12 - Flash! Arghhh!

Flash looks back at me. "You can say that, but it can wait. Our best chance of getting to Aura is to capture the Ajax."

"Good plan. We capture her lieutenant and head back with him looking like he's captured Dale and you." I say.

"Yeah. That's good too. First we need the Ajax." says Flash.


"What do you mean? War Rocket Ajax. It's her personal ship. If Aura is not aboard we can use it to land unopposed at her base. What did you think I was talking about?" says Flash.

War Rocket Ajax? Okay, guess that makes sense too. Kind of amazed no one mentioned it till now. Then again when everyone's belting out the lyrics who has time to notice and correct?

"Nothing, let's get back to the others, see what they have for grand theft War Rocket." I say.


"This is a terrible plan. We're pretending to have captured these two and just walk aboard?" says Hera.

Currently, we are 'escorting' Flash and Dale to the camp. We had left the way we came in, waited till dark and the arrival of Aura's ship, then walked round to the front. I'm dressed in pirate off cuts, as is Hera. We have the others blasters in hand and our ligtsabres hidden under our clothes.

"Not a good plan?" I say.

"I like it." says Dale.

"Okay ma'am. I'll hear you out. What's wrong with my plan?" said Flash.

"You rely on everyone blindly assuming two pirates they don't recognise can just stroll into a starship. Then, once inside, we overpower the crew, decode their computer and jump to this Princess Aura. Once there we will have to bypass any security check and then, if we land we must overcome local opposition and apprehend Aura. Might I remind you that our lightsabres will not be readily available until we are aboard."

"Yes, that's the plan ma'am. It will require some flair, true, but everything I have heard of the Jedi gives me confidence." says Flash.

"And what if we fail? Get captured for real?" asks Hera.

"Then we are dragged before Aura in chains and then are still where we need to be." says Flash.

"What about you Coruscant?" says Hera.

"I have a good feeling about this." I say smiling.

Hera looks from me, to Flash, to Dale and then back to me again.

"Really? The Force told you this will work?" she says doubtfully.

No. This is the sort of daft plan that works here. Getting captured so that you are brought in through the enemies defences is pretty normal. Um, let's see. ANH twice, ROTJ twice, AOTC, ROTS done by the bad guy even.

"It's far better than fighting our way in." I say.

"Oh, all right. We'll give this a try." she says with a sigh.

"Do, or do not. There is no try." I say.

My attempt at cosmic wisdom earns me a glare.

Now we are at the gate.

"Boss said you want these people." I say.

The gate guard seems nervous, but he let's us in.

As we walk to the main compound we hear an angry tirade.

"I have given you everything. Guidance. Organisation. Weapons. What do I ask in return?" says a woman's voice.

As we round a building we see a bunch of regular pirates up against a wall covered by some fierce looking types in red and gold armour with rifles of some kind. Berating them is a holo of Princess Aura. No one notices us.

"All I ask is a few simple things. Flash Gordon and that pathetic Earth woman. Is that so hard? Too much?" Aura says.

"Who are you calling pathetic, you overdressed alley-cat." yells Dale.

Everyone turns to look at us. Aura's image smiles.

"Well, it seems not everyone is a complete loss. Escort them aboard my ship." Aura orders.

We happily comply.


Despite the name, War Rocket Ajax is more travelling Palace than combat ship. Aesthetically, it is reminiscent of a Goa'uld ship. Gold plating is everywhere decorated with engravings announcing Ming's magnificence and merciless nature to all aboard. Doors are hidden behind hangings displaying the starburst symbol of Ming. It's also another classic rocket ship. Bridge at the front, engines at the rear. Other rooms and places off the big central corridor.

We drop Flash and Dale at the prison cells and are then escorted to a cabin.

"I still don't believe that worked." says Hera once we are inside.

"It did. Have some faith. Besides, everyone saw what they wanted to. The pirates saw someone hauling their ass out of the fire and Aura and company didn't care so long as Aura got her man." I say.

"Easy for you to say Coruscant." says Hera.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"You damn well know why." she says.

I stand up to face her.

"No. I don't. What sin did I commit Hera? Is it being from Coruscant as you're so fond of reminding me?" I say.

Hera looks me in the eyes.

"You really don't know?" she asks.

"No idea. What is it?"

"No, you must know."

"No Hera, I don't. I have spent the last few years trying to train my apprentice and make sure some very bad visions don't come to pass." I say.

"But that's it. The Chosen One. You get to train him. All my life I've been told that we're correct. That we, not you understand the Force correctly. But, then you arrive with him at your side and that means. That means my entire life is wrong." she says.

Space Jesus came to the Vatican, not Kingdom Hall. Yeah, I see where that might mess up your world view.

A small tug. Okay, okay.

"There's something else." I say.

Hera is still staring straight into my eyes.

Her a looks like she is about to start, but pauses as a background hum starts up. We're taking off. "It, it can wait. We should get to a viewport so we're ready as soon as they jump." she says.

"Okay." I say and let her lead us out the door, past the tapestry and to a viewing lounge. As I follow I try to figure out the puzzle that is Hera. She sees me as member of a rival religion and I have the dubious honour of training Anakin. There's also something else. Some reason that makes her want to dislike me personally. Because she can get over the other things. She isn't some insular hick yokel. Corellia is a cosmopolitan member of the Galaxy. What am I missing?

Unfortunately right then there is a change in pitch of the background hum and moments later we jump.



Hera and I walk back to where Flash and Dale are waiting. Almost immediately we run across two guards. Why are these two patrolling the corridors? We're in hyperspace. Does this ship have a slave crew also? Just making sure everything is fine? Gives them something to do? In any event they are here.

"Stop you two!" says one of the guards.

We politely stop. Hera takes a step raising her hand.

"We are heading to see our prisoners. We want to see they are still intact." she says.

"Yeah. You want to see the prisoners and see that they're intact." says one of the guards.

"We don't want to lose the bounty and gratitude of," Hera pauses.

"Aura." I supply.

"of Aura." continues Hera.

The guard nods "I can see that. Just checking on the bounty?"

"That's right." says Hera.

"That sounds right. Okay. Carry on you two."

We walk on past.

"Thank you Coruscant." says Hera as we continue.

"Thank you. You're pretty good with the mind control." I say.

"Surprised? We're not just all about the lightsabre and TK Coruscant." says Hera.

Never said you were. Are there deficiencies in the Green Jedi curriculum? A result of specialisation? I want a wiki page dammit!

Then we outside the cells. The door opens and Flash steps out with a energy rifle. Inside I can see Dale besides an opened door mechanism and beyond two unconscious guards.

"Sorry folks. We got tired of waiting. So, do you two want to take the bridge or the engines?" says Flash.

I look at Hera.

"Bridge?" I suggest. Let's not have another 'landing' from our pulp heroes.

Hera nods.

We then split up.

Soon we are approaching the bridge. Two more guards at the door.

"Stop! This area is..." begins the guard on the left. Hera stretches out her hand and they slam against the wall, then collapse to the ground.

"Mind if I lead Coruscant?" says Hera as she ignites her lightsabre and adopts a guard position.

I switch mine on too and thrust towards the door just as it opens and impale the guard I sensed coming out to investigate the two bangs.

"Sure." as I draw back in a quick bow. "After you." I say.

Hera charges in. I follow.

I cover Hera as she tears through the defenders. A nudge here, push there to keep enemy shots off target and a quick blaster parry there. Mostly I get to watch her fight while not being buffeted by her telekinesis. It's very aggressive. Fast, deadly strikes accompanied by shoving her immediate opponents around. She blocks a few blasts but it's mostly about keeping the enemy off balance. In the Force, she is incredibly focused. Like a steel knife cutting through those who oppose her.

Only for knowledge and defence, never for attack? Not according to Hera. Is it just her or is this another difference between Order and Greens? Wait. I take two steps, spin and parry a blast from someone who wasn't completely out. I shake my head at them and they let go of their weapon. It is over.

There is a beeping from the ship's com. Hera looks at it dubiously. I check the Force and then flick the switch.

"Hello, is anyone there?" comes Dale's voice.

"Dale. This is Dee-Jay. Hera and I have the bridge. Do you two have the engine room?" I say.

"We do mister. Could you come down here? I need help getting Flash to the sickbay." says Dale.

After working out where the medbay is I stop off there to pick up an emergency kit before heading down to the others.

"Thank you mister Jedi." says Flash as I apply some bacta wraps over the larger bruises. "Dale can get over worried at times. I've had worse."

"Well, that lump on your head may need more attention. We're still taking you to the medbay." I say.

"See, told you so. Now, let's get you moving." says Dale.

As we head back up the corridor, Flash asks "So, how's your gal?"

"Hera? She's fine. We're not together in that way either." I say.

"Don't see why not. She's a fine looking woman." says Flash. Dale nods.

"It's. It's a Jedi thing." I say.

"Sorry there. It's hard to remember. You don't look like a padre." says Flash.

"And that gal is no penguin." adds Dale.

"It's not quite like that." I say as we reach the medbay.

"Then what's the problem? You okay mister?" asks Dale as Flash climbs onto the bed.

"For a start, we're different types of Jedi. Sort of, sort of like Catholic and Protestant." I say, sticking with the priest metaphor. "We have put aside our differences to fight the greater evil." I say.

That seems to satisfy them. I then spend the next few minutes trying to work out the medscanner. They're mostly idiot proof. Mostly.

"How do you, know about Earth religions?" says Dale slowly.

"Yeah. Just who are you exactly?" asks Flash.

Oops. Busted.

Bugger, bugger, bugger and, bugger.

Flash and Dale are still looking at me for an answer.

"Okay, okay. I'm from Earth too. Just not the same Earth as you."

"Another Earth? Like in Wierd Tales?" says Dale.

"Yes. Trouble is, for me, that's a pretty big secret. I need everyone here to believe I'm a local." I say.

"Undercover?" says Flash and I nod.

"So, you're not a real Jedi?" asks Dale.

"Still no. I can see where your going but my cover relies on acting as if I am one." I say.

The medscanner the beeps and indicates that Flash has no serious medical problems.

"Looks like you're fine. Still, I recommend some rest while we are in hyperspace. I should see how long that will be." I say and depart.

"Our two adventurers alright then?" asks Hera as I re-enter the bridge moments later.

"They're fine. How's it up here?" I say.

"Well, it's an ten hour transit rimwards to, New Mongo? Never heard of it. You?" says Hera.

I shake my head.

"On the good news front I think we have accounted for everyone on this ship." says Hera. "So we should get to cleaning this up." she adds.

A few hours later we have the few survivors locked up and the bodies on ice. I collapse into a bed rather exhausted and looking forward to some sleep.


'Busy day dear?'

No rest because of the wicked.

'Is that what I am? Come now, you don't believe in moral absolutes. Not really. I can't be the personification of a Cosmic Evil because that's absurd.'

It is absurd. But so is everything else here. Sublight drives and hyperspace allow everyone to give Newton and Einstein the finger. Insane alien biologies and how people can interbreed casually, not to mention the Force itself. So Good and Evil being real things isn't that much of a stretch. Besides, whether it's evil or just our more primal urges, the result is the same. Burned worlds, enslaved or massacred populations. Bad things.

'Is that what I am? A Harbinger of Bad Things? How about Palpatine? He's Worse Things. Much worse. The Jedi are dragging their heels. Every day his position gets stronger. You know what needs to be done. Trust me love.'

That has been bugging me. Any enquiries over progress has Yoda telling me to be patient. Delicate, the matter is. What's taking so long?

'You know they're too cautious. That they will not act till too late. Trust me. Believe me. Love...'


The lights come on and I am being shaken.

"Coruscant. Get it together damn it!" says Hera.

I blink and sit up. Hera is still leaning over me. She moves and sits down on the bed besides me.

"Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome. Whoever it says they are is a lie. It's not real." says Hera. She picks up my hand in hers. "This, this is real. Not the whispers in the darkness."

For given levels of real. Still, she's right. Mess up, surrender to the Dark Side and all these nice real people suffer. Hera doesn't even like me and yet charged in here to help. Or kill me comes the next, not so pleasant thought. Because if I do go over, that's what must be done. Don't get much realer than that.

I nod. "Thank you. Again." I say.

"Good, now get some sleep. We're five hours out. I find it it helps if you leave the light on." says Hera as she stands up.

"Well then, I will do that. Goodnight." I say.

"Sleep well, Coruscant."


The main benefit of being on what is a pleasure barge with guns is that there are actual showers. So despite the short, interrupted sleep, the hot shower does wonders. Everyone else is on the bridge working controls and things. I really need a pilot licence.

"I think that's it." says Dale. Flash walks over and looks at the screen.

"Looks like Aura's style. Let's look for a place to land." says Flash.

A few minutes pass and then we are descending, landing besides are large silver and gold structure. We're not alone, several ships are scattered about the same landing pad.

"This is incredible. If this is a major slavery ring then we can trace these ships." says Hera as she records the registry details from the Ajax's scanner.

When we open the main hatch and descend to the ground Aura voice booms out.

"Excellent, bring Flash Gordon to me now in the Auction Hall."

"Any idea where that is?" says Flash.

"How about we just ask for directions?" says Dale.

"Works for me." I say.

"Wait." says Hera.

"What for?" says Flash.

"We send a message. Call in the Patrol. Then we can arrest everyone." Hera says.

"Yeah, that's a swell idea too."

After calling in the troops we go looking for a lackey and from there to the Auction Room.


The Auction Hall is vast, opulent and filled with beings. Elegantly dressed beings wander the floor inspecting the merchandise, their minions, armed or otherwise orbiting about them. Others dressed in what best can be described as thongs and tassels circulate with drinks and those weird small snacks. There are guards in red and gold and on small raised platforms encased in shields are the slaves. Presiding over all this on a raised throne is Princess Aura.

She's kind of hot. Even in a universe where every other person looks like they wandered in off a film set, Aura is devastatingly attractive. She notices us and reaches for a speaker.

"Flash darling, you have arrived. Why are you not in chains?" her voice booms across the hall. Everyone turns to look at us.

"That's because I've come to arrest you and shut your operation down." says Flash.

"Really Flash? You and what army?" says Aura rising to stand.

Flash pauses as if such a problem had not occurred to him.


Flash just shrugs and smiles as the list of statutes broken continues. He points upwards.

"Get them!" yells Aura as she runs for an exit.

Sensible running shoes, I note. Someone has been learning. Then there is little time for such observations as everybody tries to escape, fight their way out, panic or settle the odd score or five.

Covering Flash and Dale, Hera and I move with them in an attempt to capture Aura as she flees.

Battles are confusing affairs at the best of times. Made worse when there are no clear sides. Thankfully, a lightsabre is ideal for establishing some personal space. Even so, making it through this crowd of squabbling, panicking beings is tricky and slow going.

"Make for that big guy!" says Flash pointing at a massive alien on a slave plinth. It must be easily four metres tall and almost as wide.

As we reach the plinth I stab the controls with my lightsabre. There is a small explosion and the shield flickers out.

"Why thank you my dear man. How can I help?" says the grateful booming being.

"We're trying to get over there!" indicates Flash, yelling over the general din.

"Why certainly. Allow me." says the alien. It nimbly picks up a guard and swings him like a club while he roars.

Everyone gets out of the way and we run down the cleared path. Chasing through the halls we are just in time to see a small ship zooming away, it's hugging the ground in an effort to evade notice of the Red and Whites above.

"Oh darn, she got away. Again." says Dale watching the departing ship.

"Don't worry. We'll get her yet." says Flash hugging her.

"Freeze!" shout several red and white uniformed patrol troopers.

I raise my hands and let myself be arrested.


A couple of hours later and I'm sitting in a chair aboard a Patrol cruiser with the others listing to a dinosaur faced humanoid named Captain Virox.

"Thank you Knight Captain, and you Master Jedi. You two as well, I've heard good things about Anti-Slavery League, makes our job easier. Now is there anything I can do to assist." says Virox.

"Our ship is still at Leviatha. If you could drop us off there, that would be swell." says Flash.

"I need to report back to Corellia." says Hera.

"And you Master Jedi, Coruscant?" says Virox.

"Corellia as well. I have been neglecting my apprentice." I say.

That gets a raised eye ridge from our host.

"That seems, extraordinary. Very well. I'll see you people get where you're going." says Virox.

Not long after I'm saying goodbye.

"Well, we almost got her, but we did rescue those folks." says Flash shaking my hand.

"That we did. Good luck catching Aura." I say in reply.

"And good luck to you too mister." says Dale with a wink.

I leave, slightly puzzled over the cryptic farewell and board the cruiser bound for Corellia. A moment later Hera sits beside me scowling.

"Just for the record Coruscant, I..." begins Hera, but I interrupt her.

"No! Don't say it!" I say,

"I wasn't going to. No matter what that girl thinks I am not attracted to you. Don't know how she got that idea. It's preposterous." she continues.

Arrghhh! What part of my warning was complicated? Also, was that a chuckle I just heard?

It is not the done thing for a stoic space knight to bang their head. So I keep quiet and mentally will Hera to do likewise.

"What, nothing to say Coruscant? Please tell me you're not entertaining the notion." Hera says.

I turn to face her directly.

"I'm not saying anything, I'm not entertaining anything, least of all the semi-sentient energy field we both serve and who we both know has an appalling sense of humour. If we're really lucky it was busy elsewhere tormenting some other poor bugger and missed that." I say.

Which made for an awkward silence as we went home.