Lose You

10:12 AM February 1 Starbucks Shibuya

"Tsukishima-san, i-it's been a while!" The guy with freckles who has dark grayish-green hair said.

He welcomed Tsukishima with a wide smile on his face without waiting for him to go to the counter.

"Will you order strawberry frappe again?" He said as he puts his fingertips on the machine waiting for the go signal from Tsukishima.

"No, I'll order hot drip coffee for today. Grande please."

"Eh?" The guy looked at Tsukishima wondering why he's ordering a drink he never drank before on their shop.

"What?" Tsukishima asked as he hands 500 yen to him.

"You always drink Strawberry frappe so I was wondering why you didn't order it today. Do you have a problem?" He said as he gives a 130 yen change to Tsukishima.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi."

"I'm sorry" Yamaguchi smiled at him but it was obvious on his face that he was worried.

"I'm fine don't worry. Call me when my order's ready."

The blonde walked away and sat on his usual spot. He's fidgeting on his phone waiting for any updates from Sugawara or Daichi if the rescue operation was successful.

"Tsukki! Your order's ready!" Yamaguchi shouted.

"Tsukki? When the hell did I allowed him to call me that?"

He stood up and went to the counter to get his drink while Yamaguchi was staring on every move that he makes.

"Stop staring at me. I said I'm fine so stop worrying about me." Tsukishima said as he walks back to his sit leaving Yamaguchi behind.

He took a sip on his drink and regretted not ordering strawberry frappe. It was bitter and he's not used to this taste.

He was about to grab his headphones on his bag when someone suddenly grabbed his shoulders.

"I knew it was you."

"Leave me alone. This is the only time that I can rest so spare me with those bullshit you'll gonna say." He said as he wore his headphones and turned up the volume in maximum.

"I came back to the agency but no one was there. I need to talk to Sugawara about something. Do you know where they are?"

Tsukishima didn't respond as he didn't hear anything from what the guy said.

"Hey, I'm talking to you this is important." He forcibly pulled off Tsukishima's headphones that made him filled with anger and annoyance.

"He was with Daichi-san, Tanaka-san and Nishinoya-san."

"Eh? Why?"

***Flashback to when Sakusa called Atsumu to meet him for the Live Execution***

7:21 AM February 1 Division of Intelligence Shibuya Headquarters

Daichi, Sugawara, Tsukishima and Atsumu were inside the office of communications, still surveilling where Hinata might be. Atsumu suddenly received a call and saw it was Sakusa. He hurriedly answered the call while pointing at the three signaling them to listen to the conversation.

"Hey, Atsumu. How have you been?"

"Uhm... besides my lower back hurting and my butt aching, I am fine."

"Who is it?" Sugawara mouthed.


"Are you free right now? I want to show you something."

Atsumu hurriedly covered his phone as much as possible in order for Sakusa not to hear anything that he'll be saying to his seniors.

"He wants to meet and show me something."

"That'll definitely be Hinata and Kageyama." Daichi said.

"With Hinata's disappearance and the traitor here in the agency still not being caught, I'm sure he was baited. He must be with Kageyama right now." Sugawara added.

"What are we gonna do then?" Tsukishima asked.

"I already have a plan for that." Sugawara said as he raise a folder with documents in it.

"For now tell him that you are free to meet him later." Sugawara added.

"Are you there?" Sakusa asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm still here. W-what do you want to show me?" Atsumu stuttered after the long silence.

"Live Execution."

The four of them inside the room went silent upon what Sakusa said. They are now sure what Sakusa is talking about, it is the live execution of two of their comrades.

"W-what are we g-gonna do now?" Atsumu flattered.

"Ride a helicopter and attack them using machine guns." Sugawara blurted out that made them stare at him like he's out of his mind.

"You do know what country we are in, right?" Daichi said with emphasis on every word.

"Japan. And?"

"Machine guns are not allowed in Japan!" Daichi shouted, disappointed because he thought Sugawara has a proper plan prepared for this situation.

"Not unless we have the permission of the prime minister." He said as he shows the document with the Prime Minister's signature.

"Wait. How can we even use the machine gun if Sakusa's mansion is located in a neighborhood? Many people will be bothered and worst case, someone will die if we accidentally shot them." Tsukishima explained.

"That plan of yours is useless. We need to think about this. We can't even go inside that mansion so how can we save them?" Daichi sighed and pulled his hair hard because of frustration.

"Who told you that the live execution will be inside Sakusa's mansion?" Sugawara said in disbelief of how stupid his workmates are.

"Eh?" They said in unison.

"It will be in Akigawa Valley, back to where they killed Miya Osamu."

***Flasback ends***

"So they're using attack helicopter to capture Sakusa?" The guy laughed loudly.

"To capture? I don't think so. They plan to kill him instead of just capturing him. Sakusa is the only son in the family so killing him will be a stepping stone to break the clan into pieces." Tsukishima said as he force his self to finish the coffee he ordered.

"That will be in my favor." The guy smirked.

"What? I didn't hear you." He pulled away his headphones a little to his right ear to hear what he was saying but the guy just smiled sheepishly.

"I gotta go back and work." The guy stood up and placed a folder in front of Tsukishima.

"What is this?" Tsukishima said as he opens the folder revealing someone's profile in it.

"The new heir of the Shibayama clan." 

"Eh? But this is just y---" When Tsukishima looked in front, the guy was already going out of the coffee shop.

"Kuroo, wait!!"

Tsukishima tried to catch up with Kuroo but he disappeared as the stoplight goes green, stopping him from crossing the other side of the road.

10:34 AM February 1 Akigawa Valley 

"Do you think it's okay to go down now?" Sugawara shouted.

"Ten people are down and the only people left down there are two of his bodyguard and him." Nishinoya answered.


"Huh? What? Is there any problem?" Daichi asked, noticing that Tanaka was searching for something.

"I forgot to bring extra ammo...." Tanaka said while looking for an extra in the box.

"What the hell?! I told you it was in the storage room back at the office!" Nishinoya looked back to check if Tanaka was just playing a prank on him but unfortunately he's not.

"Nishinoya, quickly get us down there. We need to rescue Hinata and Kageyama no matter what it takes." Daichi ordered.

"Okay. Hang on tight." Nishinoya said, maneuvering the helicopter.

"We need to get out of here right now!" Atsumu shouted as he saw the helicopter going down.

"Boss, he's right. Their door gunner didn't reload his ammo so I assume they didn't brought an extra." Murakami said. (Guy1 of Oiwake's men)

"That helicopter is used for Search and Rescue so I think they are with the cops." Nakayama said. (Guy2 of Oiwake's men)

"If they are the cops, then that means they are after you. I'm not part of the clan so you can use me as your hostage." Atsumu suggested.

"What?! No, I won't do that! Didn't you thought that they will shoot you too so that they can capture me?! That will be too dangerous so it's a no!" Sakusa protested.

"Listen here, dumbshit." Atsumu grabbed Sakusa's face using both of his hands to gain his attention.

"If those are the cops, there's no way they'll harm a civilian. Using machine gun in Japan is already prohibited so as killing innocent people!"

"The both of you!" Atsumu pointed at Murakami and Nakayama, "I need you to cover for us!"

"O-okay!" Both of them hesitantly said.

"You're leaving them behind?!" Sakusa said as he stares at Hinata who was trying to wake Kageyama up.

"If that fucking thing is here" Atsumu pointed at the helicopter, "That's here because of those two!" then pointed at Hinata and Kageyama.

"Atleast think of saving yourself first instead of saving others! It's you who they're up to so better save that ass of yours and point that gun in my head!"

Atsumu tighten up his grip on Sakusa's face because he was still looking at Hinata and Kageyama.

"Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?"

Sakusa finally looked at Atsumu and nodded.

"Good. Let's do this quick and head on our way where you left the car." Atsumu held Sakusa's hand but he wasn't moving an inch from where he is standing.

"What are you waiting for?" Atsumu irritatingly said.

"I already gave the key to Hinata."

"Then let's fucking run instead!"

The helicopter that the Mountain Search and Rescue is using already landed. Two men went out wearing camouflaged combat uniforms and hurriedly went behind the trees to hide.

Soon after, they saw Sakusa revealing his self, his arms around Atsumu's neck and a gun pointed at his head.

"Damn that Sakusa doing anything to save his self." Daichi said.

"Let's get going. We need to get close to Hinata and Kageyama." Sugawara said, loading his gun.

The both of them was about to move out but they saw two figures running towards where Hinata and Kageyama are.

"Shit there's still two remaining. Shoot them!" 

Continuous gunshots were fired from Sugawara and Daichi that made Nakayama and Murakami lie flat on the ground.

"Nakayama, you okay?!" Murakami crawled next to Nakayama who's whimpering in pain while holding his right leg.

"I... got shot... on my leg." Nakayama tried to squeeze his leg to stop the bleeding but he was too wasted and tired, he can't get a grip of it.

Murakami hurriedly grabbed his towel out and tightly tied the loop around Nakayama's leg. He spotted a thick stick enough to use as a windless so that he can twist it with the towel to stop the bleeding.

"We need to retreat too. The boss will be fine with that guy so it will be fine to get out of here."

Murakami was about to get up to help Nakayama but another batch of gunshots were fired at them.

"We... can't.... go back... empty-handed." Nakayama whispered, unable to talk properly because of the pain he is feeling.

"Who cares about that?! Your wounds needs to be treated first!"

Murakami continuously fired back at Sugawara and Daichi but his gun run out of ammo.

"Can you stand? I'll lure them out and run so that you can escape."

"Murakami, listen. I'll... kill one of those... guys. Your wife... is waiting... for you. If you... get back empty-handed... and reported nothing to Oiwake-san... he'll kill you."

"Don't fuck with me! I will never leave you behind!"

Murakami grabbed Nakayama's arm and placed it around his neck, supporting him to stand up. He wrapped his arm around Nakayama's waist but felt something wet. He looked at his hand and saw blood.  He was shot three times, not only on his leg but also on his stomach and on his thigh.


"Get... out of here." Nakayama pulled out his gun from his waist and continuously fired back at Sugawara and Daichi.

"I brought... two extra ammos today... in case of emergency." He tried to stand up to aim but he felt extreme pain on his leg that made him wobbled down on the grass.

Murakami tried to help Nakayama but he was pushed away by him.

"Tell Oiwake-san... that you killed one of them. Pack your things in your apartment as soon as you leave the mansion and go to Hokkaido." He said as he fired back at Sugawara who was getting close already.

"No... I'm not leaving you..."

"You know my place, right? The passcode is 122296." Nakayama reloaded leaving no extra ammos left for him.

"Fucking leave already!" Nakayama fired at Daichi who was crossing on the other tree but missed.

"I'm going to be fine so please go. I accepted this job and I've been prepared to die from the start."

Nakayama forced a smile at Murakami and said,

"I want you to escape and live a happy life so please go."

Murakami felt something hot flowing down on his cheeks that made Nakayama chuckle.

"Atleast I'm happy to die, now that I saw you crying like a baby." He wiped Murakami's tears and gently pushed him.

"Goodbye, Murakami."

Nakayama stood up, firing at Sugawara and instantly shot him on his right arm.

"Go!!" Nakayama shouted as he fires at Daichi who was running his way to Sugawara to help him.

"I'm... sorry."

Murakami run as fast as he can, leaving Nakayama behind with no bullet left on his gun. He crawled his way back to where Hinata and Kageyama were and grabbed a steel pipe that was supposed to be used for the live execution.

Hinata then saw Nakayama was approaching them.

"W-what are..you... doing...?" Hinata was shaking so bad. He has been worried with Kageyama as he can't clearly hear his pulse anymore. He tried to use his hanky to stop the bleeding on Kageyama's arm but it wasn't enough to stop the bleeding. His skin is slowly getting paler and he was sure that the blood he lost was more than enough to kill him but he didn't want to think of it. 

Nakayama raise the steel pipe, aiming for Kageyama's head. Hinata hurriedly pushed Nakayama by tackling him to the ground, trying to grab the steel pipe he was holding onto.

"L-let me go!!" Nakayama punched Hinata on the gut and threw him off of him. He hurriedly stood up and hit Kageyama's head near his temple causing blood flowing out of his eyes. He then hit Kageyama's arm where Sakusa shot him when they were in the basement, causing his wound to get deeper.

He was about to strike him again to finish him off but continuous gunshots were fired at him. First was his arms, down to his stomach, his legs and a shot on his heart that instantly killed him.

Sugawara and Daichi rushed towards where Hinata and Kageyama were. Following them, Tanaka and Nishinoya were carrying the stretcher.

"Hinata?! Are you okay?!" Sugawara asked while lightly tapping Hinata's face.

"K-kageyama... he needs... help." Hinata tried to stand up but his legs doesn't allow him to.

Meanwhile, Daichi was checking Kageyama's breathing by putting his hands in front Kageyama's airway but he can't feel anything coming out of it. He then put his ears on top Kageyama's chest but he barely hear Kageyama's heartbeat.

"Forget..... forget about Sakusa. We need to bring him to the hospital." Daichi ordered Tanaka to help him move Kageyama on the stretcher and they hurriedly pushed it all the way inside the helicopter.

"Nishinoya! Bring us to the nearest hospital!" Sugawara shouted.

Tanaka grabbed the first aid kit from the storage to disinfect the wounds Hinata has. Sugawara grabbed the alcohol pads to clean his shallow wounds but he brushed Sugawara's hands off of him.

"Please... he needs help.... more than me." Hinata said while pointing at Kageyama.

"Daichi is doing everything he can to help Kageyama. We need to disinfect your wounds to prevent infection so sit down and calm yourself, Hinata." Sugawara said as he pats Hinata's shoulder.

"We're here!" Nishinoya shouted.

The helicopter landed on the rooftop of Tokyo Medical Hospital where doctors and nurses were already there, waiting. Tanaka and Daichi carefully transferred Kageyama to the stretcher while Sugawara supported Hinata, going out of the helicopter.

"Akaashi, please help him." Daichi said while following the doctors and nurses, rushing Kageyama to the operating room.

"I'm going to say this straight Daichi. With his condition right now, performing multiple surgery won't handle his body." Akaashi said as soon as they arrive at the operating room.

A guy in a lab coat arrived having round, golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks, carrying a surgical gown on his hands.

"Good thing you're here, Bokuto-san. I need your assistance." Both of them hurriedly went in, leaving Daichi behind.

"Please... please do everything you can, Akaashi!" Daichi shouted not knowing if Akaashi heard it because the doors closed already.

On the other room, Hinata is lying on a stretcher, preparing him to remove the bullet off of his arm while nurses were disinfecting his other wounds. It only took half an hour to remove the bullet and fully disinfect Hinata's wounds.

He was transferred in a private room where Sugawara, Tanaka and Nishinoya are waiting. When the effectiveness of the anesthetic medicine surfaced, Hinata forcibly stood up. He fell on the bed but he attempted to stand up over and over.

Sugawara's vision started blurring because of tears as he witness how Hinata is trying hard to go wherever Kageyama is. He kneeled in front of Hinata to help him go back to his bed but Hinata refused to do so.

"Sugawara-san... i'm fine now. I just.... wanted... to see Kageyama." Hinata pulled his shirt up, wiping the tears flowing down on his cheeks.

"Listen, Hinata. You need to take a rest too. The moment you wake up, I'm sure Kageyama will be here with you. I'm sure he'll be scolding you to the point that you'll be annoyed with it. That's why take a rest and let the doctors do their work, okay?" Sugawara carried Hinata back on his bed as he notice that Hinata wasn't responding anymore, he was already sleeping. He looks worn out, tired and the wound on his arm started bleeding again.

Seven hours passed, Akaashi and Bokuto finally went out of the operating room. Daichi stood up but he didn't asked them anymore. He knew. He knew what Akaashi is going to say to him the moment he saw what face they are showing. Akaashi removed his gloves and handed out a piece of paper to Daichi.

"We saw it in his pocket." Akaashi said as he pat Daichi's back who's now kneeling on the floor, covering his face.

"Thank you. I'll let them know about this."

Daichi went on his way to Hinata's room and saw him with Sugawara, Tanaka and Nishinoya who were trying to stop him going out of the room. The four of them looked at where Daichi is as they heard the door closing.

"D-daichi-san! Is Kageyama okay? Is he on the other room already? I need to check on him if he's fine or not." Hinata used the dextrose stand as his support and walked towards him.

Daichi was silent, words won't come out of his mouth. Hinata gripped Daichi's shirt and begged,

"D-daichi-san, why a-aren't you saying something? Daichi-san, please look at me."

Daichi shook his head and patted Hinata's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Hinata."

Tears slowly burned Hinata's eyes and his lower lip trembled. The tears he's been holding back continued to flow and the sobs wracked his body, robbing it of the ability to speak - barely allowing a breath to be drawn. Daichi kneeled and gently squeezed Hinata's hand.

"Hinata..." Tears were beginning to blur his vision but he tried to be brave in front of Hinata.

"The doctors found a note on his pocket." Daichi said, placing the folded paper on Hinata's right hand.

Daichi supported Hinata to sit on his bed, his feet were cold on the floor. He wiped the tears from Hinata's face, feeling more torn up than he had the day before he saw Kageyama who was still lying down with him on the bed inside the basement. With his trembling hands, he slowly opened the letter that was left by Kageyama.

"Hey, dumbass. If you're reading this right now, I'm sure I'm not beside you anymore. I'm sorry if my sloppy writing won't be understandable but I really wanted to write everything that I can't say to you.

I'm sorry if I wasn't able to protect you from all of this. I'm sorry that you had a boyfriend like me who was useless and such a failure. You didn't deserve to be hurt like this and it was all because of me. It hurts me even more, knowing what I put you through. Seeing you lying on the bed, wounded and full of bruises, I was scared. I was really scared it might be the day that I'll lose you.

I regret a lot of things, Hinata. I wasn't able to properly show how much I am in love with you and I regret that I didn't. I always thought we still have a lot of time since we're still young and we're always together but I was wrong. All I ever wanted was to show how much you mean to me, but I didn't know how. I always thought if I was enough to make you happy or were you really happy being with me? A lot of things were running in my mind everyday I am with you. But your lit up, elated smiling face instantly completes my day, making my heart overflow with happiness. I made a lot of mistakes in my life but falling in love with you is my favorite mistake. The times in my life, that seems to be the worst, always turn out to be the best every time I spend it with you. That's why Hinata, I'm really thankful that you were part of my life.

For the last time, please don't cry. I don't want to see you crying because of me. Don't mourn. Don't grieve. I'm destined to be in here. I wish and I hope that you'll still remember my name if you meet me in heaven because I won't stop repeating and calling out for your name. This is not a goodbye, Hinata. I will always be in here, waiting for you to come. I love you and I always will."

The room was filled with deep, raucous sighs, sudden sobs and silent flood of tears. No one didn't utter a word as tears and sobs prevent them from speaking.

"You're... so.... unfair." Hinata cried out, placing the paper closer to his chest.

Sugawara swallowed down a sob and wiped his eyes free of tears. He walked towards Hinata and gently caressed his back, trying to calm him down.


"Sugawara-san." Hinata said, cutting Sugawara on what he's about to say.

Hinata wiped away a few stray tears, his hands still quivering. He held on the dextrose stand as his support and stood up to face Sugawara.

"I'm sorry but I'm quitting my job in the agency."