7 - This way to the next zone

Obi-Wan Kenobi surveys my after school Force training and meditation class with a look of horror best reserved for monsters or Sith maniacs.

"What is this?" he asks.

"After school Force training." I say as everyone forms up in various groups and gets some personal space. There is an excited murmuring but it mostly dies down as they all look towards me. Some of them point at the newcomers.

"Greetings everyone. Today we have some guests, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Helene all the way from Coruscant. I am sure you all wish to speak to them, but first we must focus." I call out.

The crowd calms down and they all close their eyes.

"Calm your mind, concentrate, feel the Force." I intone as everyone concentrates, many repeating the words as an aid. "Now reach out with your minds, feel those around you, the grass, the creatures within. Now, reach out further, feel the city, feel the buildings, the open spaces and the people. Now further still, feel the world, sense its continents, seas and the forces beneath the surface. Reach out again to the system, your world's star, the other worlds. Now the entire Galaxy. See it swirl carrying us all through the universe. This is a part of you as you are a part of it. Now. Return to the now, where you are. Open your eyes."

As usual there is some excited chattering and commentary. I wait a minute for it to die down.

"Now. Knight Kenobi will guide us through our warm up and exercises." I say.

"I'm doing what?" says Obi-Wan.

"Quick warm up then thirty minutes of light exercise. They would all appreciate it from their hero." I say.

Reluctantly, Obi-Wan guides everyone through the session.


Then it's refreshments, games, some exercises, more meditation and then a quick question and answer session with everyone's favourite Jedi. Everyone is curious to know why he is here and duly impressed with finding out it is to further investigate the villain Nute Gunray. There are then questions about being a Jedi, what the various planets he's been to are like and about how he helped liberate their world.

Obi-Wan is quite the engaging speaker. He certainly knows how to keep an audience interested while imparting a lesson or two. He fields questions effortlessly and efficiently. Small wonder they will call him 'The Negotiator'.

"Tell us how you defeated the Dark Warrior." comes a voice.

A quiet falls over the crowd. As far as they know the two Jedi confronted the Dark Warrior and prevented him reaching the rest of the assault team. The battle went into the refinery. Only Obi-Wan survived.

I get to see that battle played out in parks and on holos. I've listened to Obi-Wan's report of the battle. One detail is left out of them all.

How angry Obi-Wan became at Maul. How he tapped into the Dark Side to win.

Like this version Obi-Wan is now recounting. Not false. Just a small omission. Could even be considered the truth, from a certain point of view.

"Was that Dark Warrior a Sith?" comes another question after Obi-Wan's account finishes.

Obi-Wan shakes his head.

"No. The Sith are gone, extinct. The Dark Warrior had some proficiency with a lightsabre and could use the Force, but he was not a Sith." Obi-Wan explains.

"But the red laser sword."

Obi-Wan holds up his hands.

"I don't dispute that. The Warrior may have imagined he was such. If so he was deluding himself. The Sith are no more, a matter for historians. Now I see it is getting on and I still have business with Master Dee-Jay. Please, be on your way and remember, the Force is with you, always." Obi-Wan concludes and dismisses everyone.

The crowd disperses as they head home, leaving only us Jedi. We go inside and Obi-Wan looks at me, arms folded.

"Care to explain what you are doing?" he says.

"Training. Teaching Anakin to use the Force and become a Jedi." I say. I then unclip my lightsabre and toss it to Anakin. "Okay Anakin, get the drones and start with two. Remember to set to low power."

"Okay. Hey, do you want to practice too?" says Anakin, the last to Helene as he walks to the cupboard with the drones. Helene looks at Obi-Wan, who nods and then the two apprentices hurry off. Pretty soon there is the sound of lightsabres, then an explosion followed by an "Oops." from Anakin.

"Low power!" I call out before looking back at Obi-Wan. He looks unimpressed. "What?"

"This, this is a mockery of everything we stand for! What was that business outside?" Obi-Wan says.

I hadn't intended for a small mob to turn up regularly for the warm up exercises. It just, sort of happened.

"Group meditation and exercise. It's good for everyone, sensitivity to the Force or no." I say calmly.

"You should be at the Temple. You should be focused on your padawan." accuses Obi-Wan.

"Nowhere in the texts does it say a Jedi must train solely at Coruscant." I say. Okay, not entirely true. The current training texts and manuals all heavily assume that most training gets done there. They just don't actually say it because hey, it's what everyone does. There are also large sections on how to continue training when in the field, again assuming that it will be the exception, not the norm.

"A Jedi must maintain a detachment and impartiality from those they protect." quotes Obi-Wan.

Well good. Yes, it does say that. Problem is, other famous masters have said different things.

"The Adept must walk among the people to know them." I reply back.

Like any religion or philosophy various bods have written stuff down on what it means to be a Jedi. Sacred texts, words of wisdom, parables, tales, poetry and songs. The 'No Emotion, Peace' coda is part of The Code in the same way the Ten Commandments is part of Christianity. There is a whole lot else. Unlike Christianity however, there is no central canon. All texts are co-equal, sort of. There are favourites, well regarded texts and others which are currently out of favour, regarded as no longer relevant or just plain silly. So while my quote is less well regarded than Obi-Wan's orthodox piece of wisdom it is technically co-equal. Kinda, sorta.

Obi-Wan frowns. "Kol? She wasn't even a Jedi." he says.

Neither am I. No matter what Yoda says.

"She was instrumental in the Third Reconstruction. As such, we honour her wisdom and contribution to our understanding of the Force." I say. Yeah, to justify my craziness you have to dig, well, a bit. I'm surprised Obi-Wan has heard of her.

Obi-Wan is silent. He looks down, then back up. Breathes.

"Qui-Qon thought highly of Ashra Kol. He said her words were what the Order needed." he says.

"I agree. It is always good to ask if we could be doing better." I say.

From the other room there is the sound of lightsabres clashing. Seems the apprentices got tired of remotes. Obi-Wan looks towards the door.

"But, Anakin is The Chosen One." he says.

Jesus has shown up, everyone look busy. Now is the time for orthodoxy, not radical reforms, or so everyone thinks.

"The prophecy to bring Balance to the Force. What does that mean?" I say.

Obi-Wan just stares.

"What? Eradicate the Sith. For good this time." he says.

"That's one interpretation. There are others. Lekosi, for example." I say.

"You can't believe that. Lekosi said the Chosen One will end both the Jedi and Sith." says Obi-Wan.

I don't need to believe it. I watched it happen. Hence the emphasis on a radical interpretation of the received wisdom. Hopefully without coming to the sticky end J.C. did.

"It's something to be mindful of. I am also aware that we are not the only ones to know of the prophecy. The Sith have their own interpretation and are no doubt working towards it." I say.

"Isn't that all the more reason to have Anakin trained at the Temple?"

Actually, there is nowhere safe. But Coruscant is way worse than Happy Fun Time Planet.

"The traditional recruiting ground for the Sith has always been the Jedi Order. So, I am attempting less orthodox training." I say. Yep, let's talk about the elephant in the room.

"Attempting? What if you're wrong? What if this leads to what the Council suspected about the boy? This is reckless." says Obi-Wan.

"Then, I am wrong. I give you permission to say 'I told you so' just before the Sith destroy us." I say.

"That's hardly reassuring."

"Take heart. We have the Force. We must let it guide us where it wills. Now, you are not here to check up on me, but to aid the Naboo against the Trade Federation." I say.

"Yes, any insight on how to deal with them, the Naboo? You have been here several years among them."

Let's see. You are the closest thing to a superhero in a culture which sees that whole pesky 'no attachments' rule as a challenge. Back home you were fighting them off with a stick, or not if you favoured the more apocryphal sources.

Is it considered heresy to suggest dipping in chocolate sauce before throwing him to Padme and Ninja squad? Does that, stop it from, no, bad idea. Bad idea. They're half his age. Eww. No!

"The recent clearing of Gunray may have awoken a desire for vengeance in the Queen and her advisors. It is just as important to curb that as to seek justice." I say.

Obi-Wan nods. "I see. Thank you. I still think this training is highly irregular and will advise the Council of my concerns." he says. He rises, summons Helene and then leaves leaving me with Anakin.

"Good practice?" I say.

"Yeah. I guess. Can I have my own lightsabre? Helene's got one." Anakin says.

Oh go on. All the other kids have one. At this age that's normally a bike, game controller or whatever else is considered cool. Who put lethal psi blades on the list? What sort of lunatic gives that to a child? Aside from every Jedi with a Padawan.

"You are correct. I have been neglecting that. So, we shall make building a lightsabre your next project."

Anakin brightens up.

"Thanks Dee-Jay! I think I see how they're built. Um, can I borrow yours to check a few things." he says.

The weapon is still in his hands.

"Sure, why not?"

Because 'it's a freaking plasma psi blade and responsible adults don't give those to children' is not a rule in this universe. I muse on this as we walk to a workbench.


Lightsabres don't make sense. Like, at all. As far as I understand it they are, no, that's not right. They're not plasma emitters although that's what you get if you make one and don't use the Force. A plasma torch can be a useful tool or brutal weapon, being sort of the local equivalent to flamethrowers here. Those require a big power pack. But if you have the Force then you can make a lightsabre. Don't ask me how. I mean, I can see how to do it and it does require channelling all that mystic energy field stuff, but beyond that, hey, it's 'a kind of magic'.

Anakin throws his together like it's no big deal. Alright, it's still two days. Mechanical genius. Chosen One. Right now he is grinding out a lens. Don't we need a crystal thingy or am I misremembering? It's been three and a half years and it's not like I can pull out a DVD or look up Wookiepaedia. Actually there is a Wookiepaedia, but it's exactly what it says on the tin. Everything you ever wanted to know about Wookies in one compact memory crystal for twenty five credits. Everything you probably didn't want to know as well.

My distracted thoughts are interrupted by the front door bursting open and Shayla storming in. Tentacles twitching in a way I've learned to interpret as 'bloody furious'. She points at me.

"When were you planning on telling me?" she accuses.

"Very well. Anakin and I are travelling to Corellia to continue his training. We will be gone about a year." I say blandly.

"Corellia!" Shayla exclaims.

Is there something about this world that everyone knows but me? Ravenous beasts? Psychotic wildlife? Vicious gangs?

"Corellia is the other end of the Galaxy. What if something happens to you there?" Shayla continues.

"I'll just have to trust the local medtechs are as brilliant as you are." I say.

"But I," Shayla begins but gets no further as she is interrupted by Anakin.

"Look Dee-Jay, I did it! Oh, hi Shayla. I've completed the lightsabre." Anakin says holding out the weapon.

"Excellent Anakin. Please, turn it on, carefully." I say.

Whoom. The small living area is suffused in a blue light. Anakin gives it a few waves and then shuts it off.

"Now I'm a real Jedi. Can I go show mom?" says Anakin.

"Sure. Building a lightsabre is an impressive achievement." I say and Anakin runs off. I watch him go, then get up and close the still open door keeping an eye on the short figure running across the field.

The hand on shoulder makes me jump. I turn round.

"Are you okay?" says Shayla.

Darth Vader has his murderstick. Totally not okay.

"Sorry, worlds away. You were distressed at our leaving." I say.

The alien woman frowns as I remind her why she was here.

"Yes. You cannot just run off like this. Why can't you stay?" she says. 'Stay with me.' comes the mental addition.

I am an idiot. A telepathic idiot but still, an idiot. There was one other Jedi in this whole equation who I totally forgot would have an impact on everyone. Me. I take a deep breath, another mistake, as I catch her pheromones operating at full blast.

I am a stoic space monk and, no I'm not. Not really. I am still me though.

"Because, it's what must be done." I say backing out through the door and, more importantly into a small breeze outside. My head starts to clear.

"Well then. I can come with you." says Shayla.


"No! But, but you care. The drive for reform. That was you. I thought. I hoped."

"Yes, you did prompt me to persuade others to begin the anti slavery reforms."

"So you do care." she says as her tentacles snake round me in an embrace.

"No. This isn't what you think. Please. Come inside. I will try to explain." I say.

I disentangle myself and go inside. I sit down at the table and motion towards the chair opposite. There, finally. Some sort of barrier between me and the hot green space babe. Remembering to not take any more deep breaths I begin.

"Years ago, I had a vision. Of a great darkness coming upon the Galaxy. It involves Anakin, my apprentice. I have to focus on preventing that vision coming to pass."

"Really, that's the... it's true." Shayla begins but changes as she looks at me.

"Yes, and you're involved somehow. That is what you are feeling. I am sorry. This most likely ends with us all dead or enslaved to evil."

"But, the reforms."

"Are related. Everything I do is to prevent that vision. Until then, my life is not my own." Probably not afterwards either, hell, I never was a subscriber to free will anyways.

"And afterwards?" she says.

What the hell did I do? This cannot just be the prompting of the Force or cultural conditioning as a result of too many bad novels.

"Afterwards? If I'm not dead I think I will take an early contemplative retirement. Please, by then I'll be almost sixty." I say.


"I am sorry." I say.

Shayla looks at the table, then up at me. She looks like she's about to say something, but the rises and leaves. I get up and close the door. Seriously, is everyone born in a barn here? I leave all the other doors and windows open so I can think clearly. What did I do? Aside from being a space paladin and being against slavery? No idea. I go to bed and soon fall asleep planning the trip into the Core trying to ignore a pair of green eyes.


As I half expected our departure is a crowded affair as everyone comes to say goodbye to Anakin. Well, almost everyone.

"Someone in the Royal Theatre Company saw a holo of my play and they're coming to see me!" says Sacha.

"Well, that's great. All the best."

"They're going to want another after this one. Any ideas?"

Since The Mikado is off limits.

"Maybe something like a coming of age story with a fish out of water and racers." I suggest. Does this universe have greasers I wonder as I hum a few bars and give a quick outline.

"Yeah, thanks, that could work." says Sacha wandering off composing in his head.

That leaves me with the other person who has come to say goodbye to me. Shayla looks at me and then gives me a hug.

"Be safe." is all she says.

"Don't worry. It's Corellia. A Core World. What could possibly happen?" I say.


Six days later I'm in the Sharbara Swamp on Leviatha herding some frightened people away from Hutt slaver teams. I'm tired, lost and I have no idea where the Chosen One is. Damn this universe and exciting adventures.