31 - Why yes, it is.


The Third Fleet appears above another world. Not particularly strange or noteworthy, This happens constantly. In recent months the war has tilted in the Republic's favour. New Kuati cruisers, the famous Stardestroyer classes are ready. Armies have made it through training and are being deployed to hold and then reclaim systems. The clones, Eridians and Naboo are no longer stretched thin and needed on desperate recovery and holding actions. Instead, as the Republic's most experienced forces they were now at the forefront of an offensive. Our other advantage is of course spiritual. The Jedi aid the Republic and no matter how you try to spin that you end back at the famed Guardians of Peace and Justice since time immemorial are a strong indicator of which side is on the side of the angels. In short the Confederacy has it's work cut out for itself just keeping its own systems onside. Like this one. The former rulers have decided to throw off the shackles of their new masters and requested aid in returning their world to the Republic. There is just one wrinkle in all this. I know this place.


We have come to restore a nasty theocracy as a small stepping stone towards defeating the Separatists and their Sith leaders.

"Launch recon cutters and CSP. Sensors,get us a picture of the system. You too Master Dee-Jay, something tells me I will need your insight." orders Tarkin.

Gone are the days of jumping in at the hyper limit of a system. Occupied planets come with defence cannon capable of tearing cruisers out of orbit. Starting the engagement at knife range with defensive fleets is another good way to take unneeded losses. This isn't an excuse to 'accidentally' kill off the Jedi, we're trying to not get killed this time around. Which means cautious tactics.

"Lucrehulk! High equatorial orbit. It's the Tooval. Fifteen Banking Clan escorts."

"Fifteen? Where is the other one?"

"Not in scanning range. They could be still behind the planet or they're short sir."

"Find out for sure. I do not like surprises."

As the chatter continues about me I reach out with the Force. All about me beings are focused and determined, anticipating the coming battle. Out further and I can feel the cold mechanical minds of the droids, the panic of the Separatist organic crews as they realise today will not be boring. There is also despair, fear, anger from the planet. Lastly, terror. Over, there.

"Should we expect anything over here?" I say indicating on the tactical display the source of the last set of feelings.

One of the officers looks at me.

"No? Transit point to Incora, but that's Hutt Space. They're neutral." he says.

"Found something Dee-Jay?" asks Tarkin as he walks over.

"Just a feeling. Here. Terror. Surprise," I begin but he cuts me off.

"No need. A Jedi's feelings are better than any sensor." he says and turns to an officer. "Send two squadrons to check it out."

"Yes Sir." says the officer and moves to carry out the order.

"With any luck we'll find the missing frigate." says Tarkin. He examines the display. "The Tooval. Well. Maintain range. Have the Advance and Choomis organise strikes against those frigates. The Terrible and ourselves will see to defending against their strikes." orders Tarkin.

Then it's largely hanging on as our big ships maneuver to stay out of range while our Starfighters engage. There are some wild evasive turns in an effort to avoid missile strikes. Through it all Tarkin calmly inspects the progress of the battle and issues orders. I watch the small battles develop. The Vulture fighter doubles as a light walker and while that sounds impressive, in reality it does neither well. Of course they could be the best fighters in existence and they would be outmatched by Anakin.

The 'Best Starfighter Pilot in the Galaxy'. Those words do not do the reality justice. Anakin is growing in both skill and power as a Jedi, but it is in a Starfighter where he truly shines. It is not just his superlative flying skills, his instinctive grasp of tactics or his ability to always be in the right place at the right time. It's the way everyone under his command flies and fights the same way too. Anakin's squadron tears apart strike missions, almost casually destroying any escorts. With that and the majority of our Starfighters configured for anti-fighter operations the Third Fleet effectively destroys the Separatist fighter support.

"Time, Master Dee-Jay?" asks Tarkin on occasion.

Usually I shake my head. This time however, I nod.

"Excellent. All ships head for point Aurek." comes the order.

As our ships turn for the new vector the enemy frigates boost to intercept. While we can fight them at cannon range it will be at some cost, one the Separatists can afford. Our crews are tired and our Admiral has made a mistake. One the Tactical droids will not hesitate to exploit.

It is a pity we planned it. We launch our reserve Starfighters, loadout configured to antishipping strike. Using the planet they can slingshot about it and make an attack on the now exposed Lucrehulk. Tarkin's plan is tricky to pull off and so it helps having a Jedi to spot the correct moment. The battleship immediately requests the frigates move to cover it and being, droids, they obey. However they are completely out of position and the strike badly damages the Lucrehulk, which turns and runs for hyperspace, the frigates soon following.

Now for the tricky matter of liberating a planet we probably should not.


Following the battle our scouts return escorting a freighter. It's almost all engine with two massive cargo pods slung above and beneath it. Since it sustained some damage we are sending some engineers to see what can be done. They find more than burned and damaged components. In short order the freighter's crew are brought aboard and their captain summoned to the Admiral's office.

"Master Dee-Jay to the Admiral's office. Master Dee-Jay to the Admiral's office."

As I enter I notice the body lying on the floor, it's head a charred mess. Tarkin is sitting at his desk examining a pad.

"Ah, Master Dee-Jay. That freighter was a slaver. We are unloading the slaves now."

"Yes Admiral, this is Antoroine. I did mention it." I say.

"You did. I refused to believe it. A Republic world? Slavery is barbarism. Pure barbarism." says Tarkin.

"I don't think that slows down these systems Admiral." I reply.

"i have orders to restore Antoroine to its people Dee-Jay." continues Tarkin.

Of course. Tarkin is not going to disobey orders. He is also not going to willingly restore a society that engages in slavery. He wants the traditional Guardians of Peace and Justice to provide a magic solution. Which means me. Trouble is, I don't have one. Antoroine, and by extension every system with a crappy society cannot be easily changed. We could install some other bunch to power, but with no real way of knowing what they will be like. We could leave a garrison and run things ourselves but the revolution would be underway before the announcement of that was over. The only thing to change would be they would sell people to the Hutts to buy weapons to get rid of us. Peaceful change has to come from within.

"I am sorry Tarkin, there is no good solution." I say.

In response Tarkin throws the pad at me.

"Read that list and tell me there's nothing you can do. Some of them are little more than children. Tell me Master Dee-Jay, just what are your vaunted powers for?"

What indeed. Sill I read the list. Five hundred names. Okay. That's one ship. When they are properly in charge they sent far more. I close my eyes.

"Well, Jedi?" says Tarkin.

I open my eyes.

"Patience. The Force is not an underling you can order about."

I close my eyes. Stretch out to see the connections between many things. Traditions, customs, beliefs of both the locals and Galactic society.

'What are you doing?' comes the voice of Abby.

'Looking for an answer. We're at Antoroine. Tarkin wants a solution. So do I.'

'His original solution not satisfactory then?'

'I prefer to avoid Orbital Bombardment as a tool of social change.'

'I have a suggestion. Read their holy book.'

'That's it?'

"That's all. Oh, and make the rivers run red with their blood.' there is a pause. 'That was a joke Dee-Jay. I am giving them a go. What do you think?'

I think I prefered the torture and misguided seduction attempts.

'Oh, good. Do you think you could warn me next time?'

I open my eyes.

"I have a plan. First we need a copy of their holy book."


Very quickly I ask for an analysis of the Calarite Faith as their holy book is five million words total. Not casual reading. I will need the Cliff's Notes version. Still, even a casual reading reveals the prophesied coming of the Chosen One is a pretty big thing. Coming of the Chosen One. When the Chosen One returns. Till the Chosen One returns. In the name of the Chosen One. Pretty standard stuff.

It takes three weeks until I am looking at some of their art, when it clicks. I have been here too long. I have gone native. I have forgotten how this place works. One person can change everything, especially if their surname is Skywalker.

After yelling at myself for a minute I run down to the hanger. I find the goddamn Chosen One working on his fighter's engines.

"Anakin. Go have a shower then meet me back here. We'll be taking a shuttle to the surface." I say.

I am an idiot. I have been training Space Jesus for almost a decade. Of course this crazy universe has religions incorporating him as a central character.

"So, what are we doing again?" asks Anakin as we approach the capital.

"Going down to speak with the locals. Just remember to tell them that selling women into slavery is bad." I say as we land.

"Why would they listen to me?" asks Anakin as we disembark.

We are in front of a structure. In the front is a massive stained glass window with a sole figure represented. Even allowing for artistic licence and the assumption that he would be their brand of human, the likeness is unmistakable.

A twenty metre tall Antoroinian Anakin Skywalker smiles beautifically down on us. I nod towards the graven image.

"That's why." I say.

In the end, maybe it will still fail. The Calarite Canon will be five hundred thousand words larger. There will be a revising by the old guard as to what the Chosen One really meant when he said no more selling people as slaves and treating the entire population as fellow sientients. Then again, the warning that he can come back and check up at any time will hopefully give the saner parts of their society some time to gain traction. For now, world recovered and no more slave ships. Eventually, after a big parade, the Chosen One and his helpful attendant are allowed to leave to bring the Words of the Chosen One to the Greater Galaxy.

"I don't understand those parting words you asked me to say." says Anakin as we ascend to the cruisers.

"You don't think they would not make an excellent closer to the Book of Anakin?" I say.

"Those were very serious people Dee-Jay. It will probably get edited out." says Anakin.

"What's wrong with 'Be excellent to each other' and 'Party on dudes!'" I say.

Useful addition to any canon in my opinion.


We move on. Other systems, other battles, other damn crazy Sith plots. Through it all we pick up no idea, no hint, no clue as to where Sheev is. We run across Dooku, Ventress and all the little wizards on a regular basis but of Palps, not a single clue. Even Abby is no help.

"I do not know where he is." she says when I visit. We no longer are suspended above the Galaxy, but rather seem to be within it somewhere.

"How can you not? You seem to know where I am?" I say.

"You don't hide things instinctively. Sideous is a master of deception and secrecy. You are quite different."

"Worth a try I guess. So, anyway. How are you?"

The entity shrugs, then sighs.

"I am the same as ever."

I move over and give the ancient cosmic horror a hug.

"Not the same. I think you have moved on, become a person."

"They did that too. When I was summoned and trapped in a body."

"This time it was by you. You can always change back."

"Why would I do that, not while you are here."

"And what will you do when I die?"

Abby lets go, retreats.

"I don't know. All I know is that I do not want to go back to what I was."

"Well then, that can be our new topic, learning to let go and saying goodbye."

There is a pause.

"Yes." says Abby.


I awaken, get ready for the day and make my way to the bridge in case I am needed. I notice we are in hyperspace. I look on in wonder for several minutes before I think to ask the pertinent question. I walk over to where Tarkin is surveying the crew. He's probably doing performance reviews in his head. Because that's his idea of fun.

"What do you think of Midshipman Foyle on comms?" he asks.

I look at the indicated crew member. Uniformed, male, seems intent on his job. I stretch out with the Force. I pick up a sense of anticipation.

"Seems to be looking forward to our destination. Where is that?"

Tarkin looks at me.

"We are headed to Naboo. Neatly combining a spot of Rest, Repair and Relaxation with your personal needs."


"You and Skywalker have been with me for almost a year. I was given to understand you had some sort of review due. Additionally, your woman is due to give birth. At the Royal Theed Hospital."

It's been a year? Already? Shayla is due? Where did the time go?

"Mouth closed Dee-Jay. You are a Jedi. We should be there in good time if I understand your woman's biology correctly. Also, please do something to formalise your relationship, I dislike indulging in such crude terms."


Of course, we are called off while crossing the Agora system to deal with a surprise raid nearby in Boroglen. It goes without saying that I'm in a bit of a hurry. Powered drops are too slow in my opinion. I lead the charge once we are down. Anakin leaps out of his Fighter and runs to catch up.

"Admiral Tarkin suggested a cautious approach!" he yells as I blast the prefab gates open. There is a brief battle as we overwhelm the defenders.

"He did, did he?" I say as I advance towards whatever the hell this thing is. It appears to be some sort of massive laser. I look to where it is sighted. Large doors in a cliff face. Huge bits of granite which is a bit ostentatious because the cliff is disbarred from being classic East Coast Bays formation by not being in the right universe. That gives me pause. Home. It's not often I get reminders.

There is a warning from the Force. I look up.

"Die Jedi!" screams the red blade wielding maniac as they leap from the superstructure.

I raise my hand. The lunatic stops mid fall.

"Look, I'd love to fight you, exchange all that 'Your no match for the Dark Side' banter, but I'm in a hurry." I wave my arm and the Dark Sider is moved to one side mid air as Anakin and I cut down the laser tower thing. That down we get the troops to set the charges, blow the thing to pieces and jog back to the shuttle. We com news of our success.

"Well done. Troops and Jedi. One thing Dee-Jay. Please keep me informed of any plans for the future expansion of your family. So I can plan the campaigns accordingly." comes Tarkin's reply back.


Even with the delays I make it back in time to witness the birth of my daughter first hand. Afterwards, I look down at my family.

"Any idea for a name?"

Shayla looks up from her daughter and then back again.

"Idun. It was my grandmother's." she says.

"Idun. A beautiful name." I say agreeing.

I'll just have to warn her off keeping an apple tree, which should be easy in my new home.