
7:23 AM February 4 Division of Intelligence Agency

"Shibayama Yuuki" Kuroo said as he hands a folder to everyone inside the office.

"His father failed to negotiate with his last drug dealing in Higashiyama district that caused the Sakusa clan to compensate $20,000,000 in total. Sakusa's father found out that it was not just the drug dealing that he failed to complete but also the money that was supposed to be added on the clan's money for the whole year which costs $945,000. He was forced to abdicate and was kicked out by the Sakusa family after renouncing his throne. Shibayama Yuuki, who was still in his training for his certification as an engineer, was called out to take the inheritance and lead the clan."

"It says here that he stopped his training due to some disease. Did you found out what was this all about?" Sugawara asked.

"Brain Tumor. He was diagnosed with brain tumor on his last year in college that caused him to stop the trainings meant for his preparation to replace his father. Due to some circumstances, Sakusa's father still chose Shibayama Yuuki to lead instead of the nephews awaiting for the throne."

"Where is he now?" Tsukishima asked while searching for Shibayama Yuuki's record on Tokyo City University's page.

"He was admitted again in Tokyo Medical Hospital last month, showing signs of his illness getting worse. When I passed by at the hospital, bodyguards were all over his room guarding him."

"Tokyo Medical Hospital?! Isn't that where Akaashi and Bokuto are working? If I'm not mistaken, Akaashi is a surgeon while Bokuto is a neurologist at that hospital." Daichi surprisingly asked while pulling Sugawara's arm.

"Oh yeah they work there." Sugawara said, assuring Daichi is right.

"Then that will be a great opportunity for us to gather enough information about Shibayama Yuuki. Since we now know who our target is, it will be easier for us to gather some data about him and the clan." Sugawara added.

"Kuroo, how did you even gather all of these?" Tsukishima asked while sipping his coffee he got from the coffee shop where Yamaguchi is working.

"If you have the charisma and the looks to enchant women's heart and soul then this will be a piece of cake for you." Kuroo said leaning close to Tsukishima while raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Fuck off, douchebag. Use your brain not your body. You're fucking disgusting." Tsukishima leaned away from Kuroo while spraying alcohol in front of his face.

"Stop that you two." Sugawara suddenly heard a beep on his phone and saw a message. He hurriedly stood up and opened the door on the office and saw three guys standing outside. "Come in." Sugawara invited.

"So I did mention that the newbies will start to work with us for this case, right?" Sugawara asked.

"I'm fucking dead." Tsukishima mumbled as he saw the faces of the newbies.

"Please introduce yourselves." Sugawara went aside to give way for them.

"Terushima Yuuji's the name. The three of us are all from the Public Security Intelligence Agency and I work for the General Affairs Department under Public Relations and Communications Office as the team lead in charge. I'm glad to be finally working with you all."

Terushima has an undercut with spiky blond hair and a tiny tuft of hair that falls over his forehead. He also has almond colored eyes and short eyebrows the same color as his blonde hair. Both of his ears and tongue are pierced, black studs on his ears and a silver stud on his tongue.

"Bobata Kazuma. I also work for the General Affairs Department but under Information Management Office. Nice to meet you all"

Bobata has long, messy brown hair, thin eyebrows, and small pupils. Unlike Terushima, he is calmer and doesn't voice out much of his opinions. But his face clearly says everything so he doesn't know how to lie when he has to.

"Takeharu Futamata. I work for the First Intelligence Department as a career police officer leading the five divisions and I mostly work under the Aum Special Research office. Nice to meet you all."

Takeharu has messy, dark brown hair and arched eyebrows with big dark colored eyes. He seems to be very easy-going and somewhat careless but when it comes to work, he is one of the employees that can lead multiple divisions without messing up. He's good with his job and no matter what tasks he's assigned to, he finishes it a day before the deadline unlike Terushima who's always a week behind on all of his schedules.

"The prime minister was the one who chose the three of them that will help us starting today. As you all heard, they were from different departments but with the same specific field. And do you know what it is?" Sugawara asked looking at Kuroo and Daichi who turned their gaze away from him cause they were not listening to the newbies' introduction.

"The three of them are under the offices that manage research, information and communication for the country."

"That's right, Tsukishima. Right now, I will assign them on the Communications team, replacing Kageyama and Hinata. If I see potential in them, they might have the chance to work as an agent that will spy on the other clans."

Sugawara glanced back at Terushima, Bobata and Takeharu and said, "After our meeting for today, I will tour the three of you around the building so that you will be familiarized with the offices, okay?" The three of them nodded in unison.

"I think that's it for our agenda today?" Kuroo started collecting the profiles back but Sugawara stopped him.

"We're not done yet." Sugawara looked at Daichi's direction and asked, "Where was the screenshot of Kageyama's last message to Miwa?"

"She haven't sent an email to me."

"Haven't you contacted her last night to make sure?"

"I did but she was not answering. Maybe she's still busy with her brother's wake."

"I guess... that's the reason. Let's just wait for her email and schedule a meeting as soon as possible." Sugawara glanced back at Terushima and invited them out.

"I will go too, Sugawara-san." Tsukishima stood up leaving Kuroo and Daichi behind.

The two of them are walking ahead while Bobata is behind, greeting every people he meet. Meanwhile, Terushima kept on disturbing meetings by opening each of the doors they passed by, making Takeharu bow down apologetically and embarrassed of why he has a friend like him.

"It's a surprise that you went with me to tour the newbies." Sugawara said while looking at Tsukishima who's facing forward.

"I need to talk to you about something."

"Talk about what? You should have told me while we were in a meeting earlier." Sugawara checked on the newbies and saw Terushima holding a gun from God knows where he got it.

He was about to walk towards Terushima but then he stopped upon hearing Tsukishima's next words.

"It's about the traitor of the agency."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

Tsukishima finally looked at Sugawara and said, "This is about Kuroo Tetsurou."

12:45AM February 5 Sakusa Mansion

"Is it really fine for you to work right now?" Atsumu reached for Sakusa's forehead checking if he still has a fever.

"I don't want to send you out alone, Atsumu. Wear this one and use this." Sakusa handed an ear piece to Atsumu and a Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle .50 AE Hard Kick GBB Pistol.

Atsumu could hardly believe that Oiwake is sending him out on a mission with barely any notice or time to plan things through. Most of the drug lords, other clans and gangs he have worked into would plan until they felt it was the perfect timing but Oiwake didn't waste anytime to act.

"Always keep this in your mind. Watch your drink. Don't take any of his drugs. All you need to do is stay behind Oiwake-san and do nothing, okay?" Sakusa gripped both Atsumu's shoulders, making sure he is paying attention. Atsumu slowly nodded his head in response.

Atsumu started tying his necktie and he didn't notice that Sakusa has been staring at him for a few minutes already.

"W-what? You're worrying too much about me."

Sakusa stood up from the couch and grabbed Atsumu by the arm. Atsumu couldn't help to let out a soft gasp as he was pulled closer to Sakusa, wrapping his arms around his waist; their faces just barely an inch apart. Sakusa looked so serious as he stares at Atsumu's eyes down to his lips. "Make no mistake. You are not allowed to do anything sexual with Futakuchi."

Atsumu nodded in response. Sakusa's arm loosened around Atsumu's waist and his expression softened. He leaned forward and placed a soft, lingering kiss against Atsumu's forehead before leaning close to his ear. "I don't like sharing what's already mine." Atsumu trembled as he felt Sakusa's breath blowing on his ear.

Sakusa sat in front of his screen where he can hear and locate Atsumu for the mission in order for him to monitor Atsumu's movement.

Atsumu glanced back at Sakusa and saw him how eager and how worried he is, now that Oiwake assigned him to escort him for the drug dealing. He wants to finish as soon as possible in order for him to ask Ushijima what really is the truth about Sakusa's mother as he was cut off by Oiwake yesterday when he was about to ask him. He wants to succeed this mission no matter what happens to gain Sakusa's trust even if right now he only feels like he's just a toy for Sakusa. He wants to take a step forward and make Sakusa fully aware of him.

"Omi." Atsumu suddenly felt a burst of confidence spreading throughout his body as he called out Sakusa's name. He walked towards him and gently held Sakusa's face, leaned down and pressed his lips against Sakusa's before quickly moving away. Sakusa stared at him with an unreadable expression and suddenly Atsumu was slammed against the wall as Sakusa pressed his lips roughly against Atsumu's.

Atsumu whimpered sofly into the kiss, closing his eyes. "S-sakusa, wait." He felt himself heat up again as Sakusa's hand reached down to grip his erection, giving it a firm stroke. He let out a loud gasp that gave Sakusa the opportunity to explore Atsumu's mouth, licking his frenulum up to his palate.

"S-sakusa, stop." He pulled away. "I... really need... to leave." He panted, trying to catch his breath.

Sakusa stared at him with a longing look before sighing, giving Atsumu a tight hug instead. "Don't start things we can't finish." He thumped Atsumu lightly on his forehead and smiled as he went back on his seat.

"What the hell did just happened?" Atsumu thought once he open the front door, leaving Sakusa behind. Did he really made Sakusa lose his focus and composure with just a simple kiss?

"No. No. That was just your imagination, Atsumu." He tried to shake the thoughts away as the back door leading to the park way opened and Oiwake was there with his bodyguards carrying suitcases.

"I think you're ready for this, Atsumu." He smirked that made Atsumu shiver down to his spine with disgust. Oiwake led Atsumu on a 2021 Cadillac Escalade black car and opened the door for him.

"After a six hours travel, we will be arriving at the Wakagawa Power Plant where we will be meeting with the Futakuchi family. You can rest for the meantime until we arrive on that location."

Atsumu just nodded his head, still feeling nervous and awkward when he's with Oiwake. He doesn't want to continue the conversation anymore and he just wants to rest as he haven't slept well for the past few days. He closed his eyes in concentration to get some sleep but he's thinking a lot of things that stops him to do so.

If he failed this, will Oiwake kill him? Will he ever have the chance to avenge for his lost twin brother? If he didn't chose Sakusa back then, will Kageyama still be alive? Will Hinata be furious if he knew that he didn't kill Sakusa on purpose? Thoughts were running around on his head, all of it were regrets, disappointments, and bad decisions he have made that affected not just himself but also the people around him.

"I really am the worst."

6:26 AM February 5 Wakagawa Power Plant

"Atsumu, wake up." He slowly opened his eyes as he felt a tap on his shoulders and saw Oiwake was already standing outside of the car. "We're here."

As soon as Atsumu went out of the car, a crumbling concrete building lies nestle amongst trees, perched on steep riverside slopes. There were no guards outside nor barricades around it.

Upon entering, the main turbine hall with its 15-metre ceiling is bathed in a splendid light filtered through huge vertical windows, making this chamber bright and airy. Atsumu roamed his eyes around and he can see the beauty of the architecture of the building with column-like ribs on the wall rise that form arches which support the roof. Most of the glass has shattered over the years and there were shards scattered on the floor.

"Watch out." One of the bodyguards pulled Atsumu's suit and he felt his heart leaving his body as he saw his self one step away from falling down on a large circular hole on the floor which would have housed the turbines.

"Oiwake-san! It's been a while!" A guy screamed from the other side of the hall. He was also with some men behind him, likely twenty of them.

"Serve them some drinks, hurry up!"

The guy guided them on a long table with red velvet colored chairs around it.

"Sit with me and don't just stand there." Oiwake ordered.

Atsumu lightly wiped his fingertips to check if the chairs are clean and to his surprise, there were no signs of dust lingering on it.

"Can you hear me?" Atsumu felt his face heat up when he heard Sakusa's warm voice inside his ear.

"Hmm" Atsumu cleared up his throat as an answer to Sakusa.

"What do we have here? I've never seen him before." The guy asked while looking at Atsumu.

"Sakusa found him." Oiwake said as he sips his wine that was served to him.

"Oooh. So this is Sakusa's new toy." The guy stood up and reached out his right hand to Atsumu. "My name's Futakuchi Kenji. And you are?"

Atsumu grabbed Futakuchi's hand and gave it a firm shake. "Suzuki Atsumu."

"Now that we're all here. I want to end this as soon as possible cause I don't want the police to track us down. Did you brought the goodies, Oiwake-san?"

Three of Oiwake's men went in front and as soon as they opened the suitcases, Futakuchi can't help himself to grin widely.

"Give me the pipe and the lighter." Futakuchi glanced back at Atsumu and thought of an idea. When one his men gave him the pipe and the lighter, he handed both of it to Atsumu.

"You know how to do it, right?"


All of the people's attention on that abandoned place were diverted to Atsumu, waiting for his reply.

"Atsumu, stop. Don't do it." Sakusa said with a firm and serious tone on his voice.

"What? You can't?" Oiwake said with a disappointed look on his face.

"I- I can!" Atsumu hurriedly grabbed the pipe and lighter from Futakuchi and walked towards the suitcases. Futakuchi pierced a compastible straw on the plastic making a hole on it. He placed his index finger, blocking the air inside so that the drugs won't flow out. He placed all of it on the pipe and signaled Atsumu to start.

Atsumu couldn't believe what he's about to do. He was not supposed to do it, no matter what the situation is. This wasn't supposed to happen and yet here he is, about to smoke one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs, the methamphetamine. He reminded himself over and over that this is a test and a hurdle that he needs to overcome to gain everyone's trust.

"Atsumu, are you listening?! Atsumu?!" He heard Sakusa's voice once again but unlike earlier, he sounds worried and almost screaming.

He slowly tap the pipe so that all of the meth will go down to the bowl. He lighted up the lighter and twirled it in circle around the bowl to vaporize the drugs. When he saw that the pipe is producing fumes, he slowly inhaled the smoke and immediately exhaled it off his mouth.

A pleasure slowly began taking over his whole body. It felt so good and he haven't experienced something like this before. His eyes shut and his lips parted as the high overcame his body.

"Sakusa did find a high quality toy this time, huh?" Futakuchi knelt down in front of Atsumu and gently caressed his face. "You're not my type but you're way prettier than the sluts back at my mansion."

"Atsumu." Sakusa called out.

"Hmmm?" Atsumu hummed while trying to compose himself as he felt dizzy.

"Rememeber what I told you, Atsumu." Sakusa's voice came through his hidden ear piece. "I don't share."

"Since I'm in a good mood today, I will be generous to you, Oiwake-san." Futakuchi ordered his men to bring the suitcases to Oiwake and each of those cases has $500,000 money with a total of $1,500,000.

"And as a tip...." Futakuchi was about to hand out a check to Oiwake with a value of $100,000 but pulled away.

"Give me the drugs and let me have Sakusa's toy for tonight."