Absolute Control

February 5 Gangnam District Cheongdam 1 Neighborhood, Seoul, South Korea

"It's been a while, Kiyoomi!" Futakuchi said, welcoming Sakusa who's on his knees catching for his breath.

"W-where is h-he?" He breathed.

"You mean this slutty trash?" He faced his phone to Sakusa showing a picture of Atsumu, tied on a chair, blindfolded and naked.

Sakusa breathed deeply before standing straight. "Where is he?" Sakusa asked once more, his voice cold and eyes dark.

"I really do like that expression of yours." Futakuchi chuckled before showing a straight face.

"Why don't you sit first...." Futakuchi walked towards the long table and pulled out a chair. "And have some coffee with me?"

"Who's on the right mind to have some coffee with a sociopath like you, huh?" Sakusa said as he takes a two steps backwards away from him. 

Futakuchi grinned. "You don't want to? Are you sure?" 

Both of them were silent for a few seconds, waiting for each other's response and next move to make. 

Futakuchi breathed a silent sigh. He dialed a number on his phone and after a few rings, the other line answered.

"Aone, looks like Kiyoomi-kun doesn't want to take things lightly..." He turned his head to Sakusa's direction, provoking him, "Why don't you gather up everyone and let them do him?"

"You fucking bitch!" Sakusa dashed forward, trying to hit him as much as he can, but a loud gunshot that almost hit his foot stopped him from getting near Futakuchi.

"Oh! Nice one, Kamasaki-san! Missing every shot has been a norm for ya, huh?" Futakuchi said with an amusement look on his face.

"Be thankful, ya filthy bastard. If I didn't do that, you'll wake up with your face flat on the carpet!" Kamasaki raged.

"Yeah yeah thanks. I'll give you a reward later so don't nag at me like you're my mother." 

"Why you dirty piece of shit" Kamasaki's eyes twitched upon hearing those words that he hates the most.

"Kiyoomi." Futakuchi called out, ignoring Kamasaki. "You really had the guts to do that while ten of my men are in here with their guns pointed at you?"

"What did you do to him?!" His voice echoed inside the room, anger burning through him.

Futakuchi grinned wickedly. "Is it still not obvious to you just by looking at the marks I have left all over his body?" 

"So what's the fucking point of you giving me five hours to rush in here when you went ahead of yourself doing all those things with him?!" Sakusa was about to run towards Futakuchi but another gunshot a little closer distance from earlier on his feet almost hit him again.

"I just gave you five hours to meet me in here and we didn't made an agreement about me not doing anything to that toy of yours." A wicked laugh escaped his mouth. "It's just that your stupid brain didn't analyze all of what I have said earlier."

"I'm going to kill you, Futakuchi."

"Only if you can. Tie him up, Kamasaki-san!" He ordered.

Two other men were holding a chair and ropes while Kamasaki dragged Sakusa to sit.

"Give him back to me now." Sakusa demanded, he sounded calmer unlike earlier. He's slowly trying to compose himself in order for him to think and do whatever he can to prolong the time.

"You want to have him back, that trashy slut?"

Sakusa looked up with a blank expression and said, "Don't fucking call him a slut without looking at yourself in the mirror." 

Futakuchi snapped. He punched Sakusa hard on his face, making his lip bleed. 

Sakusa chuckled. No, more like a wicked laugh that made Futakuchi annoyed. He punched him in the face again, leaving a bruise on his left cheek.

"You still have the fucking guts to laugh at me when you're all alone, tied up and can't do anything to fight back?"

Sakusa looked up at Futakuchi with a grin on his face. "Who told you that I'm alone?"

A loud slam of the door was heard and a tear gas was thrown at Futakuchi's men, enough to blur their vision.

"You fucking... douchebag!" Futakuchi coughed. He tried to reach out for Sakusa but he was already gone, seeing only the ropes on the chair where Sakusa was tied up.

When the smoke subsided, everyone was surprised as they all saw Sakusa with his gun pointed at Futakuchi. He was not alone. Almost twenty of his men surrounded the whole room, cornering Futakuchi and the others.

"Pin him down on the floor." Four of his men grabbed Futakuchi on his two arms and his two legs.

"Futakuchi." Sakusa's voice was dark and threatening. He then walked towards him and stepped on his chest using his right foot.

"Let him go!" Kamasaki screamed, his gun still pointed at Sakusa.

"Kamasaki, I know you're not an idiot like this guy here." He pointed the gun at Futakuchi. "So drop the gun and raise both of your hands like the others." Sakusa said as he used his gun to point out Futakuchi's other men.

Kamasaki didn't move at all. He was still there, pointing the gun at Sakusa.

"Okay." A loud shot was heard and Kamasaki collapsed on the floor while holding his thigh, groaning and writhing in pain.

"Yasushi!!!" Futakuchi tried to break free but Sakusa pressed him even harder.

Sakusa chuckled upon seeing how Futakuchi started panicking. "Now what? You're being a pussy now?"

He gripped Futakuchi's cheeks and added, "This is what you get for stealing what's already mine." He placed the gun on Futakuchi's arm and shot him directly. He was groaning and he wanted to scream so bad because of the severe pain he felt but Sakusa's grip on his cheeks, avoids him to do so. He whimpered at the sensation of the bullets going through his arm and almost fainted. 

"I already told you earlier and I'm gonna say it again. I'll kill the fuck out of you today." Sakusa said so calmly that chills ran down Futakuchi's spine. A lump formed in his throat and tears spilled from his eyes. 

Sakusa smiled and continued. "You see Futakuchi. What we have between the two of us is just business and nothing but business. What's yours is yours and what's mine is only mine." His smile dropped and his face turned wickedly dark. "But you, a fucking idiot, went ahead of yourself, thinking you'll have an advantage if you have what's mine as your hostage."

He stepped on Futakuchi's arm where he was shot earlier and said, "Well, you're a fucking moron, Futakuchi. You thought you'll win against me with that cheap idea of yours?" He screamed again in agony as pain seared through his arm. 

Sakusa's whole aura had suddenly turned dark, so evil. "Where is he?" He asked but Futakuchi kept on being silent. He was just glaring at Sakusa and not answering his question. Before he could even realize it, Sakusa grabbed him by the throat and slammed his head against the floor loud enough to make a horrid cracking noise. 

"Where the fuck is he?!" Sakusa hissed, squeezing his throat and holding the gun against Futakuchi's temple. 

Sakusa waited for a few seconds but when he realized that Futakuchi doesn't have any plans of answering him, he shot him again on his other arm and the man let out a loud groan, going in and out of consciousness. 

"Kiyoomi, we found him." Sakusa heard on his hidden ear piece. "He's on the warehouse around the corner. More of them are in here so there's no way we can barge in."

"Is that so?" Sakusa started searching for Futakuchi's belonging in his clothes and saw his phone that he used to show a photo of Atsumu.

Sakusa smirked as he opens Futakuchi's phone. "You're still stupid as ever. Your passcode is still Kamasaki's birthday?"

He dialed a phone number and after a few rings, a deep tone voice answered on the other line.

"Futakuchi-san?" The guy called out when Sakusa didn't answer.

"It's been a while, Aone."

Aone was silent for a few seconds. He doesn't know how to respond upon hearing Sakusa's voice, calling him using Futakuchi's phone.

"I-is Boss, okay?" Aone stuttered.

"Hmmm..." He stared at Futakuchi's arms which are bleeding non-stop. "Yes, he is."

He then covered Futakuchi's mouth when he tried to scream for help. "Both of us already reconciled so he wants you to free Atsumu now."

"Can I talk to Boss just to be sure?" Aone demanded.

"Okay. Wait a second I'll give it to him." Sakusa said, looking at Futakuchi's pained eyes. He tapped the Hold button and pointed the gun at Futakuchi's head.

"If you won't order him to free Atsumu right now, I'll blow off not just your head but everyone in here. Oh wait..." He turned his head at Kamasaki's direction and smirked. "I'll leave Kamasaki alive and torture him like how my father killed your own father. How do you like that, huh?"

Futakuchi trembled and felt a chill all the way down his spine. There were no signs that Sakusa is just joking. Both of them witnessed the death of his father when they just entered college. His father stole the drugs from them without paying them back and the Sakusa clan lost a big sum of money.

"You won't betray me like how your father did, right?" He remembered everything from that day. Sakusa's father's voice, his deadly eyes and the way he gripped both of his shoulders. He can kill people without mercy that's why there's no doubt that everyone will obey everything he orders people to do. 

He doesn't want to die. More importantly, he doesn't want Kamasaki to die like how his father died in the hands of the Sakusa clan.  

He swallowed thickly as he tries to not let out a sob. Sakusa placed the phone close to Futakuchi's mouth and slowly uttered, "A-aone... free hi---"

"Fuck." One of Sakusa's men on his back hissed, falling on the floor while holding his shoulder. When Sakusa looked at the direction where the bullet came from, it was from Kamasaki. He met the man's eyes before dodging the bullet headed his way. He quickly aimed and pulled the trigger, hitting Kamasaki dead-on in the chest.  

"Yasushi!!!" Futakuchi cried out as he saw Kamasaki lying on the ground with lots of blood flowing out his chest.

"Motoya. Barge in and don't let them kill, Atsumu." Sakusa commanded, ordering the guy he was talking to earlier on his hidden ear piece.

"I already told you they're too many." Komori Motoya mumbled. "Well, whatever." 

Komori threw four tear gases inside and gunshots streaked around the entrance of the warehouse. Five of them surrounded eight of Futakuchi's men inside and saw Atsumu tied up on a chair behind Aone. They quickly fired their guns, shooting them all dead on their heads. 

Komori quickly dash towards Atsumu and saw him unconscious. "Hey." He called out to Atsumu, lightly tapping his cheeks to wake him up.

Atsumu slowly opened his eyes and saw a guy with a short, light-colored hair and thick, round eyebrows.

"Who are you?" He stuttered as he tries to cover his body. 

"Oh right." Komori straightened up and removed his coat and offered it to Atsumu to cover his self up.

"I'm Sakusa's right hand man." He said while removing the ropes around Atsumu and continued, "I am assigned to lead the sub clan here in Seoul so Sakusa is kinda lucky that Futakuchi chose Gangnam since it's just close to ours." 

"Don't tell me Sakusa went all the way in here just to save me?" Atsumu asked that made Komori froze. Atsumu didn't know why the man stopped moving and he doesn't even know what kind of face he is making because he was looking down on Atsumu's feet. 

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" He looked up and shown a wide smile. He removed the rope on Atsumu's feet and helped him walked out of the warehouse by putting Atsumu's arm around him.

As soon as they got out, Komori guided Atsumu back to where their car was but he tugged Komori's shirt, preventing him to leave. 

"I'll go with you." He pleaded. Atsumu watched closely as annoyance flickered on Komori's face before turning blank again. 

"Sakusa will kill me if something bad will happen to you. Stay in the car and wait for him to come back." He handed a gun to him and said, "In case something happens, use this." He then pointed out the guys outside of the car that will be guarding him. "Don't do something reckless that will cause my men to die or else I'll fucking kill you and pretend that Futakuchi's men murdered you." He run as fast as he can back to the mansion, leaving Atsumu behind.

As soon as Komori arrived at the mansion, everyone was dead. No. Futakuchi was still hanging on. He dash on his way to where Sakusa is and asked, "Kiyoomi, are you going to finish him off?" He stared at Sakusa as he continues to brutally beat the man lying on the ground.

Sakusa stared down at the weak, broken and bleeding man at his feet. "What a shame, Futakuchi." He breathed. "None of this had to happen but you abducted him and even did those horrible things to him." He kicked Futakuchi's face and the man let out a soft groan.

"Any last words?" He said as he reloads his gun. 

Futakuchi coughed up blood, hissing in pain. He grabbed Sakusa by his feet and murmured, "Y-yasushi.. w-why did y-you kill h-him.... he's... a.. nice guy... he.. was not... suppose to be... here." Futakuchi was mumbling non stop and it's seems like he's already out of it.

"Motoya." Sakusa called out. "Drag him next to that guy."

Even though Komori was confused, he walked towards Futakuchi, grabbed him on his feet and pulled him all the way where Kamasaki was, cold and lifeless. 

Futakuchi slowly reached out for Kamasaki's hands, giving it a gentle squeeze. Tears formed on his eyes as he slowly bump his head on Kamasaki's arm. 

"I'm so... sorry, Yasushi."

Sakusa stared at the both of them with disgust. "Pleasure doing business with you, Futakuchi." Futakuchi weakly looked up right as Sakusa aimed his gun and fired.

Komori stared at the calm but raging Sakusa, unable to know why he was so desperate to save someone else. It was the first time that he saw him getting this angry besides his mother getting involved.

"Let's leave." Sakusa said before kicking Futakuchi's body one more time. 

"You really like him, don't you?" Komori murmured as they go back to where the cars were. It wasn't really a question. He already knew the answer.

"I had never seen you panicked before, Kiyoomi. When you came in to our house earlier, you were fuming in anger and you were almost begging me to help you save that guy."

Sakusa frowned but Komori continued, not letting him to butt in to defend his self. "I hope you won't lose focus now that Atsumu is in the picture." He paused, trailing off for a moment. "For everything that you and I will work on together, I hope you won't lose focus."

Sakusa thought back to the first time he'd met Komori Motoya. He was an orphan back then but was kicked out because he was stealing food late at night to feed the other children whom are not fed well. He found him on the street while he was heading back from cram school, shivering deep in the streets while snow was falling heavily back then.

Both of them were just force to work for the clan. Both having the same reason. Just to continue living in this cruel world. To live and nothing but that.  

"I won't lose focus. I know you don't like seeing people you love dying." Sakusa's reply was simple but Komori knew he mean it. "But from now own, I want you to protect not just me but also Atsumu."

"Of course." Komori quickly replied. Sakusa run as fast as he can as he saw the car where Atsumu was. As soon as he open the backseat, Atsumu was lying there with Komori's coat on him.

When Atsumu heard the door opening, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Sakusa, his shirt filled with blood all over. He softly called out Sakusa's name while reaching his right hand to him.

Sakusa immediately grabbed his hand and leaned down to whisper that he was there and everything was okay. 

"You're going back to Shibuya or you'll stay at your home here in Seoul?" Komori asked before transferring at the other car.

"We'll stay here for a while." Sakusa said as he sat beside Atsumu, lifting his head so Atsumu can rest on his lap. 

"Okay." Komori nodded. "Drive them to Busan, Tsukasa-san."

"You don't have to tell me I heard him say it." Iizuna Tsukasa said as he steps on the gas, leaving Komori behind.

Sakusa quickly turned his attention back to Atsumu, touching his face gently. "How do you feel?" Atsumu groaned softly, muttering it hurt a lot but he was still half dazed from the drugs he took earlier. 

Sakusa sighed deeply. "I'm sorry this happened to you. I will never let this happen to you again." He promised, brushing the sweaty hair out of Atsumu's face. He felt so sleepy as Sakusa brushes his fingertips on his hair.

"Rest well, Atsumu." Sakusa leaned down to kiss Atsumu's forehead once he had fallen back to sleep. 

Things were quiet for a long time, Sakusa lost in his own thoughts. He was wondering why did Oiwake suddenly gave Atsumu to Futakuchi. "Was it to get rid of him?" He thought.

"But there's now way he'll do something like this. If he wants to get rid of Atsumu, he could have killed him on their way to Wakagawa Power Plant but he didn't." 

He still doesn't know how that man's mind works. He's a tyrant but he's too smart to execute all of his plans and it always ends up as a success on his side. 

"Boss." Sakusa snapped out of his trance, looking back to Iizuna. "Yes?" 

"Your phone has been ringing for a few minutes already."

He sighed deeply when he saw who the caller was. "Yes, Oiwake-san?"

"Congratulations, Kiyoomi." Oiwake lively greeted.

"What do you mean with the 'Congratulations'?" Sakusa asked confusedly.

"You were a big help on killing everyone but most importantly killing Futakuchi. I knew you can do it!"

"I don't know what are you talking about and how did you know I killed Futakuchi?" Sakusa asked starting to wonder what was he up to.

"Everything has been planned, Kiyoomi. From the drug dealing, giving Atsumu to Futakuchi, and then you'll rescue him but what I didn't expect is you'll kill everyone in that family." 

"W-what?" Sakusa was dumbfounded. "Why did you plan something like that?"

"Another data broker was selling our account records so I hired a hacker and found out that Futakuchi bought it. I'm still not sure if that data broker was with the other data brokers that were massacred two years ago and I'm currently investigating where his real location is. Half of our property is already named after Futakuchi so in order to stop him from hoarding everything, I planned to kill him and that's where Atsumu was put into good use." Oiwake chuckled on the other line.

"You used him as your tool to execute this plan?" His question was so void of any emotion, so cold.

As soon as Oiwake answered a 'Yes', Sakusa hung up the call, not letting Oiwake to finish on explaining. Sakusa pulled his hair out of frustration as he tries to calm his self upon hearing all of those words from Oiwake. Once again, he manipulated everyone according to his plan. 

"He'll gonna kill you too someday." Iizuna blurted out. 

"I know."