Chapter 8


That was the news line that every news channel covered. William Afton stayed inside his house and didn't go out at all to avoid the nosy journalists roaming outside his home. Clara Afton on the other hand started to bug William. She raved and screamed at him whenever she saw him. Getting sick of her attitude he locked himself in a separate room. Michael and Elizabeth just quietly watched them argue whenever they encountered each other.

Eventually Clara left him along with Elizabeth while Michael stayed with his father. William's depression grew worse by worse each day but he had to keep on working and Michael was too young to run Afton Robotics. Getting up from his bed he took a quick shower then wore the same guard uniform and hat. His dark purple neatly fell on his face, adjusting his black tie he looked at himself in mirror; His face was paler and more ghostly looking, his lips barely having any colour and his eyes, remorse, guilt and sadness filled in them. Faintly smiling to himself he headed out from the room. He saw Michael sitting infront of the T.V. clutching both the Golden Fredbear and Foxy plushie tightly in his hands. He neared him silently and stood next to him.

"What ya watching Ole sport?"

"Um... Fredbear and friends...."

"It still shows?"

"Yes dad..."

"Had breakfast?"

"No.... Dad..."

"I'll make us breakfast!" chimed William pretending to be normal and happy. He slowly headed his way to the kitchen. Within a couple of minutes, he created a simple breakfast for two. "Come on!" he called as he sat down to eat. Hunger didn't bother him at all, he just took two or three bites of bread and his appetite got lost. His son still didn't come and this irritated him but he let it go. Grabbing his security badge he headed out from the house and into his car. It was still dark as it was just 4:00am, he quietly drove on, not a single sound did he utter nor his car radio. His factory was couple of miles away from his house and nearly outside the city. He had recalled the other animatronics back so he could adjust them in a new restaurant. The sun slowly started its ascension towards the sky. The sky slowly changed from dark to light blue. He arrived at the main gates of his factory and drove in as they opened up for him.

Parking his car, he got out from it just be face to face with him. He was quite surprised to see him here at this time especially. "Henry?" he questioned as the latter gave him space to stand correctly. "Will..." he spoke as if with hidden disgust in his voice. "Everything okay?" he asked casually as he turned to head to the main office building. "Don't act so casual, William! I know you have a hand in this!" spoke Henry as he followed after him. "Why'd you think like that?" asked William again as they neared the entrance of the building. "I saw you! I know what you did!" spoke Henry gravely yet accusingly as they entered the building and then headed towards an elevator. "Why Henry do you think I killed him?" scoffed William as they entered the elevator and punched the button to the second floor. "I also followed you in the corridor after you took a hammer from the emergency supply room next to the kitchen!" said Henry making William choke on his own breath. "Doesn't necessarily mean I killed him!" He coughed as the doors opened with a ding and out they stepped. "Don't lie William!" warned Henry glaring at him. "Henry, my own child died... Why would I murder someone for that?" exclaimed William as he headed towards his office. "I know you very well Afton... Why did you do it?" spoke Henry quite seriously this time as he stared at him. "Henry... Don't bug me..." replied William upon reaching his office and checking his pockets for his keys and after finding them he unlocked his office's door. "Tell me why!" persisted Henry as they entered his office. Turning on the lights a sense of sadness covered him. On his green notice board were the pictures of his family, his sons, their first inauguration of Fredbear's Diner and Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. He quietly made his way over to his table and plopped down on his seat as Henry sat infront of him. Before either of them could speak, the landline telephone on William's table rang loudly. Confused who could be calling him at this time, he picked up the phone.

"Hello? Afton Robotics!"

"Can I speak to your owner?"

"Who this may be?"

"I'm Mr. Cawthon, Scott Cawthon, owner of Junior's Family Pizzeria!"

"Ah Mr. Cawthon! I'm William Afton... Owner of Afton Robotics, how may I help you?"

"I heard you create special types of animatronics?"

"You heard right, we do!"

"Do you have some on hand right now?"

"Yes we do! A bear, fox, rabbit and a chicken!"

"Any other?"

"Yes... Well we had in mind to introduce a new character by the name of Marionette!"

"Swell! Bring em all here today, can you?"

"Sure sir! Just give the address and they will be delivered to you!"

"Sure thing! Here's the address!" He spoke as William noted down the address he spoke. "You know they come under the Fazbear Entertainment..." spoke Henry unamused at all as William made a few calls for the animatronics to be readied for their next big entrance. "I know you'll buy the man's pizzeria's rights and add "Fazbear's" to its name!" spoke William with a sly grin as he signed a few papers that were on his desk. "It's called business..." Henry retorted back and stared at William with suspecting narrowed eyes. "More like hogging all the restaurants!" joked William giving a side ways smirk to Henry. "Don't try to mess with me Afton!" warned Henry as he got up from his seat. "I'm coming with you to meet this guy!" He added before turning to leave his office. "Sure whatever pleases you Sugar Bunny!" spoke William with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I'm not gay, you ass and don't call me that!" snubbed Henry on his way out. William snickered and smirked as his reply as he watched him go out closing the door behind him.

Things were bound to get interesting...

Hi guys! nB20 here with another chapter!!! I hope you liked the previous ones!! I'm thinking of doing bulk updating from now on!! Do comment, vote and like!!!! Sorry for the huge gaps!!! I'm thinking of taking one fanfiction at a time, the other books would be on hold for the time being!!!

Btw: Did anyone of you saw GTLive's special live stream on 1st December? Well I couldn't so imma watch it as a video if it's available on their channel!!! So sad I couldn't live watch it!!! TT^TT

-nB20 Out-