Hi guys, nB20 here with another chapter..... Taking me long enough to write.... Don't know why.... Anyways let's begin!
"THAT CRAZY OLD MAN'S CREATIONS ARE ALIVE!!!" I screamed in my head as my shift was still few hours away from being over. I constantly checked the cameras then suddenly my gaze froze on one particular monitor. It was smaller than the rest of the screens and showed a room with some kind of bunny animatronic suit in it. Funny this room didn't show up in the larger screens of the control room. I could see them in the parts and service room, moving about here and there. The thing I noticed was there were two bears instead of one, could he be possibly Chris Afton? Taking up my gun and flash light I headed out from the office, towards the parts and service room. As I neared it, I could hear them talking and laughing. "Do these creations have a mind of their own?" I questioned myself as I creeped nearer and nearer to the room.
"Scratch.... Scratch.... CRASH!"
I nearly fainted as an animatronic nearly fell on me. It was the most horrifying, mangled up and twisted animatronic. It was the counter part of Foxy... The Mangle. It stared at me with white glowing pupiled black eyes. It's mouth open, revealing a set of red blood crusted pointy teeth and its other head an endo skeleton's head. I slowly started to back away from it. Opening the door, I quickly let myself in and shut it just in time, only to be meeted with more glowing eyes staring at my back. I turned around slowly trying not to panic. "H-hey guys..." I spoke nervously and smiled, my facial expression extremely terrified. "What are you doing here?" Marionette spoke as she teleported right on to my face, her white pupils glowing fiercely. "Um I came to see my brother!" I gulped, my back pressed against the door. "You invited yourself to your own death!" she spoke getting aside and teleporting to the golden bear standing next to the supply closet. Marionette spoke something to him and he looked my way. I could tell by the way he was advancing towards me; He wasn't happy to see me at all. "H-hi bro...." I stammered as he neared me, his hands curled up in fists. Without any warning he too teleported infront of my face lifting me up by the neck. "I know what you did to me!" he growled, his grip getting tighter on my neck. "H-hey.... Calm down!" I gasped trying to loosen up his grip on my neck, my legs flailing in failure to get free and the need to breathe. "Goldie...Set him down!" commanded the Puppet but he gave no ear to her words, his grip getting more and more tighter and I slowly loosing conscious.
No response.
"I said put him down!"
Still no heed.
"GOLDIE! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!" she screamed as she quickly teleported to us, her long fingers trying to open his grip. The others as if on cue began to drag him back with the Puppet forcefully opening his grip and free me from his grasp. I fell on my knees, gasping violently for air. "Leave me!" he shouted to the animatronics who were pulling him back and struggling to get free from their grips. "I know you're mad at him, but killing him won't make any difference!" reprimanded Marionette glaring at him and then helping me to stand up on my feet. "I suggest you leave...Now!" she spoke tonelessly without any expressions on her unsettling face. "The Mangle is outside..." I spoke in a small voice, my neck red with his grip. "What is she doing here?" spoke the troubled Marionette as she just quietly dissolved into the door to get out from the room. I could hear her speaking to the Mangle in a barely audible tone and soon enough I could hear metal being dragged against the floor, getting further and further from the room. She reappeared in front of me and motioned me to go out. With a nervous smile and shaky breaths, I opened the door cautiously and headed out.
I hate you dad......
Narrator's POV:
His was over soon enough. Quickly heading out from the control room, he grabbed his stuff from the office leaving the key on the desk for the Day Guard. Michael quickly headed out from the building and into his lavender coloured car. Slamming the door shut he slammed his foot on the accelerator and drove quickly away from the diner. He was really confused from the past night's events, the first thing he would do was to find William Afton then he would think what to do next.
After an hour he arrived home. Parking his car in the drive way, he without any second thought hurried inside the house. "DAD!" He screamed on top of his lungs as he stood in the center of the lounge, his face towards a set of stairs. After screaming two or three times more, a middle aged man appeared on top of the stairs. Even in his early 50s he looked as if he was barely in his forties. His dark purple hair recently dyed and his face, not even a single wrinkle. "Yes?" he questioned softly as he descended the stairs faintly smiling at him. "In what hell did you put me in?!" exclaimed Michaeal white faced with fear as he approached him. "What do you mean by that?" he asked confused stopping near him, arms folded. "Don't lie to me dad!" growled Michael. "What happened? Why is your face so pale?" he counter-questioned studying his face. "Your abominations are alive!" he exclaimed hysterically grabbing William by the shoulders and violently shaking him to lay emphasis to what he had said. "Mike.... Go take a rest... You are tired!" he spoke softly, freeing himself from his grip and patting his head. "No dad! I'm telling you they are alive!" protested Michael as he stared at William with hollow eyes. "Sure they are!" spoke William as he took his hand and led him to the stairs. "Go to bed Mike... We'll talk about this later!" he spoke gently with a warm smile somehow unsettling to Michael. Feeling defeated, he trudged upstairs with his father leading him to his room.
He just found out one of William's secrets by accident because Afton knew they were alive because two, three Night guards had reported the same thing to him before aswell. Guess he would have to hack em to pieces to end this annoyance.
There ya'll go, another chapter to keep ya entertained till the next one! ^.^ Do comment, like and vote!!! I would really appreciate it!!!! Love you all!! BYEH
-nB20 Out-