10 - Nobody expects the Coruscant Jedi!

"Again Coruscant?"

Right. Rise. Relax. Salute my opponent and resume.

"Come on Dee-Jay." calls Anakin from the sides. This is followed by other shouts of encouragement from the former captives to both of us. Everyone loves lightsabres.

While enroute through hyperspace back to Corellia Hera suggested some sparring practice. To keep one's hand in and all that. Also to wipe the floor with the stodgy orthodox member of the establishment. To show off. To bloody blindside me because who expects 'sword and board' with a lightsabre?

Because that's what it is. Rapidly close and make a series of quick strikes while battering away with some telekinesis via the Force to block the opponent's blade and also buffet them some. Very fast. Very aggressive. Very Space Knight.

"Ready?" she says.

"Ready." I answer. I dodge left while thinking 'right'. It works and there is a tiny opening. Tap.

"Ow!" says Hera and shakes her arm in response to the jolt my blade delivered. "Typical, always deceiving."

"Then stop reading my mind for cues. Again?" I say.




We spar until I am too sweaty, bruised and tired to continue.

"No, no more." I say to the latest request to continue.

"Very well. I believe I am ahead. I win." says Hera.

I bow, stagger to a wall and sit down. "That you are. Well fought." I say.

"Do you want to use the fresher first?" Hera asks.

"Thank you, but no. I will meditate first." I say.

"What is there to meditate on? I'm just better than you Coruscant." Hera smirks and leaves as do most of our audience.

"You lost." says Anakin, he sounds disappointed.

I look at my charge. "Yes. I lost. Hera is a better fighter." I say.


"But what? We were sparring, it's a learning exercise. Keeping score is good because competition is a good motivator, but it is not the end goal. It is to practice, so that when it does matter we can prevail. Now, we should meditate, understand, learn and next time, we shall see."

Anakin seems to accept this. He sits down opposite me and closes his eyes. Please kid, learn the right lessons.

I also close my eyes and go over the bouts in my head. Should I let everyone know? No. One's disposition should approach the formless after all to heed the master.


A few hours later I am buzzed clean and on the bridge as the ship transitions back to normal space. It still blows me away as the dreamlike realm of hyperspace reverts to the reality that is normal space. For given levels of reality of course.

"Anywhere you want me to drop you off Coruscant?" asks Hera as she adjusts course to account for the traffic.

Whenuapai Airbase would be ideal. Just drop in, let me off and you can be going before anyone panics too much. They'll arrest me but since 'being dropped off by a flying saucer' is not actually a crime I'll be sweet. Anywhere on Earth actually, but most places will shoot and dissect alien visitors, not give them a pie and a lift home.

However that's not an option.

"Dallath University will be fine." I say.

"Dallath? Okay. Your funeral Coruscant." says Hera as she reaches for the com.

"You have a better suggestion?" I say.

Hera swivels about in her chair. "Yes, Coruscant, I do. Layferra Hyperspace. They do apprenticeships and have a sideline in racers. Anakin told me how he won the Boonta Eve. It will be ideal for him."

"Any other reason?" I ask.

"So suspicious. I am helping. Layferra is sited near our headquarters. You can visit and lecture to your heart's content. Just not Vas." she says and then turns back round.

"Well, you are the expert, I bow to your wisdom." I say.

"So you should. Traffcom four? This is Knight Captain Koll of Avenger requesting descent vector to Green A1." she said.

"All clear Avenger. Vector two to Green A1 clear in ten." came the reply.

With that we are brought down to the industrial wonderland that is Corellia.


"So how do you keep the engine from melting?" asks an engineer as he inspects the holo.

"I put vents here, here and here. Then vanes here and here." says Anakin.

"Hmm. We're going to need to build one." says the engineer.


Getting Anakin an impromptu apprenticeship course was surprisingly easy. Of course, there was the little matter of him being the Boonta Eve Wonderkid that Layferra believes will help them clean up at the Argentuffe Open.

I leave the Layferra campus with Anakin wowing everyone. I suspect prying him away from the machines every day for Jediing is going to be a battle. Which is good. Layferra has a number of excellent programs, none of which are titled Murderous Sith Bastardry.

"Coruscant?", it's Hera. Great, she's waiting at the entrance.

"How may I assist?" I say.

"Just thought you could help me on a quick assignment." says Hera as she pulls out a pad displaying yet another famous face. "What do you know about Count Serrano?"

"Um, who?" I say. The name seems, familiar. Is this someone I should know?

"He's ex-Coruscant. Scrub up. You can be my plus one tonight." Hera says, turns and walks a few paces. She then turns round. "Well, hurry up. You can't go in those rags."

"I can't?" I say.

"You'll stampede them all into secession turning up like that." says Hera. "So, coming? Your charge will be fine."

Well okay. Maybe this Serrano person is a potential ally.


"In conclusion, I believe that the Galactic Senate is no longer capable of properly serving the Republic. Also, that change from within is no longer feasible. Thus, it is time for a bold new direction, forming a new, fairer and more functional system removed from the Republic."

I am listening to Dooku. That Count Serrano. He has finished giving an 'elevator pitch' to a crowded hall of Corellian movers and shakers. Said pitch concerning why they should secede from the Republic and join his utopian vision of the future.

"Well Coruscant. What do you think?" asks Hera as Dooku ends and begins circulating.

He's Dracula. Not that that will mean anything to anyone here. Is he with the Legion of Sithfriends yet? Probably. He's recruiting for the Seperatists. How do you casually drop 'not to pry, but are you a Space Satanist' into a conversation?

"He talks a good game, but..." I begin. How do I hint that the idealist who left the Jedi Order is up to no good to a member of a group of idealists who left the Jedi Order?

"Yes. What are your thoughts? I too, would like to know of them." says Dooku who is now standing nearby. Circulated quickly to us I see.

"Historically, hasty calls to action have had far reaching and often unintended consequences." I say.

"Spoken like a Jedi. And what of those suffering now? Do we ignore their plight for the supposed greater good of some nebulous future?" says Dooku.

"We do what we can. Our service to the Republic is not a numbers game." I say.

"Oh, but it is. It is. The Jedi have always been seen to be active. However, at the behest of the Republic it is always at the fringes, never at the heart of matters. How easy would it be for every Senator to be checked personally by a Jedi? All their crimes, subterfuge and corruption brought out into the open?"

"Rule by the Force Dooku? That never ends well."

"So you are simply content to treat the symptoms and not the disease? Come now, you know the source of the problem. Cut off the head, and the body withers. And what is so bad about using the Force to rule. I myself, have cleaned up Serrano's bloated civil administration."

Is that a reference to Palps? Sith 'promotions' are a thing. Or the Jedi and the grand Sith plan?

"Or you could directly counsel the leaders. As advisors we keep from being dictators ourselves while keeping a watchful eye on our leaders." says Hera.

"Would that the Jedi Order followed the Green's example dear. Instead, the Coruscant Council is happy to remain the lackeys of the Senate."

"Well." says Hera. Ouch.

"You over simplify matters. The Jedi support the Republic because, for all its flaws, brings a great deal of good to many. Those on 'the fringes' as you say are often missed by the system and so it is where we are visibly active."

"And what is this so called 'good' you speak of?" says Dooku.

"Well, there's trade, education, medicine, emergency relief, technology, law and order, travel, culture and peace. But apart from that what has the Republic ever done for the Galaxy?"

"Now you over simplify. Take your first point. Trade. The rampant drive for protectionism and tarrifs makes trade difficult for honest entrepreneurs."

"Is that what you're promising? Free trade? A playground for the likes of the Trade Federation, Techno-Union and Banking Clans?" I asked.

Dooku eyes me. Is he reading my mind? Looks like he is getting out the red pen and is ready to make corrections.

"That is an oddly specific set of examples. Still, a solid economic base is a good foundation for good governance." says Dooku.

Why yes it is. So long as they're not all mustache twirling villains. Which for the droids was quite the achievement.

"That it is. Maybe we don't disagree on everything, after all." I say.

"Perhaps not. Now excuse me. I have others to see as well." said Dooku and departs.

"That was odd. Why was he so interested in you?" asks Hera.

Why indeed? My, for want of a better word 'disguise' has the locals semi remembering me as a bit of a plodder, as much as that can be applied to a Jedi. A disguise Yoda penetrated easily. Dooku was trained by Yoda. He's certainly suspicious. Not that I can tell Hera that.

"I feel I may remind him too much of his old apprentice." I say.

"He was dismissive of us, as if we simply did not matter." says Hera.

You don't. Sorry.

"Your policy of not getting involved in Galactic affairs does mean your impact is minor." I say.

"Oh? And you think we should look beyond our borders?" says Hera.

"Like it or not, Corellia is part of the wider Galaxy. Looking outside your borders makes your world more secure as everyone's safety increases." I say.

"So you think we're wrong? Misguided. Shortsighted?" says Hera. "You do? Don't you? I suppose you have some oh so superior suggestion too."

Now that you mention it.

"These pirates. They will have backers, people they sell to, places they resupply. Want to help me track them down?" I say.

"You don't have a ship. Or even know how to pilot one if you did. What you going to do Coruscant? Wave your hands and conjure a ship?" says Hera.

"In the Force, all things are possible. Even the impossible things." I say.

"How can that be?" she says.

"I don't know. I didn't write it!" I say.


The next day I spend a little time working out how time works in this crazy universe. Reminding myself I am not calling some distant ancestor I go to a local Comm station and place a call through to Naboo. It takes a while to get through.

"Master Dee-Jay! How unexpected. Is Anakin okay?" says Padme.

"Anakin is fine Your Majesty. I ran into some slavers. Know of anyone in the Corellian sector who can help me run them down?" I say.

Is that a glint in her eye or some feature of the holocom?

"Certainly. I have just the people for you." comes the reply.


A few days later I am waiting at a starport. Hera is beside me, arms crossed.

"You cheated Coruscant." she says accusingly.

"I am of the Jedi Order. Among our weapons are surprise, wisdom, cunning and curious devotion to the Code. It is seldom expected." I say.

A ship is descending. Silver Hull, fins, bottle shape, holy shit, it's a genuine rocket ship. The ship lands and an oval hatch opens. Stairs fold out and a man steps out.

I'm getting used to every other person being some dead ringer for an actor. Still, most of them have been from the tail end of the twentieth century. This chap is an exception.

"Mr Gordon?"

Mr Crabbe's doppelganger grins.

"That's me. You the Jedi? Great let's go bust some slavers.", he then turns to shout into the rocketship. "Dale! They're here. Prepare for blast off!"

Is it wrong to change my mind on exciting adventures so soon?