Chapter 10

(I said I would bulk update..... But I can't wait so..... Imma upload single instead of bulk.... I'll only bulk update when I'm facing issues or something and here's a long chapter to keep you all entertained for the weekend!!!)

She teleported back to the Diner. It was almost 12.... Time to wake up the others. She quietly floated to the parts and service room where the others were. Breaking the lock through her will power she opened the door. The lights flickered turned on by themselves or due to the Marionette. Going in further she saw them loosely propped against the walls. Only Freddy was standing with his head drooped low and the rest were in awkward sitting positions.


Nothing happened.

"Arise my friends!"

Her eyes glowed white, raising her arms white strings shot out of them and into the withered animatronics. "These are now your new bodies!" she whispered as they began moving and withering. White lights burst out from each one of them and the room lit up then suddenly darkened.

They stared at each other confused and scared.

"Hi... I'm the puppet!" spoke the Marionette softly as they checked themselves out and then looked at her. "I-I'm... Sorry I-I can't remember my name!" spoke W. Freddy scratching the back of his head, unable to remember his name. "Shhh.... It's okay.... You're Withered Freddy, He's Bonnie, Foxy and she's Chica!" she spoke pointing at him and the other animatronics one by one. "Oh... I'm Freddy... I-I like to sing?!" spoke Freddy staring at the microphone in his hand, unsure of himself and the others. "Yes you do but you have another purpose!" said the Marionette with urgency in her voice.

"What purpose?"

"A very bad man killed you all!"

"Us? How?"

"You all were children before you got murdered by William Afton!"

"W-William Afton?.... Oh yeah I now remember this guy!"

"Anything else you remember?"

"YEAH! H-he killed.... Oh my goodness!" nearly screamed Freddy remembering everything, pushing the puppet aside he marched nearly out from the room, eyes black with anger. "Wait!" exclaimed the puppet and teleported infront of him. The others were quite surprised at them as they still remembered nothing. "He's weird..." whispered Chica to Bonnie. "Says the one who has no hands and an open jaw!" snickered Foxy with an already grinning facial structure. "Shhh both of you!" reprimanded Bonnie as he glared at the two but it was of no use since his face was literally torn off. "Yeah whatever you no-face bunny! How are you even seeing us?" jeered the fox again and this time he earned a punch from Bonnie on the jaw, making his lower jaw hang loose. "Cut it, you two!" spoke Chica with narrowed eyes as the puppet turned to face them. "Got familiar with yourselves?" she questioned as they looked at her. "Y-yeah guess so?... Wow you are creepier than the rest of us combined!" spoke Foxy without thinking and snickered. "Anyways, his night shift has begun, we must head out to get him!" spoke Charlotte ignoring the Fox's comment and started to float towards the door. "I'm staying here... You all go!" he spoke again and sat down cross-legged on the floor. "Don't be a bum Foxy!" spoke Chica slightly annoyed by his non-co-operative behavior and mimicked a sigh since they were animatronics and didn't have lungs. "Memememe.....Whatever I ain't going!" imitating Chica's voice Foxy stretched his legs out and rested his back against the wall. Putting hands behind his head mindful of the hook, he closed his eyes. "Idiot..." muttered Bonnie as he and Chica followed the puppet out along with Freddy.

Michael Afton's POV:

Just why dad sent me to this place again? Adjusting my night guard cap, I casually flickered through the monitors, checking each camera one by one. Tonight I covered his shift for him, guess my old man got abit tired or something. I don't know why but I'm starting to fear my old man. He doesn't seem okay, like something's wrong with him, real wrong with him. As I'm changing the screen, I freeze in my own seat. "Oh my Goodness..." I barely breathe as I see two animatronics headed straight for my office and they don't look too happy. I quickly flicker to the rest of the screens to keep track of their movements and I eventually hear the thumping of their fabric covered huge metal feet. The control room as two entrances, one opens into the office and the other into the corridor. Getting up I quickly punch the door panel button and it slides down shut but at the same time it drains the battery of the control room system to 80%. I can still hear their footsteps getting louder and louder. Then my ears pickup another sound coming from the other door's side aswell. Like someone's playing the music box tune from afar.

My heart pounds in my chest as they all near me. Grabbing the torch on the table I shine it through the control room's window and nearly scream with fright as I see Bonnie, faceless Bonnie staring right at me through the window with one hand curled up in a fist as if to break right through the window. "GO AWAY BONNIE!" I shout at him as the music box tune gets louder and louder. He starts to pound the window with his fist, I have no idea how much longer can that window hold up as I see cracks beginning to form on it. "What did I ever do to you!?" I exclaimed helplessly as him as he started pounding faster and more forcefully. The music box tune stopped abruptly and so did Bonnie as if on cue. "O-okay... Now what are you gonna do to me?" I whispered nervously staring at him then back at the other door. He turned and walked away from the window. "Yeah... That's right... Just go back to your place..." I nervously chuckled to myself and then fear gripped me again as the door knob began turning on its own. Backing away from the door I pressed myself against the wall with flashlight in my hand pointed directly at the door. "Puppet? If that's you, please go away!" I whimpered as the lock finally gave away and the door slowly opened. The lights and the monitors began flickering themselves on and off with static.

"I'm dead......"

Charlotte's POV (The Puppet/ Marionette):

I could hear him shouting and whimpering inside. "Serves him right!" I thought as I finally was able to open the lock. With invisible force I slowly opened the door. Freddy was right behind me anxious and yet angry at the same time. His white pupils focused on the door.

"You ready Freddy?" I asked looking at him.

"Sure as heck!" He replied nodding and tighten his grip on the mic.

"Go then, but don't kill him! He needs to suffer!" I warned him stepping aside from the door. In a split of a second I could hear him beg for his life as Freddy entered. I softly giggled to myself and went in aswell to see him cowering in fear in a corner with Freddy towering above him. Instantly I knew something wasn't right. I pushed Freddy aside to see for myself. As he looked up at me, it dawned upon me.

He isn't William Afton... He's none other than Michael Afton... William's older son.

He was still shaking in fear as I looked down at him. "P-please...." his whisper barely audible and eyes widened struck with terror. "What are you doing here?" I questioned motioning him to rise up and sit on his seat. With shaking breaths, he slowly made his way to his seat. Sitting down he breathed a sigh of relief. "Now tell me! What are you doing here?" I repeated myself staring at his nervous face. "D-dad... T-told me to take over his shift for tonight!" He exclaimed in a high pitch voice, most probably out of fear. "You aren't lying are you!?" piped in Freddy as he neared him. "N-no! Why would I!?" he stammered clutching his flashlight tightly, his thumb on the "On" switch. "Leave him Freddy... We aren't the only ones he has to fear here!" I spoke floating and turning to leave. "Wh-what do you mean by that?" he spoke abit relaxed but still scared as heck. "My powers seemed to awaken one more entity... The modified Fredbear called Golden Freddy..." I replied on my way out with Freddy behind me. "What entity?" He exclaimed from behind not daring to get out from his seat. "Do you really want to know?" I asked turning to look at him.


"Your brother... Chris Afton..."

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed in a high-pitched voice as if out of breath, his eyes widened with disbelief. "Yes..." I replied and turned back to leave. Yes, I may have seemed to have awaken Chris Afton's soul aswell. The old Fredbear suit was broken and remodeled into the counterpart of the brown Freddy. He supported a black top hat and a bow instead of purple like Fredbear did. I didn't notice he was in the same room as them, so I did awaken him too.

Narrator's POV:

The fox was chilling and minding his own business when something suddenly almost got tripped by his left foot. "Yargh! Watch where ya goin lass!" grumbled Foxy opening one eye and retracting his foot, the animatronic silently stared at him, his black eyes with piercing white pupils studying him. "You got no tongue, lass?" spoke Foxy quite irritated that someone disturbed his nap. "Michaeal...?" He spoke in a deep voice, his head partially tilting from side to side. "No lass! I'm Foxy!" He replied equally confused as him. "Foxy....." he trailed as if trying to remember something and before anyone of them could speak, the gang returned to the room. He turned around to face them. "Who are you?" he questioned the Marionette as she stopped floating and stood still with the others behind her. "I'm the puppet and you must be Golden Freddy!" spoke the puppet as she neared him. "Golden... Freddy?" he repeated confused and stared at the other behind Marionette. "And these are your friends!" she further spoke stepping aside for him to meet them. "Friends?" questioned Golden Freddy as they neared him aswell but being shy and nervous at the same time. "Hi... I'm Chica and these are Bonnie and Freddy! And that ass over there behind you is Foxy!" spoke Chica nervously but in a friendly tone. "Chica... Bonnie... Freddy... Ass Foxy..." repeated Golden Freddy the names. "Hey! Why'd you teach him that!?" prtested Foxy standing up from behind, arms crossed. "Well you are one no doubt about that!" retorted Bonnie sniggering. "Well too bad you ain't got a face otherwise you could have faced the consequences of making fun of me!" snickered Foxy in return, jaws open as if mimicking a laugh. "Why you lit-" began Bonnie but was cut off by Marionette's glare, he just grumbled in return. "Boys..." giggled Chica in return and tried to mimic a smile to Golden Freddy who quickly looked away hand behind his head, white pupils suddenly glowing bright as if to mimic blushing.

Guess we could say they became one odd happy family, bonded together by tragedy.....

But the show is so far from over.....

(Gonna most probably update on Monday, I don't know? Maybe? Being cross updated on Commaful and AO3 and hopefully Ringdom soon too..... I'm sad Wattpad, Deviant Art and are banned here..... TT^TT)