one of his hands. He picked up the thing to examine it and to his surprise it was a knife, a big one.

Suddenly the door shut behind him, standing up abruptly he turned to see who it was. "You!?" he only managed to exclaimed as the hammer was brought to his head with a loud sickening crack. He fell down with blood pouring out from his head. His vision was getting blurry but he could make out who was standing above him. "I told ya to be careful!" he spoke without any remorse and dragged his body towards one of the animatronics.

It took time but he managed to get him stuffed inside Fredbear. The detective was still conscious and was staring at him horrified. "No one can catch me.... You thought you could? HAHA!" laughed William enjoying the fear of the policeman. "Why Afton?" he only managed to speak through the throbbing pain in his head. "Didn't want you to figure it out! And besides who would suspect me?" retorted William sniggering and smiling. Then he placed Fredbear's head on his and connected it to the body. "Sweet dreams mister detective!" William spoke triggering the spring-locks of the suit. Thousands of metal pins punctured his skin, the sharp needles skewered his voice box permanently. The previously recoiled bulbous eyes rammed themselves in his eyes, making him seem that he had these eyes. He withered in pain as a bigger and thicker needle began impaling his already damaged skull. He tried to scream but his voice box was severely damaged. William began cleaning up his surroundings just in case, then grabbing his hammer he quietly sauntered out from the room closing the door behind him. Good thing he was wearing gloves. He quietly made his way out from the back exit. He had walked his way here instead of coming by car.

Into the darkness he went back to his home.