Chapter 31: Akemi Vs Kana: The Conclusion

Akemi jumps up and down slightly

Ai stares at Akemi

Ai's Thoughts: "Is that really Lian Xu?"

Girl: "Hey Ai, your ex fiance is really strong to be holding his own against that monster Kana" she looks to her left at Ai "and he has a nice body too, are you sure you don't want him? Do you mind if I give him a go?"

Ai doesn't look at the girl and stares at Akemi while biting her left thumb nail

Ai's Thoughts: "This bitch!"

Akemi stomp on the ground then charges quickly toward Kana and cocks back his right arm while balling up his fist

Kana slides her right foot back and balls up her right fist

Akemi and Kana punches towards each other and their fist clash

A wave of energy comes from the clash and echoes around the arena

Akemi: "Ouch" he moves his fist back

Kana swings her left fist at Akemi

Akemi blocks her fist with the palm of his left hand

Smoke comes from Kana's gauntlets

Akemi: "Hot!" He jumps back "dammit, I can't block her punches or it'll just burn me. I should just evade them then"

Kana runs toward Akemi and throws a punch with her left hand

Akemi leans back dodging the punch

Kana throws a series of punches at Akemi's face

Akemi dodges left and right

Akemi's Thoughts: "Even tho I'm dodging, the heat from those gauntlets are a problem"

Kana keeps swinging

Akemi: "You" he kicks upward with his left leg

Kana leaps back

Akemi: "Tch!"

A window appears to the left of Akemi's face

Window: "Fire resistance level up! Fire resistance Lv2"

Akemi looks at the window

Akemi's Thoughts: "Oh? It leveled up?" He looks at Kana "no pain no gain right?"

Kana: "What are you thinking so hard about?" She puts her right hand down and extends her fingers fully "if you think too hard" flames swirls around her right arms "you'll miss it"

Akemi: "her arm"

Kana swings her arm upwards and a wave of fire comes from her hand and moves quickly toward Akemi

Akemi's eyes widen "What!?"

The wave of flame explodes causing dust to cover Akemi

Fumiko: "She can even use ranged attacks too huh?

Ken: "I can't say I'm surprised" he stares at Kana and sees a huge red aura surrounding her "with that much energy"

Haru watches the fight silently

The dust clears and Akemi appears with both arms in front of him with a big burn on both of them

A window appears next to Akemi's face

Window: "Fire resistance level up! Fire resistance Lv 4

Passive: Pain Tolerance Lv 1 obtained"

Akemi: "I gained two levels from that attack huh? And a new passive" He puts his arms down

Kana: "You managed to block it"

Akemi: "Of course, who do you think I am?"

Akemi's Thoughts: "I say that but" he looks down at his arm "my arms are getting numb even with the fire resistance passive"

Kana: "I already told you, you're thinking too hard!" She swings her left hand upward, sending another wave of flames at Akemi

Akemi: "another one?" He jumps to the right and runs toward Kana then jumps in the air

Kana looks up at him

Akemi spins to the right and throws a knee at Kana

Kana blocks the knee with her left arm

Akemi smirks

Kana: "hm?"

Five red runes appear across Akemi's right leg

Akemi: "Hellflare"

A big explosion happens creating a smokescreen

Kana jumps backward then she looks to her left and sees a red rune next to her face "another one?"

The rune shoots out a fireball

Kana hits it away with her left arm

The fireball flies towards the audience

The audience flinches and the fireball hits the barrier then explodes

Akemi charges toward Kana

Kana balls up her left fist

Window: "Quick step activated"

Akemi disappears

Kana looks around "where did he-" she turns around

Akemi jumping around

Akemi puts four runes around Kana

Kana gets ready to jump back but Akemi grabs her shirt with his left hand

Akemi puts his right hand in front of Kana's face with a rune on his palm "boom"

A huge explosion of flames

Kana slide backward with her clothes ripped

Akemi: "Oh? You managed to escape"

Kana smirks "of course, who do you think I am?"

Akemi: "Cheeky...I like it" he looks slightly down at his arms

Akemi's Thoughts: "I got feeling back but-"

Kana: "you've gotten faster, I should speed up too then"

Akemi: "Show me"

Intermission: BADADABOW

Intermission Over

Kana and Akemi runs toward each other then disappear

A moment of silence

The audience looks around

People: "Where did they go, I can't see them"


The audience looks around "what?"


A shockwave hits in front of the barrier

The audience flinches

The barrier cracks a little

Kaori: "This is crazy, they aren't even fighting on the stage anymore"

Akemi and Kana appears on opposite ends of the arena walls

They disappear and reappear in the air above the stage, throwing punches and kicks while falling to the stage then they fall to the middle of the stage clashing

After a moment Akemi and Kana jump away from each other

The crows cheers loudly "AKEMI, AKEMI, KANA, KANA"

Akemi looks around "I thought they would be silent the rest of the fight"

Kana: " Hey Akemi"

Akemi looks back at Kana "hm?"

Kana: "How about we end this"

Akemi: "You read my mind"

Kana and Akemi smiles at each other

Flames appears around both of Kana's arms and she throws waves of flames at Akemi

Akemi runs to the left then jumps on the ground making a crack then runs toward Kana

Kana spins backward then puts both of her hands together and fires a huge fire blast at Akemi

Akemi spins to the left dodging the blast and slides alongside it

Kana eyes widen and she looks to the right at Akemi

Akemi spins to his right and balls up his fist then hits Kana in the face with the back of his fist

Kana flies to the left but lands on her feet

Akemi runs towards Kana and throws another punch

Kana back steps and uppercuts Akemi

Akemi flies in the air

Kana throws a palm strike at Akemi with her left hand

Akemi does a backflip and kicks Kana's hand, launching himself high in the sky

Kana: "You can't dodge in the sky" the fire around her hands turn blue

Akemi: "The flames turned blue!"

The flames whirl around Kana

Kana: "Ultimate Technique" she opens her hand "Double Cataclysm Palm!"

Two giant palms of fire comes from Kana and flies towards Akemi

Akemi looks down at the attack

A memory comes to Akemi's mind


Akemi stands in the middle of a pile of ant corpses

A window appears: "Conditions met"

Akemi looks at the window "huh? Conditions for what?"

Window: "Mystery box can now be opened"

Akemi: "Oh, I forgot about it" he takes the box out of his inventory

Window: "Would you like to open Mystery Box: YES OR NO"

Akemi: "yes"

A bright light shines

Akemi eyes widen "this is-"


He raises his right hand in the air and giant chains appears next to him

Shinjiro stares at Akemi "wait, that's" he stands up "fortify the barriers!"

The teachers looks at Shinjiro "Huh? Why"

Shinjiro: "DO IT NOW!" he jumps over the crowd onto the railing of the arena "Akemi, you crazy bastard you're taking things too far"

The teachers run through the crowd and to the pillars then put their hands up

The barrier shakes and five other barriers form in front of the first barrier

The clouds spread and a gigantic black and red sword comes from the sky

Akemi: "INVICTUS!"

The sword and flame palms clash


The sword goes through the flame palms

Kana stares at the sword coming closer to her

Kana's Thoughts: "Am I dead?"

The sword crashes into the stage

The barriers break instantly

The audience covers their faces and gets blown back into their seats

Dust and dirt flies into the air

Moments later the audience looks at the stage "what the hell, they destroyed the stage! Who won?"

A sphere of rocks crumble revealing Ms.Taka and the referee

Ms.Taka: "Were they trying to kill each other just now?

Ken coughs "what was that?"

Haru: "he is always finding new ways to surprise us"

Ai: "Who the hell won!?"

Audience: "Wait I think I see someone"

The dust clears revealing Akemi with dark burns all over his body

Akemi: "That fire still hit me, even after it got disbursed"

Audience: "Did Akemi win? No look!"

Kana stands across from Akemi holding her arm as it's dripping with blood

Akemi: "You survived"

Kana: "Is that such a surprise" her legs start shaking as she pants

Ms.Taka looks up at Shinjiro "Headmaster! We have to call off this fight before one of the students get gravely injured!"

Shinjiro: 'The fight is already over"

Akemi: "Since you're still standing" he pants heavily "I will show you something special"

He holds out his right hand and a jet black energy with a red outline forms

Massive amounts of energy leaks from Akemi

Ms. Taka flinches "He still has this much energy left?"

Kana balls up her fists then puts her hands up "I can still go too" fire forms around her

Akemi spits up blood

Haru stands up quickly "AKEMI STOP!"

Ken: "We have to stop him, he can't go on"

Fumiko jumps onto the railing

Akemi: "Manifest"

The referee looks at Akemi "WAIT WAIT WAIT, IT'S OVER"

Akemi and Kana looks at the referee


Kana eyes widen "What?"

Akemi: "..." The energy disappears "...ha...HAHAHAHAHA" he looks up at the sky "I lost...I still have ways to go huh?" his vision turn blurry and he falls on Ken's back

Ken: "I gotcha"

Fumiko: "we need to take him to the hospital"

Ms.Taka takes the microphone phone the referee "this concludes the class examination, all students will have two weeks to rest before returning to school, that is all"