The Journey And A New Friend?

Akemi sweating and panting while jogging outside

Two nurses looking down at Akemi through the window from the top floor of the hospital

Nurse 1: "Is all of this really necessary? He looks like he's going to collapse. I told him only light exercise"

Nurse 2: "It's his choice, just let him do what he wants, as long as he doesn't hurt himself"

Nurse 1: "I guess"


Akemi slows down then falls on the ground face first "I'm...Going...To die"

A window appears in front of Akemi "

Daily Mission: Journey Of Strength

100 Pushups (100/100)

100 Sit ups (100/100)

100 Burpees (100/100)

100 Squats (100/100)

Run 5 miles (5/5)

Success Rewards-

Reward 1: 5SP

Reward 2: Energy restoration

Reward 3: Fat burning pill"

Akemi looks up slowly "I'm finally done" he lifts his right hand slowly and presses reward 2"

A green light appears under Akemi and covers his body

Akemi: "What?" he gets up and looks at both of his hands

The light disappears

Akemi: "I don't feel tired anymore" he does a tiny hop "the system recovered all of my fatigue in an instant? That reward is so useful after this quest" he presses reward 1 "free SP is always nice, though I still don't know what to use them on yet" he looks down at reward 3 "I can only imagine how effective this pill will be" he presses reward 3

A light comes from the screen and a small green pill floats in front of Akemi

Akemi holds out his hand and the pill falls into his hand

A window appears next to the pill

Window: "Name: Fat Burning Pill

Type: Consumable

Rarity: Elite

Description: When consumed, burns fat 50x faster than normal rate for 3 months

Can be given"

Akemi: "50 TIMES? What the hell? This system is really something" he looks at the rarity "but what is this rarity thing?"

A second window appears "New information available. would you like to accept rarity tutorial? Yes or No?"

Akemi: "A tutorial for the rarity?" he lifts his right hand and press yes

The second window expands "There are 5 rarities that exist from lowest to highest. Rare, Elite, Legendary, Godly, and Celestial. The higher the rarity of the item, the higher the stats. Items of all rarities can be obtained through searching or rewards from the system."

Akemi: "So this pill is the second to last? I can only imagine what higher rarity pill effects may look like" he puts the pill in his mouth and swallows it, then he waits a moment "I don't feel any different yet, maybe I'll just have to wait for the effects to kick in" he turns to his right and looks at the hospital then he looks up . He notices a woman with purple hair staring down at him from the window next to his room "..."

he walks through the entrance of the hospital

The nurse looks up and sees Akemi "Oh welcome back Lian Xu"

Akemi:" Thank you" he turns to the left, walking down the hall towards his room "I am so eager for tomorrow so I can test this pill" he stops at his door and looks at the room to the right of him "...Whatever" he walks into his room and shuts his door

The Next Day

The sun shines into Akemi's room

Akemi: "HNNNG 98 ...PHUUUU 99...PAAA 100" he flips on his stomach and stands up slowly while sweating "I hate this so much" he wipes his face with a towel and walks towards the door "okay, the only thing left is running." he opens his door and looks to the left at the room besides his "hmm..." he turns and walks into the lobby

The nurse behind the counter "Are you going outside again?"

Akemi walks towards the entrance "yes"

Nurse: "Okay, be careful"

Akemi walks outside and stretches his arms while walking "It's finally that time" he smirks "System!"

A window appears in front of Akemi revealing his stats

Akemi: "I've been thinking about this all this morning but, I can invest in my stats to make this quest a bit easier right?" he leans closer to the window "and since I'm running and doing push ups, wouldn't strength and agility be the best?" he looks lower on the window "Hmm, I have 25SP at the moment and when I do today's quest I'll have 30SP...So for now I will invest 15 in agility and 10 into strength" he taps the window


"Strength: 10

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 1

Defense: 1

Vitality: 1

Luck: 1"

Akemi: "Hmm this is okay for now" he gets into a running start position and smirks "let's begin" he starts running

Three Months Later

Akemi doing sit ups with his shirt off "90..91..92..93"

A nurse opens the door with her eyes closed and a smiling "Ok Mr. Lian Xu it's time for your monthly check u-" she opens her eyes and gasps as she sees Akemi laying on the floor doing sit ups

Akemi looks at the nurse "Oh, sorry I didn't know it was that time already"

The nurse stares at Akemi, looking at his six pack, muscular body and thin face

Akemi: "...Um?"

The nurse looks away while blushing "S-sorry!"

Akemi gets up and sits on the bed "It's fine, I wasn't paying attention to the time"

The nurse turns back towards Akemi walks

Akemi: "Oh sorry" he straightens his torso

The nurse puts her stethoscope in her ear and the other end on Akemi's chest

Akemi look at the door

The nurse takes the stethoscope out of her ear and puts it around her neck "do you feel pain anywhere?"

Akemi: "Pain? No I'm completely fine"

Nurse: "You are recovering better than we all expected, it's only been three months since you woke up"

Akemi: "Since I'm fine, is it okay if I go home?"

Nurse: "I'll talk to the doctor about it" she walks towards the door "Oh and Mr. Lian Xu"

Akemi putting on his shirt "Yes?"

Nurse: "Can you do me a tiny favor?"

Akemi: "Sure what is it?"

Nurse: "In the hallway there is a food tray on the chair in front of your door, would you give it to Ms. Aiko next door to the right of your room for me?"

Akemi: "Next door? Can't you do that?"

Nurse: "I'm kind of in a hurry" she runs out of the room

Akemi sighs "I feel like she wanted to go off and ignore work" he stands up and walks into the hallway "a tray..." he looks down and sees a tray with a bowl of soup, crackers, apple sauce, and apple juice on it "this must be it" he picks up the tray and turns around looking at Ms.Aiko's door "Wait, isn't this the room of the lady who's been staring at me through the window while I've been running? he walks closer to the door "well whatever" he knocks on the door

No answer

Akemi knocks again "Ms. Aiko!? I have your food"

Still no answer

Akemi: "Does she hear me?" he waits "I'm coming in!" he slides open the door

A light wind blows into the room pushing the white curtains

Akemi's eyes widens as he sees a very skinny woman in the bed with dark short purple hair staring out the window "Ms. Aiko?"

Ms. Aiko stares out of the window silently

Akemi walks towards her "I've brought your food..."

Ms. Aiko turns around and looks at Akemi revealing her bright purple eyes

Akemi puts the tray of food on the desk next to bed

Ms. Aiko turns back around and stares outside of the window

Akemi looks at Ms. Aiko then sighs "Well you should eat, the food is not that good but it's better than nothing" he turns and walks out of the room "that was awkward" he closes the door behind him

The nurse runs to Akemi "How did it go?"

Akemi: "What do you mean?"

Nurse: "Did something happen with Ms. Aiko?"

Akemi: "No not particularly, she just looked at me"

Nurse: "She looked at you!?" she get closer to Akemi

Akemi steps back "Y-yes is something wrong with that?"

The nurse: "Hmm that's new" she steps back "Can you take her tray to her tomorrow as well?"

Akemi: "Nope, not interested"

The Next Day

Akemi stands in front of Ms. Aiko's door with a tray in his hand "...Why am I doing this again?"

Nurse: "I think you can make a difference, while Ms. Aiko has been here she hasn't looked at a single person nor spoken to anyone" she taps Akemi's shoulder "go give it a try will ya"

Akemi sighs "whatever" he knocks on the door "Ms. Aiko I brought your food"


Akemi: "The same as yesterday" he opens the door, seeing Ms. Aiko staring outside of the wind "I guess you do this everyday huh?" he walks towards her bed "Hey. I've brought your food Ms. Aiko"

Ms. Aiko doesn't say anything

Akemi: "Geez, he puts the tray on her desk "when you are done staring out of that window, be sure to eat. You look like you would break if I touched you Ms. Aiko" he walks towards the door

Ms. Aiko: "Rin..."

Akemi turns around slightly "Huh?"

Rin: "Call me Rin..." while looking out of the window

Akemi smirks a little "You can just call me Akemi" he walks out of the room

Nurse: "So?"

Akemi: "Well, she told me to call her Rin

Nurse: "Really? See can you get her to eat!"

Akemi: "Isn't that your job though? Shouldn't you be the one doing this?"

The Nurse waves her hand "don't pay attention to the small details"

Akemi: "..."

The Next Day

The door opens

Akemi: "Rin, I have your food"

Rin looks at Akemi "...Do you knock?"

Akemi: "You don't answer me when I do"

Rin sighs and looks back out of the window

Akemi puts the tray on her desk "I hope you've been eating your food"

Rin: "..."

Akemi sits in the chair in front of her desk "Well I'm hungry so if you won't eat, I'll eat it for you" he picks the bowl of soup up from the tray and the silver spoon "I actually kind of like the soup he-"

The soup and spoon disappears out of his hands

Akemi: "Huh?"

Rin has the soup and spoon while looking at Akemi "Don't go eating people's stuff without permission" she puffs out her right cheek

Akemi: "So you eat your food after all" he laughs loudly


Rin puts the empty bowl on the tray

Akemi: "Hey Rin"

Rin: "What is it?"

Akemi: "Why are you here?"

Rin looks at her legs silently while gripping the covers

Akemi: "If you don't want to talk about it then you don't have to"

Rin: "... My husband"

Akemi: "Excuse me?"

Rin: "I got put in here because of my husband"

Akemi: "How?"

Rin: "..."

Akemi: "Don't force yourself to say anything" he forces a smile " you should rest" he turns and walks towards the door

Rin: "Akemi..."

Akemi: "Yes?"

Rin: "Will you...Come again tomorrow?"

Akemi's eyes widens a little and he turns to Rin

Rin stares at Akemi with a serious expression

Akemi smiles "of course" he leaves the room and closes the door "Her husband huh."

A window appears in front of Akemi's face "

Hidden Quest: Befriend Rin Aiko

Reward: Mystery

Would you like to claim reward? Yes Or No"

Akemi: "What kind of hidden quest is that? I did not know the system gave hidden quests or such a weird one at that." he looks at the reward "A mystery reward?" he lifts his right hand and presses yes

A light comes from the screen and a green key floats into Akemi's hand

Akemi: "A key?"

A window appears next to the key "

Name: Goblin Dungeon Key

Type: Usable

Rarity: Elite

Description: A key that unlocks the Goblin Dungeon, this key can be used anywhere

Can not be given

Expires in 5 hours"

Akemi: "A dungeon key?"