
Akemi leans forward while panting

A window appears in front of Akemi "rewards are being distributed!"

Akemi: "Rewards?" he pants "I've nearly forgot about the rewards"

A light appears in front of Akemi then turns into a silver dagger with a white hilt

Akemi: "A dagger?"

A window appears above the dagger

"Name: Fang Of The Goblin Champion

Rank: Rare

Type: Dagger

Attack: +15

A dagger made from the tooth of the goblin's champion"

Akemi stares at the dagger "...I've never been a fan of daggers, but I guess it is better than nothing"

Another window pops up

Window: "

Conditions Met, Inventory now unlocked. Would you like to start inventory tutorial? Yes or No?"

Akemi: "Inventory?" he lifts his right hand a presses yes

The window expands " Inventory is a part of the system used to store items, weapons, and monster parts. Inside the inventory nothing expires or rots(Excludes system rewards). Inventory space is not limited"

Akemi: " A storage with infinite space? This system continues to impress me" he reads more "but why would I ever need monster parts?" he puts his dagger into the inventory and stands up slowly then walks to a goblin's corpse while holding his left shoulder with his right hand

A light shines next to the goblin's mouth

Akemi: " What is that?" he crouches on his right knee and picks up the shining object "It looks like a tooth"

A window appears next to the tooth "

Name: Goblin's Tooth

Item Type: Material

Item Rarity: Common

A tooth from the mouth of a goblin. Can be used to craft or sell at the shop

Resell price: ¥1,000"

Akemi stares at the window "hmm I have no idea what this crafting or shop is but this may come in handy later" he picks up the goblin teeth laying on the ground and tosses them into the inventory

Minutes Later

Akemi: "That should be all of them now" he wipes his forehead then notices the shack behind him "Now, to deal with this" he walks into the shack and opens the door, seeing the 3 girls still laying on the floor "...What should I do with them" he walks to them and crouches "Are you alright?"

No response

Akemi: "If you are then-"

Woman 1: ""

Akemi's eyes widens

Woman 2: "We've been through so much...Please end it"

Akemi: "You are safe now"

Woman 1: "I rather die...Than have a baby by them"

Woman 3: "We can't...Go back to our normal lives after this"

Tears fall from their lives

Woman 1,2 and 3: "Please"

A window appears in front of Akemi

Window: "Hidden Quest: Granting A Wish

Grant the wishes of the missing women found in the shack

Reward 1: 10SP

Reward 2: Mystery Box"

Akemi: "A hidden quest for something like this?" he stands up "The system isn't as innocent as I first thought" he looks at the crying women "...Are you sure about this?"

Woman 1: "Yes"

Woman 2: "Please"

Woman 3: "End it"

Akemi closes his eyes and sighs then he reaches out his right hand and takes the dagger out of the inventory "As you wish" he raises his dagger "I hope you fine happiness in the next life"

Moments later

Akemi opens the door revealing the bodies of the women while covered in blood

Window: "Hidden Quest: Granting A Wishes Completed

Reward 1: 10SP

Reward 2: Mystery Box"

Akemi: "Please...Shut up for a second system, how do I get out of here?"

Another window appears in front of Akemi

Window: "Would the like to leave [The Goblin Dungeon] Yes or No?"

Akemi lifts his right hand and presses yes

Two black doors appear

Akemi walks to the doors slowly and opens them

The forest around him turns into a hospital room and the clear blue sky turns into a ceiling

Akemi: "I'm finally back" he walks to the bed "how long was I gone for?" he looks to his right and sees hospital clothes folded on his dresser then he looks down at his ripped clothes covered in blood "I should hurry and get this blood off of me before the nurse comes back" he picks up the clothes and walks into the bathroom

Moments Later

Akemi stands in the shower with hot water running over his head while steaming up the bathroom "It's weird" he looks at his hands "even though those girls wished for it who knew that the system would try to make me benefit from it" he clenches his fist "Well, it's not entirely a bad thing, since it helps me reach my goals faster but...I should expect more from now on"

The next day

Akemi jogging around the hospital

The goblin champion come to mind

Akemi: "Tch" he stops in front of the hospital

Window: "Daily Quest: Journey Of Strength Completed

100 Pushups (100/100)

100 Sit ups (100/100)

100 Burpees (100/100)

100 Squats (100/100)

Run 5 miles (5/5)

Success Rewards-

Reward 1: 5SP

Reward 2: Energy restoration"

Akemi presses on reward 2 "I need to get stronger" he sits down on a bench and looks at his left hand and leg "I'm still weaker than I want to be. In my past life I would have killed those goblins just by glancing at them"

A memory of Akemi blocking the goblin champions punch and getting injured comes to his mind

Akemi: "If I can get hurt by such an ant then I stand no chance of getting my revenge...neither of ours" he stands up "I should start training...Immediately" he walks onto the grass "I should start from the basics "he sits down and crosses his legs then closes his eyes

Akemi Thoughts: "controlling my breathing" he takes a deep breath "This is the baseline for any and everything I will do in the future." he takes another deep breath "breathing is essential for everything you do. Walking, talking, running, sleeping, even if you do nothing you have to breath. But controlling your breathing allows you to do everything more efficiently and much longer. It also helps for keeping a calm mind, a calm mind will help you make wiser decisions"

A memory of him headbutting a burning pot comes to his mind

Akemi: "Well...Not all the time. But controlling my breath is key for martial arts"

A window appears on front of Akemi

Akemi opens his eyes "hm?"

Window: "Passive: Controlled Breath Mastery obtained

Allows the player to always control his breathing and not run out of breath as fast allowing you to do things longer and more efficiently"

Akemi: "That was fast" he stands up "now, for another part" he slides his legs apart and bends his knees "let's start with the horse stance, I should start by building up my stability and leg strength" he puts his arms to this side and breaths slowly then closes his eyes

5 Hours Later

Akemi opens his eyes slowly "I think that should be enough" scoots his legs closer and stands straight up "I should visit Rin" he looks at the sky and notices the sun going down "before it gets too late" he walks into the hospital and opens Rin's room door "Hello~?"

Rin looks at the door "Didn't I tell you to knock?"

Akemi: "nope, you asked me do I ever knock" he walks into the room "Did you eat yet?"

Rin: "..."

Akemi sits on the chair in front of her desk "are you feeling alright?"

Rin: "..." she stares at Akemi

Akemi: "Um?"

Rin: "Why are you so late?"

Akemi: "Excuse me?"

Rin: "Don't you usually come earlier?"

Akemi: "Well, I've been training a little"

Rin: "Training for what?"

Akemi: "Nothing much, just wanted to get stronger"

Rin: "...Stronger huh?" she looks down

Akemi looks at the desk and sees a picture of Rin with a man standing next to her "Rin who is this?"

Rin looks up and at the picture "My husband"

Akemi: "This guy?" he puts his hand on his chin "I've never seen him here to visit you"

Rin: "...He never comes to visit, so it's not surprising"

Akemi: "Huh?" he looks at Rin

Rin lays down and gets up the covers "I'm a little sleepy actually, can you come back tomorrow?"

Akemi: "Okay" he stands up and walks towards the door "I'll come back earlier tomorrow so you won't miss me too much"

Rin lays silently

The next day

Akemi in front of the hospital on the grass "Okay" he hops up and down then swings his right arm "my arm feels heavy" he slides back and elbows with his left arm "It's fine" he spins to the left and roundhouses with his left leg "one" he stomps his left leg on the ground and thrusts his right arm forward

After 3 hours of practice

A window appears in front of Akemi

Window: "Hand To Hand Combat Mastery

Causes to the user to excel at fighting bare handed"

Akemi looks at his right hand and clenches his fist "It took me 20 years to get this good with fighting hand to hand, but with this system it only took 3 hours? This progress...Is unbelievable"