19 - Not yet a thousand psychic wars

What I know about confronting cosmic horrors by way of old HPL can be summed up in a single word.


However, since he was a weird little neurotic and I am of the generation that grew up with Ghostbusters, my options are somewhat more flexible. Now, whoever added Mythos to the mythos was likely channelling Lovecraft over Reitman, meaning this is all probably squarely in the 'Nope' corner. Then again, she has been speaking to me for about four years. Clear case of familiarity breeding, well something at least. With some digging I have a possible name, and names have power. They make the unknowable, knowable for a start. Now if only my major had been Curses, Hexes and Spells like M. Adams. Then I'd have something to go on.

'Where did you learn that name?' the voice is almost a hiss.

"You'll be amazed what you can learn at the most comprehensive library in the Galaxy. Hints, rumours, legends, and a name that crops up a little too often. Your name?" I say.

'You are wrong!'

"And you are defensive. Also, whatever happened to whispering sweet nothings in my ear?"

'Impudent fool! I can erase you from existence itself!'

"Go ahead. Just remember who wins in that case." I say.

I really, really have got to stop negotiating from a position of weakness. How do all the others do it? Where are my kewl powers?

I wait for a while, there is no reply and better, no obliteration. Looks like for all that she is an ancient cosmic entity with almost unlimited power 'Abby' is still a people. For an extremely broad and generous definition of people, but still. Whatever she is. Whoever she is, all is not totally lost. Oh well, impossible thing number two before breakfast.

Compose lesson plan to make the Third Interregnum Period sound interesting to Anakin 'Speed Racer' Skywalker.


"Come on Dee-Jay" shouts Anakin from above.

We're free climbing Mount Droman, a large hill the Corellians think is a mountain. Still, it has an interesting cliff face, a good chance to pry Anakin away from all the droids and machines. It's also a change for our exercise routine and practice for when we do actual crazy adventures. Anakin was a little hesitant at first but then, once he gained confidence made me wonder if the Force, Palpatine, whoever hadn't spliced in the DNA of some mountain goat equivalent. Despite my longer reach, invaluable in finding remote bits to hang on Anakin swarmed past me and I swear jumped the last bit. Not really cheating, since I just said 'We go up here', but still.

"Hurry up!' calls Anakin again.

Hmm. There is a small ledge here. Why not. Using the Force I leap, clearing the last section of cliff. I activate my lightsabre mid-flight aiming for my charge. His weapon is however already ready and he parries the blow.

"Hey!" he says as he blocks the follow up blows before launching into a counteroffensive.

"You can never rely on our enemies to attack when we want to." I say as I give ground to Anakin's assault. A wild swing cuts across a boulder, but since we're training the blade leaves a small scratch as opposed to bisecting the rock.

"Why are you smiling?" says Anakin after a while. Of course he knows, this is part of the exercise.

"Because I know something you don't know." I say as part of what is now almost a ritual.

"And what is that?" says Anakin as our blades lock.

I change grips and push away before launching another offensive.

"I am not left handed." I say.

Some moments later Anakin 'reveals' he too is not left handed either. The duel continues across the hilltop, blades clashing and sparking. Afterwards, we take the easy way down.


I stand across the representation of the Galaxy from Abby. She's in her star studded female shilohette form today. Tonight. Whenever.

"Hello. What do you want." I say in my best Mr Morden impression.

"That's normally my line." says the thing we're calling Abby at the moment. Kind of childish, but I am real short of anything to use against ancient eldritch abominations. Name calling and, nope, that's it.

"Well, I asked first. So, at the top of the list." I say.

The blast flings me off my feet.

"Impudent ape! What I have always wanted. I want my freedom. You're going to give it to me." she says.

"Not going to happen."

As if gripped by a giant, invisible hand I am picked up and dragged in front of her.

"Really? I can make it feel as if every bone in your body is pulverised. Each night." she says, increasing the pressure with each word.

"Great. Idea. How. Will. A. Mentally. Broken. Wreck. Help." I manage to squeeze out, despite the pain.

In response I am squeezed. I feel bones crack and my body deform under the pressure as I howl.

"Do you know who you are dealing with? Do you!" she screams.

Not in a position to do much else I continue screaming.

"You will give me what I want!" the entity howls as I am squeezed and squeezed and...

I wake up. I am whole. No pain. I liked it better when she was trying to seduce me. I turn over and try to go back to sleep.


"And it's Layferra One across!" comes the announcement as the crowd erupts into a cheer. Nearby the engineers also exclaim and congratulate my charge.

We're at the Berulasft Open on Corellia and Anakin's prototype engine is cleaning up. Next year everyone will be playing catch up and in a few more it will be the new normal, but for now Layferra speeder thrusters will be the new hotness.

"No way we can convince you and Anakin to stay on?" says Joffs.

I shake my head and stifle a yawn. "I am sorry, but as much as Anakin loves it here there are other places that will benefit his education. Also, his home life is important and Shmi lives on Naboo."

Joffs fiddles with his moustache. "Home life? Your not one of our Jedi." he says.

"Anakin's a special case. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be back." I say.

"If the damn fool Isolationists don't get their way and Corellia stays in the Republic you mean." he says.

I have not really been keeping abreast of local politics and isn't that a strange thing to say of two worlds and several thousand habitats? The Corellians have always been independent, but still stayed within the Republic. Even I know that.

"Could it come to that? Leave the Republic?" I say.

"The Separatist Movement is gaining ground everywhere. Lot of folks see only the sweet business deals to be made or are stirred up by Jacosk and that Dooku fellow. Idiots. Can't you do something? Go to a few meetings, wave your hands and tell everyone to start damn well thinking again?" he says.

"Rule by the Force has been tried before. It never ends well. You'll just have to trust in your fellow citizens and systems." I say.

Joffs looks at me and shakes his head. "That's what I'm afraid of. Still, I will look forward to Anakin's return and whatever technological terror he unleashes then." he says chuckling.

His inadvertent jest makes me pause. Technological terrors indeed. Let's stay away from the big round ones as much as possible.

"I am sure we shall be back." I say as the crew raise Anakin on their shoulders.


"Any witty remarks?" cries Abby as lightning seemingly crackles from her hands covering my form. No opening, no request tonight, Straight to the torture.

Back home this is called Force Lightning and is one of the signature 'Dark Side' moves. However that is a misnomer. It is torture, no two shakes about it. This is why Dark Side lunatics like this and the TK choking. Because they're sadists. They get off on inflicting pain on others and showing that they have all the power. They're not evil abilities per se, but because if you use the Force in these ways you are doing it because you are evil. Or very, very broken.

The blasts stop coruscating across my form. Abby lets me twitch for a while before walking up and kicking me.

"I, I forgive you." I say.


"I forgive you. You have known nothing but pain, abuse and subjugation your entire existence. I understand."

"You know nothing!" she screams and the blasts resume.

I'm really growing to dislike the whole passive resistance thing.


"I am not an aquatic." says Shayla dubiously looking at the water ahead..

In essence it was a good plan. Space California has surf beaches, surfboards are not only fun, they can be used to practice our preternatural balance abilities and Shayla has a few days off and is visiting. The long distance relationship seems to be working. Of course, before that meant lives in different city or occasionally a different country and not two spiral arms driftward. Only flaw in the plan is the one Shayla just brought up. Humans might be the crazy all terrain vehicles of the Galaxy, but our fellow travellers less so. She is also a welcome balm for what I think of as my soul.

"Really? What about that holo of you at the Varissa Aquatic Centre?" I say.

"That's different. The water was chest high at most, there were life guards, no waves and ahhh!" Shayla cries out as the water washes over her feet. "And it was heated!" she adds reproachfully after retreating.

"Nothing I can say to tempt you?" I say reaching out a hand.

In response she folds her arms and shakes her head, tentacles flaring in a typical 'fight or flight' response.

"Okay. No immersion in water for you. " I say as I walk out of the water and approach carefully.

'Truly?" she says.

"Of course." I say and spread my arms out for a hug.

"No way. Dry yourself off first you Rim Neobarb." she says.

"No problem Space Princess." I say and pick up my towel. After drying a bit I sit down and watch Anakin perform various manouvers. Shayla sits beside me and leans on me for support.

"He's quite the show off. That's not a Jedi thing." Shayla says after a while.

"No, it's an Anakin thing. He likes to be noticed." I say.

"By a young queen in particular?" says Shayla.

"That obvious?"

"Yes. Shouldn't you do something? Before Amidala turns up with an admirer one day."

"Yes. Not looking forward to that conversation. Still, they both may surprise us."

"Like someone surprised you?"

"Yes." I say enjoying the sun, the sea and her company.


"No." I say through the pain. My form is in the grip again.

"Well, I guess we should get started then."


"Oh, change of heart?"

"No. Know that I forgive you. You could have been so much more. The Yin to the Yang. Instead, something happened. You were.." my voice is cut off as the jaw is torn apart.

"Be silent! You know nothing. You will suffer until you obey me. Until you love me."

Oh Abby. I feel so sorry. It is you who cannot learn, cannot create. Because you are so damaged. So very broken. You cannot see that you can only assail this imaginary form. Which, when you get down to it, is only an illusion, a projection.

This is going to take some time.