New Life

Akemi points his katana at the old man in front of him while covered in blood and wounds while panting heavily "Now...It's finally...Your turn"

Old man: "Do you really think you can kill me in your current condition?"

Akemi: "I will! You took everything away from me...My family! My friends! You even killed my wife Zhurong!" he bends his knees getting ready to charge towards the man "you're going to pay with your life!"

Old Man: "you were too weak to prevent it, you can only blame yourself!"

Akemi's eyes turns red "I will avenge them all now!"

Old man: "Little one...Do you remember what you told me a long time ago?"

Akemi glares at him "what are you rambling about you old fool?"

Old man: "It was never trust anyone right? shouldn't either"

Akemi: "Huh? Has seeing death standing before you caused you to-" he spits up blood "Argh!" He looks down slowly and sees a hand through his chest "H..huh?" He looks to his left slowly then sees a man with short black hair and red eyes standing behind him with a smirk on his face

Akemi: "T..Toru?" he breathes weakly "W..why?"

Toru snatches his hand from Akemi's chest "Sorry but, I'm switching sides"

Akemi falls to the ground face first

Toru walks past Akemi toward the old man

Akemi looks up slowly as Toru walks away and reaches for him weakly but his hand falls to the ground "Why?" His eyes close and he sees nothing but darkness

Akemi: "I...I don't want to die...I..."

A light forms and swallows the darkness

Akemi: "Who would have thought I'd die like this...Being betrayed by my best friend"

Voice: "Do you desire a second chance?"

Akemi: "What? Who said that?"

Voice: "Do you desire a second chance at life?"

Akemi: "Wha-"

Voice: "Do you?"

Akemi: "If it means I can have my revenge, then yes"

Voice: "Oh? What if the ones you want to take revenge on are dead?"

Akemi smirks "then my revenge will fall upon their descendants"

The voice chuckles "you are an interesting one...Very well then"

Moments Later

The clouds over a city forms a circle then a ray of light shoots from the center towards a building

Inside the Building

The ray of light hits a body wrapped in bandages from neck to toe

Moments later Akemi's eyes open slowly and he sees a blue ceiling "wh-where am I?" He sits up and looks around

Akemi: "Is this a hospital? Why am I here?" He looks down and notices his entire body is covered in bandages. "Was I reincarnated?" He lifts his bandage covered hands to his face "so that voice I heard wasn't lying after all." He chuckles "I'm alive." he leans back and laughs even louder "I'M ALIVE!" He looks outside of the window at the clear blue sky "you fuckers better count your days!"

A black window message appears in front of Akemi with white words "Welcome Player!"

Akemi: "Player? I'm a player?"

The message changes "Would you like to claim one time rewards? Yes Or No?"

Akemi: "Rewards?" he puts his left hand on his chin "what do I have to lose? Accept!"

Nothing happens

Akemi: "Nothing happened? Maybe I need to press it?" he lifts his right hand and presses yes with his index finger

A bright light comes from the message

Akemi covers his eyes with his right arm then puts his arm down a moment later after the light dims

A gold box floats down into Akemi's left hand

Akemi: "A golden box?" He looks at the box for a moment "this is the reward?" He pokes the box with his right index finger and it opens, a second window appears

Message: "Rewards claimed

Reward #1: 20 SP

Reward #2: Lian Xu's Memories"

Akemi leans closer to the message "20 SP? What is SP? Well whatever I'll figure it out later." he looks below 20 SP at his second reward "Lian Xu's memories? Who is Lian Xu? Perhaps the previous owner of this body"

The message changes showing Name: Akemi Haruki, Level 1 at the top left and below it, HP 200 with a green bar to the right of it and MP 150 with a blue bar to the right.

He looks below his HP and MP seeing Job: None and Title: None

Akemi: "Level 1? There's even jobs and titles? Well I don't have either of those right now."

He looks at the bottom of the window, seeing Strength 1, Defense 1, Agility 1, Intelligence 1, Vitality 1, Luck 1, SP 20 "everything is at one except SP."

Akemi moves the white blanket from on him and gets out of the bed "I need to see what is happening right now."

Akemi walks into the bathroom then turns on the sink, splashing water on his face "that feels much better" he looks up at the mirror and notices his face "wha-wha-WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"

The birds outside fly away

Akemi: "Who the hell is this!?" He pulls off his bandages then pinches his cheeks and pats his stomach as it jiggles "why am I a fatass slob!?" He touches his hair "why is my hair white?...Is this some kind of joke?" he looks closer "my eyes are gold too."

The door opens and a woman with long silver her, a short pink dress with buttons, and dark purple eyes runs into the room "Lian Xu you're awake! I need to tell the doctor!" She quickly runs out of the room

Akemi: "...Huh?"

The nurse runs down the hall and slams open a door to her left "Doctor!"

A doctor with gray hair, light brown eyes, and a hospital coat looks to his left while sitting at his desk

Doctor: "Is there a problem?"

Nurse: "Lian Xu is awake!"

Doctor: "He's been in a coma for 6 months. Tell him he need to stay still and rest, his injuries are quite sever"

Nurse: "Um...About that"

The doctor blinks "hm?"


Akemi's door bursts open

Akemi sitting on the bed then looks up at the door "hm?"

The doctor standing at the door panting heavily

Akemi: "Um."

The doctor walks quickly towards Akemi and stands in front of him

Akemi looks at the doctor confused

Doctor: "Mr. Lian Xu, would you mind laying back for me so I can check the state of your body?"

Akemi's thoughts: "I really don't like being called by that name"

Akemi smiles "Of course" he puts his legs on the bed and lays back against the pillow

The doctor puts his the stethoscope in his ears and checks Akemi's heart rate" nothing seems to be the problem with that...Do you feel any pains anywhere?"

Akemi: "No, I feel completely fine."

The doctor looks at Akemi "Hmm, well if you say so but we still have to keep you for a while longer to be sure"

Akemi: "That's fine, but how long will that be?"

Doctor: "Maybe a few months"

Akemi: "Months! Are you serious? Is there a way to leave faster?" he sits up quickly

The doctor pushes up his glasses with 2 fingers "Well, you could have a parent or guardian check you out"

Akemi: "Then-"

Doctor: "But there is one problem, when we contacted your family they said we don't know anyone by that name"

Akemi's eyes widens "What?"

Doctor: "Just be patient, you will be released with time" He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him

Akemi laughs a little then falls back on the bed looking at the ceiling "Seems I've been abandoned in this lifetime as well..."

A message appears in front of Akemi's face

Daily Mission: Journey Of Strength

100 Pushups (0/100)

100 Sit ups (0/100)

100 Burpees (0/100)

100 Squats (0/100)

Run 5 miles (0/5)

Success Rewards- 5SP, energy restoration, Fat burning pill

Failure will result in consequences"

Akemi sweats a little while looking at the window "WTF IS THIS? Is this thing crazy!?!?"