The animatronics got delivered to the new location after a couple of hours after the phone call. (Get it? More like sister location XD.... My sense of humor is trash..... anyways) William personally made sure that the human bodies weren't to be found and thoroughly cleaned out the animatronics. Foxy was also revamped with some new paint and fixed parts. Little less did he know that he was in a surprise of his life. Soon the animatronics were put in the F.E. company trucks and driven off to Junior's Family Pizzeria.
Upon arriving the owner was already standing out waiting for them. William was also not far behind the trucks aswell. On arriving he parked his car and went to greet the owner along with Henry who also came along in his own car aswell. The owner Mr.Cawthon was a jolly and carefree man. Wearing blue jeans and a blue shirt with islands printed on it with supporting blue sunglasses, he turned to greet them aswell.
"Wow, I thought ya'll were gonna take two or three days instead?!" he mused, shaking hands with both of them. "You can trust us! Always true to commitment!" smiled William looking at him. "So... They in the truck? I see." He spoke again grinning at them then walking towards the truck and patting its container's back doors. "Yes... I hope you will like them!" spoke William again while Henry remained silent. "Okay... And who you?" Mr. Cawthon spoke pointing as Henry as they neared him. "I'm Henry Emily... Half owner of FazBear Entertainment and previous owner of Fredbear's Family Diner before it got rebuilt as Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria..." he spoke tonelessly not bothering to smile at all. "Well Henry here owns the animatronics and therefore we would like to buy your diner's rights!" chimed in William smiling as ever. "Well... I don't know..." the man hesitated but the smiling face of William was enough to encourage him. "Well as long as I get money coming from it, I'll give ya its rights!" said the man agreeing and shaking hands with both of them. Like that Junior's became "Fazbear's Family Diner" and the animatronics were set into their respective places. The puppet was placed near a prize corner whereas Freddy, Bonnie and Chica were place on a small main stage. Foxy on the other hand got another hall that just supported his stage and was known as the "Pirate Cove". Everything went great for the time being. William on the other hand became the head of security and management of the restaurant whereas Henry became the finance and maintenance manager of the diner. The uniform of the guards was put to purple and black and the rest were to wear golden and red. William's uniform was top tier as always with a supporting purple and black policeman hat with "Security" printed on it with white block letters.
Henry during the early days kept a keen eye on William. This time he ensured that cameras were placed almost everywhere with no chances of blind spots.
(oookay now lemme clear 3 things up here first!
1- This will now depict the bite of 87 that is Mangle biting off a frontal lobe of a guard due to malfunctioning.
2- Michael is 17, Elizabeth Afton is 8 and Charlotte Henry Emily is 9 years of age now and yeah.... Another character death...
3- Oh yeah.... SpringBonnie is also in the diner but locked up in a room)
Quite many years had passed and Fazbear's had become a success like it's previous locations. New animatronics were also introduced to the gang. They were: A light orange and rust coloured bear by the name of Toy Freddy, a light blue and white rabbit named Toy Bonnie, a chicken same as Chica but slenderer bodied with pink cheeks and a white bib with "Let's play" written on it, supporting a pink and orange cupcake on one of her hands, last but not the least a pink and white fox with a hook for a hand called Toy Foxy Aka Mangle because she could be broken up and put back into place.
William watched the kids running around and playing in the newly built arcade in the diner. A ball-pit was also installed with the arcade. The first Fazbear gang was put back in the safe room because they had started to wither and rot. The new gang was very much liked by the kids. The kids especially enjoyed with Mangle as she was put apart and then wrongly put together again, the staff eventually stopped putting her back again and put her in a storage room mangled up. Adjusting his cap, he went a corridor where Henry's office was. Going in he neared another door within the office, opening it he entered the control room. Dozens of monitors were displaying various parts of the diner. Sitting in his seat he randomly checked the screens through his PC. It was a rainy night and one certain little girl caught William's attention through the screens. A black haired girl was standing next to the box of the puppet wearing a green band on one of her wrists. Then a couple of boys ganged around her and started to push her back to one of the exit doors of the diner and they happened to be one of the back exit doors.
By the time William made his way over to them, she was already out from the doors. Looking here and there he went out to get her. A sinister smile began creeping up his face. He saw found her in the back alley of the diner where the garbage bins were and were the kitchen entrance was. A dim light flickered over ahead and the rest of the light came from within the diner's windows. The rain was getting heavy and they both were getting drenched. William had to act fast. Taking out his hidden knife from his pant leg he lunged at her piercing her stomach then slitting it up till her throat. The loud roaring of the thunder had drowned her screams. He quickly threw the body in one of the large garbage bins and hid the knife back in his pant pockets. He checked himself around before heading back in through the kitchen entrance. There were no cameras in the back alley nor in the kitchen. William hurried back to his control room and edited the tapes of him going out of the diner. Good thing he always wore black gloves no matter what, it became a habit of his to wear gloves which was very weird. He always kept a spare uniform in one of his desk drawers. Locking the door, he quickly changed into the dry ones and stowed away the wet one in one of the drawers in a shopping back. Unlocking and opening the door he saw a very pale and worried face of Henry. He stared confused at him as Henry neared him.
"Charlotte's missing!"
"You checked everywhere?"
"Y-yeah! Almost everywhere!"
"You su..." before William could finish his sentence screams were heard and people were heard shouting for help. Both paled faced rush from the office and into the diner. The scene that met them was absolutely terrifying. A guard was sprawled on the floor in a puddle of fresh red blood which was seeping from his head. Part of his brain could be visible. William noticed a child staring up horrified towards the ceiling and when he traced his stare, his blood ran cold.
Mangle was staring at him, her teeth and snout covered in red.
The guard was quickly sent to the hospital without any further delay. His name was Jeremy Flitzergard and he was going to go off duty for the time being when suddenly Mangle attacked him out of nowhere and without any warnings. The funny thing is how did she get out? William was quite puzzled when he thought about it, then his gaze fell on the puppet's box... It was empty.
The very next day the incident got covered in the news once yet again but the diner wasn't closed down. A missing report of Charlotte was registered with the police as no one saw her go out from the diner except the boys who had bullied her. Even they denied seeing her go out from the pizzeria. The cameras also proved to be of no help at all because they went black when going to the time stamp when Charlotte disappeared. The toy animatronics proved to be useless security gadgets.
The puppet meanwhile dragged the body out from the trash dumpsters, picking up her body she looked at her. White eyes turned red with anger and hate. He of all the people had to pay for his crimes. Quietly without being noticed by any one she took the body to a near police station. It was dead in the night and almost the time of William's shift to begin. She lay her body at the front of the steps and floated away.
He wouldn't get away with what he had done to her.
It was Charlotte's job to bring the others back to life...