24 - Sith Lords be tough


Bail Organa, Hereditary Representative to the Galactic Senate of the Republic for the Principality of Alderaan looked across the massive Senate Chamber as his pod hovered near the centre. He met the eyes of Sheev Palpatine, Chancellor of the Republic. The Chancellor smiled. Trust me, everything is going to be alright, there is no need for alarm those eyes said.

Bail blinked and shook his head. No. Everything was not alright.

"Beings of the Senate. My esteemed colleagues. Eight years ago this man promised change. He promised that no longer would there be pointless deliberation while worlds within The Republic lay threatened, or worse, in the hands of another power." Bail said, pausing and looking about the chamber. "A promise he never had any intention of keeping. My colleagues, nothing has changed and again, as it was eight years ago, nothing is being done."

"Please, you are mistaken. Things are in motion. Our dear Republic is vast. Everything takes time Senator." replied Palpatine.

And that was right. Things did take, no. It had been too long already. While he stood here, safe at the heart of the Republic, others were less fortunate. They were having their lives, their homes taken away from them by the corporate masters of the Confederacy. Something had to be done!

"No. It is you who is mistaken. You have changed nothing, you have done nothing but aggrandise your own self and promote your cronies while all the while the Rim catches fire. I will not stand idly by while our worlds burn. Beings of the Senate! I call for an immediate vote of non-confidence in the Supreme Chancellor."

His call was quickly seconded and in a few minutes a vote called, taken and tallied. Fully eighty percent voted in favour of the Chancellor's removal. Bail looked across at the former leader of the largest polity in the Galaxy.

"This body has spoken. You are relieved Mr Palpatine." said Bail

"No." said Palpatine.

"No? Palaptine. This body has spoken." said Bail.

"You think I care one whit about you snivelling worms. You want this office? Then come take it!" snarled Palpatine.

A murmur rose at this uncharacteristic defiance and the Senate Guard began moving towards the access to the central podium. Then suddenly, Bail's vision tilted and slewed rapidly sideways. With a shock, he realised that the pod had lost control and was now careening wildly towards one of the observation platforms. Then the motion stopped as he saw two figures on the platform with arms reaching towards him. Jedi, they had caught him and the pod, as well as several others safely with their telekinetic powers. It was in vain as twelve other pods, their occupants screaming slammed into the platform. Bail felt himself falling again, there was a massive impact and everything went black, the mad Chancellor's cackling echoing in his ears.


Battle raged across the Senate district on Corruscant as various forces strove to capture a single man. Mace could barely believe his eyes as he and Hera sped across a trail of destruction in a speeder. In their wake trailed police, judiciary, emergency services and other Jedi.

"What was that?" he asked, his companion's comment drowned out as a million windows shattered, spraying the pursuit, damaging several vehicles and the resultant explosions from their crashes adding to the din.

"I said I am going to kill him." yelled Hera over the din.

Mace nodded, the ex-Chancellor would surely pay for this.

"Oh, I have no intention of taking that monster alive." agreed Mace.

"Not him. Dee-Jay. He knew."

"That's insane." said Mace as he swerved to avoid a volley of actinic lightning.

"Is it? He seldom comes here and always has an excuse why his apprentice is never with him when he does. If we investigate I am sure we will find that maverick has never let Palpatine get within a thousand lights of Anakin. Because he knew."

The speeder flew after the quarry through explosions, blasts and other vehicles.

"If that's true then I will question him myself." said Mace.

"And then I will kill him." agreed Hera.


They finally cornered Palpatine in some access corridors after the monster had abandoned his speeder and gone to ground. Mace and Hera advanced on Palaptine, weapons out and at guard.

"It's over Palpatine. There's no escape," said Mace.

In response a door opened behind Palpatine revealing what appeared to be a ship's corridor. The monster raised his hand and an immense wave of force washed over the Jedi. Mace and Hera managed to stand their ground.

"No Master Windu. I think I will be going. Do not fear however. We will meet again." said Palpatine as he stepped through the door.

"You. Are. Coming. With. Us." said Mace as he advanced slowly despite the torrent, Hera a few steps behind him.

"No." said Palpatine and twisted his hand.

With an audible snap Hera's left leg was broken and almost immediately she was hurled backwards by the telekinetic hurricane. Mace turned and held her with the Force before she was swept away. This was accompanied by the door closing and a shaking. Carrying Hera Mace ran as the structures about him came apart as Palpatine's escape ship tore itself free and raced skywards. Mace turned to look from the ship to Hera.

"Why?" was all she could manage through the pain.

"Never, again." said Mace.




I look across at my opponent. Freaking Count Dooku. Probably Darth Tyrannus, probably. In any event a supreme badass with both the Force and lightsabre. I take a step so I am in the room. Lightsabre on and live.

"Anakin, get everyone out." I say.

"What? I can help." protests Anakin.

"I gave you an order, apprentice." I say, to emphasis the point I cause the door to close and then telekinetically tear the door controls to pieces.

Great, now I have locked myself in a small room with Dracula.


"A brave gesture, but a futile one. Surrender." says Dooku.

I take a few more steps. Anakin is, actually retreating. I'm kind of surprised. I have never pulled rank on him before and didn't know how he would jump.

"You choose to surrender? Very sensible. I accept." I say.

"Surely you jest. Now kneel." says Dooku.

That last part isn't a request. It is a command. The Dark Side crashes against me. I remain standing.

"No. I was not joking. Surrender Dooku. It's not too late." I say.

"Too late? When was it not too late? When we abandoned our rightful mantle of leadership? When we became little more than the tools of the Senate? When Yoda yielded leadership to that lickspittle Windu? When they sent Qui-Gon to be butchered, butchered by that Sith brute? It has always been too late!" says Dooku as he advances. His lightsabre is pointed directly at me.

Lightsabres back home are pretty props. Here, they are the real deal. Both of us hold a crackling, humming plasma psi blade pointed at each other. They are more than that though. These weapons are almost extensions of our will. Sure, someone else could pick up my lightsabre and use it, but for anyone else it is merely a dangerous weapon, even for another Jedi. In my hands it is alive. My strength, my skill, my faith in the Force made manifest. That's why the Sith have red blades. It's what they are. You can't choose the weapon's colour in any conscious sense. This is not merely a physical duel, but a spiritual and mental one as well. When you get down to it, who is truly right?


I circle to the left, blade between me and Dooku.

"Yes, it could well be that we are living in the final last days of the Jedi Order. So, tell me coward. Did you abandon the Jedi the instant you learned of your former apprentice's fate. Or did it take a week out of respect for what he died to protect?" I say.

Dooku lunges, impossibly fast, following up with a series of lightning fast jabs. I however, am already back peddling, staying out of reach and scrambling over consoles. The Neimoidians trapped in here with us scrabble to stay as far away as possible. I note Gunray is not present. Damn, that sucker is slippery.

"You know nothing of what I have felt! I died that day. I swore vengeance on the Jedi, The Republic, on everyone responsible!" screams Dooku.

"And the Sith? What of them? They orchestrated the whole affair." I say as I launch a probing attack of my own. I have reach on this monster. I have a chance. Just maybe.

Dooku parries almost effortlessly. His style is very economical, restrained. We continue about the bridge, lightsabres extended, pointing at each other. Dooku gestures and I leap as a bank of consoles I was standing besides explodes. He drives forwards, stabbing as I come up. I slam my blade down, driving his through the floor and aiming for his throat on riposte. Dooku, however is no longer there, leaping back and away.


"You have no grasp of the power of the Dark Side. Through it I shall have my revenge. The Jedi, the Republic and then finally, the Sith. All shall fall! All shall become as dust before me!" says Dooku as he raises his hands and everything explodes. Consoles, screens, luminators, Neimoidians. The bridge becomes a charnal house of deadly, flying, razor sharp shards. I appear to be covered in the things. With a wave I reveal that they were all stopped about a centimetre from my skin.

"Thank you for disabling the ship. Bit messy, but I suppose we all lose our touch eventually." I say.

Dooku screams and attacks. Once again I am on the defensive. I block almost every strike. The red tip of his blade pierces my left shoulder and I scream. In that moment of pain and confusion he follows up with a strike to my right arm and left thigh. Nothing serious, but still agonising. I collapse in shock, cutting myself on the shards littering the floor.


"Hurts, doesn't it." says Dooku as he stands over me. With a contemptuous wave the bridge doors are wrenched open. "You were a fool and so you deserve a fool's death. I just want to know one thing before you die. I remember you Master Dee-Jay. You were always there, in the background of my memories. No-one special. No-one noteworthy." He lifts me up telekinetically so we are face to face.. "So tell me, exactly why I don't recall remembering you more than eight years ago?"

"You can have my reply when you see me in hell." I say in reply.

Whatever Dooku is about to say is drowned out in an explosion as something crashes through the bridge. I fall to the floor as Dooku acts to protect himself. There is an instance of depressurisation and then a shield envelops the breach sealing us from the vacuum outside. A door opens and a figure in brown leaps out wielding a blade of pure blue light. Following up are silver suited, Mandalorians? Dooku is driven back by this fresh assault. He quickly decides on discretion in the face of this unknown threat and flees. My rescuer returns.

"What kept you?" I say to Obi-Wan Kenobi as someone slaps trauma patches on me and I am jabbed with something. Whatever reply there may have been is lost as the drugs take effect. My last thought is 'that's strange are the Mandos recruiting Twi'leks now?'



"Commander! He's coming round." I hear as consciousness returns. What is that smell? Hope it's not me. I am in a hospital bed, everything is kind of fuzzy and, nope, can't move my limbs.

The door opens and Shayla walks in carrying a pad. She looks at it and then at me.

"Thank you Timo. That will be all." says Shayla and the orderly leaves. "Well?" she says when we are alone,

"Have I ever mentioned how hot you are?" I say. The Outer Rim Squadron uniform, all dark blue and gold trim looks amazing on Shayla. Okay, so I'm biased. Even so.

"Don't change the subject. It is said your opponent was a Sith Lord." says Shayla.

"Yes, it's true. Dooku is a Sith."

Shayla walks close and leans over me, her face set. Does she know she looks real cute like that?

"Then you listen to me Neobarb. You will leave this Dooku to the other Jedi. You don't have to save this Galaxy alone. I won't allow it." she says.

"No. I will do what I must. The Jedi protect." I say.

"No! I forbid it. Please love. Palpatine killed millions escaping. Please, I cannot let you face them." cries Shayla hugging me.

"I am sorry Princess, I cannot..." I pause as a pertinent conversation points hit home. "Wait? Palpatine did what?"

It seems all my smeep related activities has left me behind on current events. As I had guessed, Palpy had dragged his heels when the Confederacy launched their little planet grabbing operation. This apparently backfired as a bloc of Senators motioned a vote of no confidence in the Man from Naboo for doing exactly what he had sworn to prevent all those years ago. Unlike Valorum, Ol' Sheev didn't go quietly and, well things got very messy, very fast. Thousands dead in seconds as the Sith Lord started throwing occupied Senate Pods like Frisbees to squash the Senate Watch Jedi. From there the death toll rapidly escalated as Jedi and Judicary Forces pursued Palpatine across Coruscant.. Cars, ships, even an entire building thrown like toys. As the Jedi struggled to prevent further loss of life Palpatine escaped the last actual pursuers. Everyone is reeling from the shock. The Confederacy is making bank on the fact that the Republic had an honest to goodness Sith Lord in charge and the Republic and Jedi have suffered grievous blows. He had a backup plan. A way to get out and then continue with his crazed goals of Galactic Domination. This was why Yoda had urged we proceed slowly, investigate and act cautiously. It looks like we ran out of time. Now I get to discover what Sheev's backup plan is along with everyone else. Oh joy.

"Anything else?" I ask after Shayla gets me up to speed.

"Well, there's the small matter of a warrant for your arrest. Not that I, or any Naboo intends to honour that. More importantly, who is that young woman with Anakin? Just exactly what have you been doing while terraforming my love?"

Oh yes. That. I am on a star cruiser with Anakin Skywalker and the two, no sorry, three women who fancy him. Can I just be arrested? Promise to go quietly.