
6:34 PM February 1 Higashiakiru Village 

"Hey! Don't slack off! We need to find a place where we can stay the night!" Atsumu shouted, who's already twenty meters away from Sakusa.

Sakusa was down on his knees, panting heavily and his heart beating erratically. Atsumu was starting to get annoyed because if Sakusa was running all his might, they have already arrived somewhere they can stay in. 

"It's almost seven in the evening get up!" Atsumu helped him up and Sakusa tried to stand, but his legs felt like rubber.

Sakusa lay on his chest with his face in the grass, breathing heavily and noisily.  He felt weak on his legs, struggling to control his breathing so he won't pass out. Atsumu suddenly felt worried  that something was wrong with him as he was sweating a lot and he was breathing heavily. 

"Sakusa, are you alright?" Atsumu held his arms to help him sit up but he felt something unusual. He hurriedly placed his palm on Sakusa's forehead but was brushed off by him. He tried to stand up again but the pain was excruciating.

"Let me carry you." Atsumu said, one knee on the ground and his arms around his back to support Sakusa.

"There's... no way.... I... will... accept... your offer." Sakusa breathed.

"Don't be stubborn. There's no way you can take another step on that place. You have a high fever and you can't even stand properly." Atsumu went closer beside Sakusa and forcibly pulled him on his back to carry him. 

"Hang on tight. We need to look for a pla------" Atsumu felt something wet flowing on his face, not sure what was it so he held out his free hand and suddenly the rain started pouring.

"What the fuck's with this timing?!!" Atsumu walked as fast but carefully as he can to look for a shelter but they were still far from the village. The rain became a downpour, soaking the dense forest where the ground that is now muddy made Atsumu to struggle more as he supports Sakusa on his back. 

"Sakusa, bear with the cold for a minute." Atsumu used his flashlight on his phone and roamed his eyes around to look for a place that they can use as a shelter but still no luck to find one. 

"Turn left." Sakusa murmured.

"What?" Atsumu asked, confused of what Sakusa is saying.

"There's... a hut... that is... one hundred... meters... from here." 

Without thinking, Atsumu run as fast as he can to look for the hut Sakusa was pertaining to. He just wants to find any roof under them to escape the rain and the cold wind rubbing on their skin, as it was still winter season. 

"Look... on.... your... left." Sakusa mumbled.

He was right. A hut was there, made out of wood as the wall, and straw and palm branches as the roof. Atsumu hurriedly went inside and gently placed Sakusa on the wood bed. He was soaking wet and he was shivering like a leaf, hugging his self to lessen the cold he was feeling. 

Atsumu walked around the hut and luckily dried woods and some newspapers were left. He used a thick wood to dig a hole on the ground and surrounded it with stones as the base. He placed the newspaper at the center of the hole in a teepee shape and placed the dried sticks/woods around it, leaving some gaps for oxygen to escape. He then walked towards Sakusa and asked,

"Sakusa, you have a lighter with you?"

"In here." Sakusa said raising his coat and pointed out his inside pocket. 

"Hope this will work without the fuel." Atsumu lighted up the newspaper and added some of it over and over until a fire lit up the woods.

Atsumu glanced back at Sakusa who's drenched to the skin and rivulets of water ran down his shivering body. He stood up and removed his coat, placing it beside him.

"Remove your clothes." Atsumu ordered.

Sakusa just stared at Atsumu and went back to closing his eyes, ignoring what he said.

"Sakusa we need to dry up your clothes. You can use my coat since it wasn't drench because you were at my back so get up." Atsumu said pulling Sakusa's arm to sit. 

"I don't... want to." Sakusa rolled over to the farthest side of the wooden bed, embracing his self to prevent Atsumu to remove his clothes.

"This is not the time to be shy with your body. I've already seen everything so get up." Atsumu groaned as he pulls Sakusa's coat off of him. It took them almost 5 minutes to remove his coat and his shirt after all the resisting Sakusa did. Atsumu placed his drenched clothes hanging on a nylon rope around the bonfire to let it dry. 

He went back to Sakusa who was struggling to insert his left arm on the coat.

"Let me do it." 

Atsumu removed the coat again off of Sakusa after noticing he wore it inside-out. He grabbed Sakusa's right arm to insert it on the right sleeve of the coat same with his left arm, putting it on the left sleeve. He knelt down to button his coat but he can't stop his eyes roaming all over Sakusa's body. He was surprised that a highly yakuza like him will have  lot of scars all over his body. Scars that seems like he got cut from knives and some scars that were from gunshots. 

He is aware of it. Atsumu has seen a lot of his workmates having these scars on their bodies after a dispute on their missions. 

"Stop staring" Sakusa said as he pat Atsumu's head.

"Oh... sorry." 

"You're... the one who... told me... you've seen... everything but... you're staring... too much." Sakusa coughed in between but chuckled as he sees Atsumu bowing his head, not wanting his face to be seen. 

Atsumu walked away after helping Sakusa to lay down to the bed and went back to grab woods for the bonfire. 


"Hmm?" Atsumu added another batch of woods on the bonfire, not looking back at Sakusa.

"I want... water." 

"Sorry to say this young master but we're in the middle of nowhere, there's no way a convenience store will pop out." Atsumu added some newspaper as the fire is starting to burn down. 

"On your... right, there's a... box in there." Sakusa coughed and waved a hand to disperse the smoke on his face as the wind blows to his direction.

"Wait.. what?!" Atsumu found a box hidden on the woods and quickly opened it, finding bottled waters and snacks.

"How did you know there is something in here?!" Atsumu surprisingly asked.


He grabbed a bottled water from the box and walked towards Sakusa who was struggling to sit up. He gently pulled Sakusa's arm and wrapped his free arm around his waist for him to sit. 

"Here." Atsumu opened the bottle cap and placed the rim on Sakusa's mouth to help him drink.

He dropped some of the water all over his body making Atsumu laughed softly. 

"Can't believe we just run a few kilometers yet you had a fever and you're coughing badly right now."

Sakusa lie down and ignored Atsumu's teasing, embarrassed of how he look in front of Atsumu. He felt so weak and of all people, it was Atsumu who is seeing this vulnerable side of him. 

"I don't want you to join the clan anymore." Sakusa blurted out, still facing on the other side of the bed.

"W-what?! What... are you talking about?!" He pulled Sakusa's arm to force him to face him but Sakusa was resisting.

"You saw all of my scars, right?" 

"So? What does that have to do with your scars of not allowing me to join the clan?" Atsumu is starting to get irritated with how Sakusa is acting right now.

"What the fuck?! After all of my hardships to stay close to you and all of what I did for you to escape, you're telling me that right now?!" Atsumu thought. 

 A heavy sigh escaped Sakusa's mouth. He placed his hand on the bed to support his self to sit and faced Atsumu who is obviously annoyed already.

"If you're working with me then that means you'll also be working with my father."

"And? Who cares about it? You promised me, don't you remember? Have I did something wrong that forbids me to join the clan?!" Atsumu said, almost shouting.

"If you join the clan, I can't assure you that I can protect you at all times!" Sakusa answered back.

"Protect?! I'm not a girl, Sakusa! I don't need protection from you!" Atsumu shouted, irritated by his response.

"I don't want you to die!"


Atsumu sat beside Sakusa and saw tears forming on his eyes.

"Haiba Lev, Yaku Morisuke, Suna Rintarou and Kita Shinsuke. I killed all of them, Atsumu. And it was all because of Oiwake-san and my father!"

"S-sakusa, w-what are... you talking about?" Atsumu gently caressed Sakusa's face and wiped off the tears on his cheeks. "Hey, you can tell everything to me. I will listen."

Sakusa nodded and took a gulp of air to steady his self.

"My father and Oiwake-san have always been the foundation of the clan. Even if they were still in college, they've reigned and made a lot of territories as their own all over Japan and up until now, the clan's connection is expanding, even internationally. To continue the business, my father was arranged to my mother, Mizuho Akari, the daughter of the largest financial group in Japan. Without my mother knowing, she was married to a yakuza and was forced to bear a child that will inherit and continue the business. 

Remember the time I first met you? There are two bodyguards of Oiwake-san that were assigned to monitor every move that I make. I killed two people that day. The first person was the guy you saw that I killed at the gun shop. Oiwake-san was suspicious of that person so he told me to finish him off no matter how I do it. As for Lev, I was not sure why he would betray me because he's been a good friend and a good ally to me. But when I mentioned the name of Yaku, he reacted differently. That's when I realized Oiwake-san was right and Lev has been deceiving me all along. I didn't want to kill him. I was hoping while I was in the car with him that time that, I won't receive another order from Oiwake-san to finish him off. But... I did... receive one but... it was not from Oiwake-san."

"Who messaged you?"

"It was from my father with an attached picture on his message."

"A picture?"

"A picture of a gun pointed at my mother's head saying, 'Kill him or else I'll kill your mother.'"

"Y-your father... did that?!"

Sakusa just nodded and breathed deeply to stop his self from coughing.

"I killed Lev under an isolated bridge while Oiwake-san's bodyguards were filming the whole thing to send it to him after. When it was reported to Oiwake-san that I killed Lev, he ordered his men to kill Yaku on his apartment on the same day."

"So it was entirely your father and Oiwake-san's fault?" Atsumu asked as he throws another batch of woods on the bonfire that is slowly burning down. 

"I'm also at fault in here, Atsumu. I was the one who killed them and I was ordered to do so."

"But you did it for your mother's sake!"

Sakusa stared at Atsumu but shifted his gaze away from him, not wanting to believe what Atsumu is saying.

"I... don't know.... anymore."

Sakusa was silent again for a few moments and when he spoke it was in a controlled voice.

"I killed my own bestfriend too and even made him do those things with you."

"Listen, Sakusa." Atsumu's thumb caressed his cheeks and his voice was soft. "I knew that day at Ace of Clubs, you weren't planning to kill Kita and Suna."

Sakusa looked surprised for a moment and then his lips clamped together firmly.

"Was I that obvious?"

"It was all over your face when Kita pointed a gun at you."

Sakusa smiled faintly and sighed, remembering the last day he was with his precious friend.

"I didn't expect that he'll choose his partner over our friendship."

"Did he knew everything about your father and Oiwake-san?"

"No. I don't want him to be involved any further than he was. He was forced to take over the Kita clan and was forced to stop pursuing his dreams just to continue the business left by his father. If he knew everything, I am sure that he will force me to escape out of the mansion."

"Wouldn't it be better if he knew everything from the start?"

"It won't change any---"

"It will!" Atsumu said, cutting him off.

"He's your bestfriend! The person you can trust and rely on! If he knew everything, he won't misunderstood you and he will never say those words he have said to you that day!"

"I'm sorry I can't do this. You drastically changed and I don't know you anymore! I can't stay by your side because I didn't want to be in this line of work to begin with...." (Chapter 10: Wounded)

Sakusa shifted his gaze away from Atsumu and gulped a sob as he tries to stop his tears streaming on his cheeks. 

"You were at that room the whole time with me and it was not you who killed him."

"No if I---"

"Stop with the fucking ifs, Sakusa! Your father and that fucking Oiwake planned everything to kill Kita, am I right?!" Atsumu said as he grip Sakusa's chin, forcing him to face him.


"Were you ordered to kill Kita and Suna that day?"


"Then it's not your fault! You're being controlled and ordered around by them. Is your mother the reason why you're still staying at the mansion even though they're abusing you?"


"Then why don't you call the cops so they can rescue you and your mother?"

Sakusa looked up at Atsumu and smiled painfully.

"I already did. When my father knew about it, he almost killed me and my mother by shooting us on different parts of our body without hitting any vital parts to prevent us from dying."

Sakusa gripped Atsumu's shirt while looking up at him and said,

"I don't want to experience that again. I don't want to see my mother suffering all because of me that's why escaping away from my father is impossible."

Sakusa closed his eyes as he felt his head spinning. Both of them remained silent and no one dared to talk again. The light from the fire that illuminates them is slowly burning down and the cold breeze is making their body shiver and tremble. 

"I'm... sorry." Atsumu said, breaking the silence.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Sakusa chuckled as he lie on the bed, feeling a bit dizzy and exhausted. 

"I didn't knew... you're going through a lot of things." Atsumu said as he goes back to adding woods on the bonfire. 

"Someone reported to my father that I was taking good care of Kageyama while he was at our basement so my father installed cameras on every corner to observe me. That was why I was ordered to do a lot of terrible things to him while my father was watching through the screen."

"Then what happened to the orange haired guy? Why was he wounded so badly?" Atsumu asked, pretending not to know who Hinata is. 

"My father was the one who did all of those things to him. He sneaked in to the mansion while my father was having a meeting with his supervisor and his investors. He was caught and was tortured by my father's bodyguards until he lose his consciousness." Sakusa explained.

"What's with the gunshot on their arms? I happen to see it when you untangled the ropes around their hands. Both of them have it."

"My father saw it from the security cameras that both of them were trying to commit suicide by drinking chlorine so he ordered me to kill them on the spot but I didn't. I was still not ready to do it so shooting them in their arms, far from their vital parts, was the best choice I had that time."

"So... they planned to commit suicide?" Atsumu thought.

"I wish I can say my apologies to Hinata and Kageyama after all of these."

"I-I'm sure they'll understand once they know your reasons." Atsumu smiled at Sakusa, assuring him that everything's gonna be alright.

A few hours passed and Sakusa fell on a deep sleep. His fever isn't going down and it seems like he really needs medicine to cure his severe cough that seems like he has an asthma. 

It was two in the morning and there were no woods left to use for the bonfire. Atsumu went outside to look for some while using his flashlight and picked up some small branches that can replace the newspaper as the tinder. 

"I guess this is all of it."

He was about to turn off the flashlight on his phone but noticed something unusual. A one bar signal. He hurriedly called Sugawara's phone number while glancing back at the hut, to check if Sakusa suddenly wakes up. Sugawara answered after a few rings and he was glad that he's still up during this time.



"Is Hinata okay? Is he safe right now?! Is he with you?!" Atsumu bombarded Sugawara with a lot of questions because he was so worried of Hinata. 

"He's fine now. He's with me right now here in the hospital. Are you okay? Did Sakusa hurt you or something?" Sugawara worriedly asked.

"No, I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me. Is it just you in there?"

"Yeah. Daichi went back to the office while Tanaka and Nishinoya went home already."

"It's just you?! Where did that mighty Kageyama went, huh? I knew he doesn't even care or give a damn to Hinata! This is the main reason why I can't trust that gu----"

"Atsumu, stop." Sugawara said, cutting Atsumu off as he is starting to get pissed and angry of what he is spouting. 

"I'm just saying the truth! He didn't protect Hinata that's why he suffered a lot!"

"Atsumu..." Sugawara called out, trying to calm Atsumu.


"Kageyama's dead."