Lurking Pitfall

April 16 7:23 AM Isumi Lake House Misaki Village, Nakahara, Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture

"I'm ho---- sjdcdhdcbdj what the fuck!" Komori shouted as he saw Sakusa hiding in between the wall and the shoe racks at the genkan, the space right after the entrance where Japanese people remove their shoes before entering their home. "What the hell are you doing there all curled up?!"

He removed his shoes and got himself a pair of slippers while staring at him, but Sakusa didn't even moved an inch. Without Sakusa answering him, he threw one of his slippers right on top of his head to gain his attention.

"That hurts, you dumbfuck!" Sakusa cussed, finally looking at Komori. He threw back Komori's slippers, aiming at his face but missed an inch. 

"Then don't go emitting negative energy right in front of the entrance." Komori shouted at him as he skips his way on one foot where Sakusa threw his slipper. 

Before leaving, Komori looked back at him but Sakusa wasn't looking at him anymore. He's hiding his face in between his knees, all curled up, feeling all gloomy as if dark clouds are on top of his head.

"What happened to your date yesterday? Did it went well or you busted it? I'm betting all of my property that you busted it."

"No, I didn't. In fact, Atsumu wants to go on another date with me because he didn't had the chance to see the parade last night because of the heavy rain." Sakusa answered still not looking at him.

Komori's jaw dropped as he heard what Sakusa answered. He threw his bag on the floor and quickly walked towards him. He kneeled down and lifted Sakusa's chin with a curled index finger, forcing him to meet his curious gaze.  

"Why in the world he wants another date with you? Is he crazy? Did you used some potion to seduce him? Does he have a fever or something?" 

"He does have a fever." Sakusa answered with a worried look on his face, his lack of sleep caused his dark circles to be noticeable. "He's been having nightmares last night every time he tries to sleep and I don't even know what to do anymore."

"Where is he now?" 

 "He's gone." Sakusa said as he hides his face once again in between his knees.

Komori grabbed Sakusa's collar and shouted hysterically, "You killed him?! He only has a fever why would you kill him?! You could have called me last night and asked me for the recipe of Rice Porridge!"

"Why would I, you dumbass? Get off!" Sakusa kicked Komori's stomach causing him to fall back. "His father called him earlier and told him that he and his wife are in Tokyo to visit him. I tried to stop him or even drop him off but he rejected my offer and even shouted at me because he said I was so stubborn."

Sakusa buried his face between his knees once again as he remembers how Atsumu shouted at him this morning. The way Atsumu rejected him hurt him so bad. 

He had this feeling that he doesn't want Atsumu to drop him off their house because there might be a possibility that his parents will see him together with a guy like him, an untrustworthy and dishonest yakuza known for killing tens of thousands of people. 

"Oh... I see." Komori sat in front of him, curled and hugged his knees as if imitating Sakusa's position, his eyes are fixated at him. Both of them were silent for a minute not until Komori heard Sakusa's stomach growling which made him roll on the floor, laughing so hard.

 "Shut up!" Sakusa stood up and started kicking him to stop him from laughing. Sakusa was glaring at him, and Komori knew without looking.

"O-okay, I-I'll stop!" 

He tried to stop himself from laughing as the punches and slaps he gets from Sakusa are starting to get stronger and he's been hitting his gunshot wounds on his back which he got in his teens. 

He cleared his throat and tried to crawl his way far from him and breathed, "C-come here, I'll make you breakfast."

When they were in the kitchen, Sakusa sat on the dining table, facing Komori who was now wearing his apron after he put his things in his room. 

"Did he said anything to you before leaving?" He asked while mixing eggs, milk, and vanilla.

"Nothing more. He only said that he'll go back to Tokyo because of his parents' sudden visit and he'll be gone for a couple of days." 

"Oh... okay." Komori dryly answered before focusing his attention back on mixing flour, baking soda, salt, and nutmeg.

"What's with you?" Sakusa annoyingly asked that made Komori confused. "You've locked us up here for three weeks already but you're allowing him to go out now?"

Komori pointed the spatula to his self and answered, "Do I even have the rights to stop him if it's an order from his father?"

He poured the egg-milk mixture into the dry ingredients and started mixing until the batter is just a bit lumpy. He looked back at Sakusa while mixing the ingredients and continued,

"Besides, his family must be so worried about him if he does a job like that. Being an undercover agent must be really a hard job just by thinking about it. I wonder if his family agreed with him when he told them that he wants to be one."

"Now that we're talking about Atsumu, how did you know that he lives at Hyogo Prefecture? Where have you been gathering all those info that even my men can't find?" Sakusa asked as he wipes the table thoroughly to disinfect any dirt from it. 

"Oh you mean what I said to you during your date yesterday?"Sakusa nodded in response to Komori's question and continued, "You told me that he lives in Hyogo Prefecture but based on the data that my men gave to me, he lives in Nagamachi. So where did you got that information?"

"I was just guessing." Komori lied, dodging Sakusa's question as he heats and add a tablespoon of butter to a non stick pan and started cooking the pancakes. 

 "You do know what I hate the most, right?"

When Komori glanced up to look at him, Sakusa's face had an expression of deadly earnest. 

"You know, right?" Sakusa asked once again, his voice sounded so serious.

Komori placed the pancakes on a plate and answered,

"Telling lies."

"Then why aren't you answering me properly when I'm asking?" His voice has an annoyed edge. "I'm sure you have some information that you're hiding from me right now."

"Relax." Komori said as he puts a plate of pancakes with sliced bananas, strawberry and blueberry, drizzled with honey on top. "It's not like I'll hide these information to you."

"Then tell me." Sakusa ordered with his mouth full. He obviously didn't ate anything since yesterday. 

Komori goes back to the kitchen counter and started brewing coffee for him. After turning the coffee maker on, he turned his head to look over and explained, 

"I had this information from a trusted 'senpai' I know in this line of work. When you were in Busan, remember the time we were at Dadaepo Beach and you told me that you investigated his profile three times but you didn't find anything unusual?"


"Well, I did mine and went out of my way to ask for Ukai-san's help." 


Komori served the brewed coffee and sat across him. "Ukai Keishin. He was an intern back then with the special unit under the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. And guess what?"

"What?" Sakusa asked as he sips his coffee which he almost spit out as soon as he heard Komori's answer.

"Atsumu's mother was the Chief of Police of their department." Komori answered before taking a bite of his pancake. 

"Chief of Police?! Atsumu's mother?!"

"It's amazing, right? But it's not just that." Komori took a bite once again and continued, "His father is the Minister of Justice. Both of them were awarded the Grand Cordon of the order of Chrysanthemum, which is the highest conferred honor."

"Wait, I don't get it. If his family is well known, why didn't my men found those information when they were investigating him?"

Komori took a sip of his coffee, gazed at him intently and answered, "That's because everyone knows that they only have one son."

"You mean his older brother? He already told me about his older brother who was killed by some police unit because they thought he was selling drugs"

"What do you mean with older brother?" Komori asked, looking confused with what Sakusa is talking about. "Atsumu doesn't have an older brother and was not also killed by some police unit because of drugs."

Sakusa looked at him with an obvious look of bewilderment because that was all Atsumu has said to him. "Then who is this brother you are talking to?"

Komori stared at him for a moment, thinking if he'll answer his question but then he remembered that Sakusa will annoy him all day and he doesn't like people lying to him. 

He then revealed, "He doesn't have an older brother but a twin who is younger than him."

Sakusa stood up from his seat and grabbed Komori's shirt over the table. "Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying! This is all the information I got from Ukai-san!"

Sakusa's grip on his shirt started loosening up. He couldn't believe that all of the information that his men gave him are all wrong and what hurts him the most was his lover never trusted him, not even once. 

He had the chance to confess it all to him the moment Sakusa knew he was an undercover agent assigned to investigate their clan but he didn't. 

"So... he was lying?"

"Don't worry." Komori said as he shrugs off Sakusa's hands which are still onto his shirt. "Ukai-san said it was all just a rumor and no one haven't found both of them together but it's better that you know about this instead of me hiding it from you, right? If you really wanted to know everything about him, try asking one of the members of the special unit named Takeda Ittetsu."

Sakusa's face stilled until he looked as cold and lifeless as a statue. "Do you think that he'll talk, knowing his own family hid the fact that they have another son? Stop being a dumbass."

"It's better to try rather than doing nothing, right? In the first place, if Atsumu trusts you, he'll tell you everything." Komori grabbed an apple and pointed it towards Sakusa's face. He then said with a serious tone on his voice, "This is either if you trust him so much you'll wait for him to tell you everything about himself or you make a move to know the truth."

 "What if I'll ask him about it, will there be a possibility that he'll leave me?"

"You do know I'm not the one who can answer that, right?" Komori stood up and walked towards the sink to wash the dishes. "Oh, right. If you're planning to investigate his profile again, Ukai-san told me his twin's brother name but I kinda forgot what it was but it was a name that has a meaning somewhere with 'reign' and 'discipline'."


Cold shivers ran down his spine as he remember the first time Atsumu met Oiwake at the Akigawa Valley wherein Kageyama and Hinata was suppose to be killed that day. He remembers the name Oiwake called him, thinking it was the same person but with a different hair color.

"Miya O-osamu?"

"Right!" Komori exclaimed while pointing the sponge at him. "His brother's twin name is Miya Osamu."

"When is my father coming home?" Sakusa asked as he dash towards Komori before grabbing both of his shoulders roughly. "When is he going back from California?!"

"I don't know. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Komori annoyingly asked as he tries to break free from Sakusa's grip as it gets tighter. "

"My father and Oiwake-san know something about Atsumu's twin brother."

"W-what?" Komori was dumbfounded, unable to speak upon hearing Sakusa's words. It was impossible for him to not know who Atsumu's twin brother is if Sakusa's father and Oiwake knows about him. 

He's been working alongside with them since he was a kid because he was trained to be Sakusa's right hand as soon as he replace his father.

"S-stop joking a-around." Komori shrugged off Sakusa's hands off of him before wiping his hands using the kitchen towel placed at the counter. "I've been working with Oiwake-san the day you took me in so there's no way I don't know someone like him."

"When are they going back?" Sakusa asked once again as he's starting to get irritated with him. Sakusa gave him a harried look, one that said that his patience was at an end.

"No. I will never answer that question." Komori walked away, leaving  him at the kitchen counter without answering his question. 

He knew that if he answers  his question, he will go back to his father which he avoids him to do so. He was thankful that both of Sakusa's father and Oiwake wouldn't be able to answer their phone in case Sakusa calls them because they're on an important contract meeting during these days and he doubt that Sakusa will call his father because he has never done it in his entire life. 

But Komori was wrong. 

As soon as he left him downstairs, Sakusa took out his phone he use for work and tried to call the only contact number saved on his phone with his shaking hands. He had second thoughts if he should do it or not because he haven't done it before. He knows that his father is attending an important meeting and if he calls and disturbs him, he knows that he'll be raging with anger.

He had all those thoughts but his relationship with Atsumu weighs more than a thousand times than those. He pressed the call button and started waiting.... and waiting.... but after four attempts, his calls didn't go through, but that didn't stop him. On his six attempt, after a few rings, the other line answered the call.

"Hello, Daiki-san? Sorry for calling on a busy time but I just wa--" Sakusa was cut off when his father suddenly asked who he was, which weirded out Sakusa because his father only has his and Oiwake's number saved on his phone for work.

"K-kiyoomi?" Daiki looked at his phone screen for the third time, surprised that his son called him. "This is r-really you, right?"

Sakusa was silent for a moment due to the sudden change of attitude of his father which he finds it odd. "Y-yes. Sorry for calling you on a busy day."

"No! I'm not busy." Daiki exclaimed to stop his son from worrying. He signaled the Executive Directors and Managers inside the meeting hall to take a break as he has an important call. He closed the door behind him and awkwardly greeted, "It's b-been a while so... yeah."

"Oh... I..." Terrible doubts started flooding his mind because of the way his father was treating him. He was treating him nicely, which he haven't done once. He thought that maybe he wanted to do something for him again that's why he had this sudden change of attitude. 

He tried to control and spoke in a calm manner, "I called and just wanted to ask on when will you go back here in Japan because I have some important things to discuss with you as soon as you arrive."

Daiki sensed the nervousness on his son's voice. He already expected that since it was the first time that his son was the one calling him but he felt happy at the same time. After a short silence, Daiki sighed, finally having the courage to ask him a question that had been nagging him since the incident after his son's birthday celebration.

"Why don't we eat out together as soon as I arrive there?"

The line was silent for so long that Daiki checked his phone to see if the call had been dropped or not. "Hello? You still there?"

"Um... y-you i-invited the wrong person. T-this is K-kiyoomi and not ot---"

"I know. I know." He rubbed his nape because of embarrassment, and laughed shortly before he continued, "I'll be back next week. I'll be waiting for you at my mansion so let's talk about everything during our dinner. Is that alright with you?"

The tears came without warning. He may seem childish but it will be the first time that he'll be eating together with his father. He wiped his tears from his eyes with his hand and gladly accepts his father invitation.

"Y-yes of course!" His luminous eyes shone more brightly than usual from the tears of joy that were in them.  

Relief brought a smile to Daiki's lips. Finally, he will have the chance to start a good relationship with his son. His son may not forgive everything what he did to him, but little by little, he wants to become a worthy father to his son.

"Good. Let's meet at my mansion on April 21."

April 16 9:24 AM Ichigaya Shinjuku, Takadanobaba, Nakano, Nishi-Tokyo

"Osamu?" The man woke up as he felt his mother gently tapping his shoulder to get up. "Your phone has been ringing non stop and I'm not sure if I'll pick it up for you."

When he opened his eyes, the sun was directly overhead. He felt dizzy as he quickly stood up from his bed causing him to stumble on the floor that made his mother so worried. He forgot that he went back to his house in Tokyo because his parents were visiting him.

"What's with the rush? You need to rest because your fever hasn't gone down yet."

To avoid his mother, he dashed outside of his room and went to his storage room which is on the far left corner of the second floor to prevent his mother from hearing his conversation with the person who was calling.

"Hello?" He answered while rubbing his temple to ease the pain he's feeling from dizziness. "Sugawara-san, it's been a while." 

"Sorry for calling you early, Atsumu. Is it a good time to talk today? I need to discuss something with you today." Sugawara asked as he grabs the folder for today's report from Tsukishima which he wrote. He then rush towards the Communications office and handed the folder over to Terushima. 

"Finish this today." Sugawara mouthed off while looking at Terushima which caused him to choke on his drink because his work has been piling up for two weeks straight and he was nowhere done unlike Bobata and Takeharu, chillin while eating ice cream. 

Atsumu sat on the floor, putting his head back and closing his eyes for a short time, but the pounding headache only intensified. The strange fever remained, making him feel as if he'd been sitting in a sauna for hours. "I'm free today. Where are we meeting?"

"The café near our agency," Sugawara went back to his office and signed the paper Iwaizumi has been nagging him to sign and asked Hinata to bring it over to him. 

"The Starbucks one." Sugawara added to be precise with the location. "Hinata, tell Iwaizumi not to go to any bomb threat locations for the next two weeks, okay? Tell him to do some office work instead."

"Did you just called out Hinata?" Atsumu asked, not sure if he's just hallucinating because of his fever. 

"Yeah, I did. I'll explain to you everything so be there before lunch." Sugawara hung up without waiting for any response from Atsumu and got his self ready for another meeting with the Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy Executive Director, and Executive Assistant Director for a daily report of the cases they all are handling. Now that Daichi has left the agency, all of his work has been thrown to him. 

"Osamu?" A sudden knock on the door scared the hell out of him.  "You there?"

It was his mother. 


Atsumu quickly stood up and opened the door. His mother was waiting outside while rubbing her palms who seems to be so worried about him. 

"S-sorry, I had an important call." He stuttered while raising his phone before walking past her. 

"I prepared some onigiri for breakfast!" His mother shouted but Atsumu didn't heard her because he was so pre-occupied. He goes back to his room and made sure to lock the door for her not to barge in again.

He marched to the bathroom and took the hottest bath he could tolerate. After a few moment, he shut off the shower and wrapped himself in the thick towel. He grabbed a black shirt, topping it with an oversized Harajuku style Baseball jacket from his drawer to lessen the cold he's feeling. 

Before leaving, he grab a bucket hat from the stand rack and walked towards the mirror, ensuring that any strands of his hair can't be seen due to his hair color got rinsed off after his shower.

As soon as he goes downstairs, he saw his mother who was about to head to his room, holding a bed tray table with the onigiri she prepared for him.

"I don't need the breakfast so just throw it away." Atsumu dryly said as he walks past by her but then he saw his father at the living area, eyeing him with his every move.

"Osamu." His father called out, his voice quickened his pulse due to terror as he knows what his father will do if he doesn't want to cooperate with him. 

"Fine." Atsumu said as he took a gulp of air to steady himself before going to the kitchen where he saw his mother wrapping the food she prepared in a plastic/

"Give me one." He took a seat on the dining area and his mother hurriedly took out the food. 

"I'll heat it up for you." His mother said. She was about to reheat his food on the microwave but was stop when Atsumu held her arm.

"No need." He gazed up at her before roughly snatching the plate from her. 

"You have a fever, right?" His father asked as he sit across him. He looked at his wife, smiled warmly and said, "A cup of coffee will be good, honey." 

"I'm fine. It's a busy day for me so there's no fuc--" Atsumu stopped, almost cursing at his father which he thought that Osamu will never do. "....way you'll stop me today because It's an important matter."

"Is there a problem with your school? I can help you out if you want me to." His mother said as she looks down at Atsumu while gently patting his head which annoyed him so much.

Due to Osamu's death, his mother convinced herself and always believed that her son, Osamu, is attending med school to become a pediatrician. It seems like she lost all of her memories  of when Osamu run away from home and was found at Akigawa Valley with Atsumu up until he died on the same place.

"No, I'm fine. I need to go." Atsumu hurriedly ate his food and took his jacket to leave the house immediately just to prevent his mother from asking him more questions.

"Wait up, I'll go outside with you." His father said as he stands up from the dining table. "I'm cleaning the car today, honey."

He looked at his son and motioned his hand to follow him outside. Atsumu looked so nervous and uncomfortable every time he is with his father. 

He know the rules, and that is to strictly obey all of his father's orders. He never tried to defy his father because he doesn't have the guts to do it in the first place.

"How's your investigation with the Sakusa family?" His father asked as soon as he assures that his wife won't be hearing their conversation while their at the garage.

"Sakusa Daiki is in California right now for an important meeting with a huge company. They'll be discussing about the issuance of the increase amount of stocks which will be approved by the board of directors." 

Atsumu explained which he overheard from the conversation Sakusa had with Komori a couple of days ago.

"You're fucking slow." His father cursed as he lights up his cigarette. His father stared down at him and pointed his finger on his son's head. "Use your fucking brain. I don't care what method you'll use so fucking kill him already."

He blew the smoke of his cigarette to his son's face and continued, "You want your mom to recognize you, right?"

Atsumu just nodded his head before staring down at his feet because he doesn't want to face his father when they have this kind of conversation. It just makes him realize that he's just a tool for his father's convenience that he can use to avenge the death of his son that he is so proud of.

"Take revenge of your brother's death then. Start with killing Sakusa Daiki then kill his son so that no one can continue their business."

As soon as he heard what his father said, he was unable to stop himself from protesting. 

"His son doesn't have anything to do with Osamu's death!" Atsumu shouted at him which pissed his father off. He quickly turned his head to check if his wife was around but felt relief soon after he saw from the window of the garden that she's cleaning the living room.

He went back where he left Atsumu and punched him in the face causing him to fall back on the pavement. He grabbed his collar and angrily whispered, "Shut your fucking trap! Do you want to see your mother getting all depressed again because of your brother?!

Atsumu trembled all over so with fear as he remembers all of the memories he had when her mother cries out everyday, fired from work, attempted suicide multiple times and almost got admitted to a mental hospital because she never recovered from his son's death.

He thought that he was responsible for turning their world into a living hell. It felt like he was stuck in a nightmare that would go on forever not until his father suggested to Atsumu to live as Osamu for the rest of his life.

He finally saw her mother smiling after a long time as she gently stroke his gray hair. His mother got back on his knees and felt happy once again.

But he felt empty.

And he didn't care anymore.

Atsumu shook his head in disagreement and said, "N-no. I don't want her to suffer again... but killing his son---"

"No fucking buts, Atsumu." He loosened his grip on his collar and pushed him roughly on the pavement. 

Before leaving, he stared down at his son and commanded, "That's an order, Atsumu. Kill Sakusa Daiki to avenge your brother's death and kill his only son to end their clan."

"H-hey? Atsumu?" Sugawara called out for his name a few times as he snaps his finger in front of his face. "You alright?"

"E-eh?" Atsumu turned around to look and saw that he was already at the café where Sugawara told him where to meet up. "H-how did I got in h-here?"

"Well, you arrived earlier than me so I don't know how did you get in here." Sugawara said while looking at the counter, waiting for his name to be called.

"Daichi messaged me earlier that he will be meeting us here shortly." He said, still looking at the counter. 

"Why here? If it's something important we need to discuss, why not at the office?"  Atsumu asked who got annoyed at the same time because Sugawara has been busy looking at the counter and not paying attention to him.

"Sugawara-san?" A man with a dark grayish-green hair called out as he hands out a Vanilla Cream Fruit Frappuccino. Sugawara hurriedly stood up and run towards him.

"Oh... it's you again." The man shyly smiled as he hands out Sugawara's drink. 

He reached out for his drink and asked, "Yeah. Sorry for always visiting you almost everyday. Have you been doing well, Yamaguchi?"

"Uhm... If you still feel guilty about me being kidnapped by the Shibayama clan, I'm slowly recovering but everything's fine now." He smiled at Sugawara in a reassuring way before he gets back at the counter to get the order of the customers in line.

Before Sugawara leaves the counter, Yamaguchi rushed back to where Sugawara was and gently pulled his shirt over the counter and jokingly said, "I've been trying to perfect the Strawberry Frapp for Tsukki... shima so tell him to quickly order that here. That's why please don't get tired of telling him that everything that happened before was not his fault."

Yamaguchi smiled at him tenderly and waved his hand to say goodbye before going back to serve the next customer.

"Who was that?" Atsumu asked as soon as Sugawara goes back to his seat. 

He took a sip of his Frappuccino and smiled happily, exhaling a little, "Ah... this drink really hits the spot."

"Earth to Sugawara? Hello?" Atsumu interfered with Sugawara's happy thoughts as he wave his hand in front of his face. "Who was that kid? Someone you know?"

"Tsk." Sugawara clicked his tongue, annoyed with him from stopping him from savoring his drink. 

"Remember the time we met at an alley where you saw us with Kuroo, Daichi, Iwaizumi and Oikawa? Kuroo plotted to kidnap his step brother, Shibayama Yuuki, who was hospitalized at Tokyo Medical Hospital. He took Akaashi Keiji as his hostage so that Bokuto Kotarou will comply with his order to kidnap his step brother that time. To corner us, he also took a civilian hostage," Sugawara pointed at Yamaguchi's direction and continued, "who's somewhat a close friend of Tsukishima."

"How come he's still working on the same place even though something terrible happened to him?" Atsumu asked while looking at Yamaguchi who was happily taking order of the customers. "If I was him, I would have flew somewhere far away from here."

"Hmmm... would you say the same if the person you love is here?" Sugawara asked which got Atsumu's attention. 

"You know something?" He asked but Sugawara just shrugged his shoulders in response as he returns his attention back to his Frappuccino. "What an unfair senior I have."

Atsumu stood up from his seat and walked towards the counter to order. Yamaguchi then welcomed him and asked for his order, beaming with a more than a cordial smile. 

"One Iced Matcha Latte. Grande, please." He ordered as he hands over a 1000 yen bill to him. 

Yamaguchi grabbed a Grande cup and a marker and asked, "Name, please?"

Atsumu paused for a moment and smiled at him, answering him, "Suzuki."

Yamaguchi smiled at him once again and wrote Suzuki on Atsumu's cup. "Thank you. Please wait for a couple of minutes as we prepare your drinks." 

When Atsumu came back, Daichi was already there, sitting next to Sugawara. He instinctively run towards him because he knows that Daichi hates people who are always late. 

"Sorry for making you wait." He bowed down in front of Daichi and sat across them. 

"You don't have to respect me to that extent. As you may know, I betrayed the agency." Daichi smiled but his eyes did not. "Should we start before Sugawara shoots me?"

When Daichi spoke those words, Atsumu glanced at Sugawara and saw him holding a gun which was hidden on his coat, pointing it at Daichi's side. He was acting as if he's not doing something dangerous by happily sipping his drink. 

"I heard that you already know that Hinata's back at the agency, right?" 

Atsumu nodded in response. "Why did you two allow him to go back? We have a policy that we should not mix our personal feelings with our work that's why you also fired me, right? I'm sure you know that Hinata wants to go back to work to avenge for Kageyama's death. Didn't you consider his safety before allowing him to work for you two again?"

"This motherfucker right here was the one who suggested to bring him back." Sugawara said as he points his gun closer to Daichi' skin. "He said that we're currently understaffed so there's a big possibility that the Prime Minister will not allow us to continue this case anymore."

"How'd you get that information?" Atsumu asked. Sugawara only looked at Daichi waiting for him to answer the question but he only gave them an 'I don't know' look. 

Sugawara just gave up because he knows that Daichi wouldn't say more that he should. Daichi is now part of the Kita clan and he is sure that both of them are not trusting each other's words. 

"So what's the deal? Why did you call us out here?" He put his drink aside and waited Daichi to speak. 

"Oh, that." Daichi stared at Atsumu and continued, "I want you to be part of my team that will finish off Sakusa Daiki."

Atsumu stared at him, thinking that Daichi is out of his mind. Just by meeting Sakusa Daiki personally is already hard what more if they're planning to finish him off.

"W-what did you say?" Atsumu asked, dumbfounded upon hearing Daichi's words. "You're planning to kill him?"

Daichi nodded in response. "Kenma was the one who planned everything and Kuroo wants my clan to do it instead of them."

"Then you just agreed with it? How stupid can you be?" Sugawara asked in a bored voice. He took a sip of his drink and continued, "You do know the Sakusa family has a lot of members protecting the clan, right? What would a small fry family like yours do to annihilate their clan? You're planning to die like a dog who just followed his master's order?"

Daichi groan as if he was in pain as he place his right hand on his chest. "Your insults really do pierce right through me." 

"So it's just really us?" Atsumu asked to gather more information from Daichi. "If it's really just us, then there's a big possibility that we will all die the moment we step foot in his mansion." 

"Kenma told me that whenever Sakusa Daiki goes overseas, most of the member of the clan are assigned to fully guard different markets and warehouse where his properties are to prevent any problems. Most likely, these are the location where they hide illegal substances like drugs and their guns they use. At the moment, Sakusa Daiki is in California for an important meeting. Just to make sure, one of my member went around to investigate and he confirmed that most of them are all out."

Daichi took out a folder and showed the both of them some pictures of Sakusa Daiki in California and some pictures his member took. 

"As you can see, most of the members are also out. Kenma told me that even though Kuroo and I are the head of each of our clan, there's no way that they will let us in without Sakusa Daiki's permission."

"Then what are we gonna do then?" Atsumu asked, thinking that all of what Daichi is saying is all non sense and nothing comes good with their side.

"Let me guess." Sugawara faced Daichi and continued, "If they're not allowing you to come in, then you're planning to sneak inside the mansion while Sakusa Daiki is out? To deal with the CCTVs around the mansion, Kenma will be the one handling those. And to create a chaos which will allow you to sneak in, you're planning to do something wild with one of Sakusa Daiki's warehouse so that some of the members left in the mansion will rush towards the incident, am I right?" 

Daichi patted his head, a slow smile worked its way across his face and into his eyes, "Stop making me regret my life decisions."

Atsumu couldn't know what Daichi meant with those words. Even though Daichi betrayed the agency, there's this air around them that still haven't changed. He doesn't know why but there's this part of him, believing that they can still trust Daichi even if he didn't tell a word why he left the agency.

Sugawara slapped Daichi's hand off of his head and pointed his gun closer to Daichi, motioning him to continue. 

"All of the details of the plan will be given out tomorrow. A man from the Shibayama clan will be giving out folders so you better let him in so that he can further explain the plan to all of you."

"Suzuki-san?" Yamaguchi shouted as he raise Atsumu's drink. He was about to get up but Sugawara insisted to get it for him. He handed his gun to Atsumu under the table and ordered him to shot him dead if he does something weird.

"I won't do anything tho." Daichi jokingly said while raising both of his hands.

"I don't give a fuck with your jokes so shut the fuck up."

As soon as Sugawara leaves, Daichi looked back at Atsumu, his smile that he has been showing in front of Sugawara has been gone. For a moment, he simply gazed into his eyes, and then he drew a deep breath.

"I know that Kuroo is just using me." Daichi blurted that shocked Atsumu, it seems like he suddenly became vulnerable in front of him. He acted strong in front of Sugawara, but now he seems like he's saying something he can't say to Sugawara.

"Kuroo is planning to use you too because he knows that Sakusa Daiki was the one who killed your brother. He was so sure that you'll agree with this that's why he asked me to invite you for the mission. With your skills with how accurate you can shoot, you can easily pass through all of the guards protecting the clan."

"I d-don't want to---" Atsumu was cut off as he remembers what his father said this morning. His father wants him to kill Sakusa Daiki to avenge for his brother's death but he doesn't want to hurt Kiyoomi because he cherishes his father so much even if he was treating him badly. 

When Daichi noticed that Sugawara is returning, he quickly said, "It's fine if you can't give me an answer. You still have less than a week left before we start the mission."

"Less than a week?! When are we all going to do this?" Atsumu asked, surprise with how much time left to prepare for this mission.

Daichi leaned close to Atsumu and answered,

"The day that he'll be back in Japan... April 21."