Part 1

It had been a long day. I had helped out with the chores around the house and had even gone on a few small missions. My headache made itself clearer as I went to my room. Lying down on the floor, I took out my phone and scrolled through it.

"I think it's about time I took a vacation," I said as I scrolled through the portal app. I had left it to charge for a while, meaning that it had only 2 transportation charged. Perfect for a little vacation. Getting up, I opened up my inventory, going through and dropping things I didn't need. My room was a mess at the moment, but I could clean it when I got back.

Looking around my room, I picked up my devices and put those in my inventory. The soldier in me getting the best of me, I picked up a few different weapons and stashed them away too. I then picked up a few books that I found interesting. Going into my armory, I brought back a few armors and some normal clothes. I then stuffed like 50 oversized jackets and hoodies into my inventory. Finally, to finish it off, I closed my inventory, slung a random empty backpack over my shoulder, and teleported to the dimension via app.

~Quick Time Skip~

Oddly, instead of landing in the U.S as I had expected, I landed in Japan. The streets were pretty, but it was taking me a while to pick up the language. Deciding it'd be best if I didn't talk to anyone, I raised my hoodie over my head and took a quick stop inside a store. Looking around, I could see that it was full of, what I could only guess was merch, stuff about heroes. Deciding to ignore all the merch, I instead looked around for crowds of people, walking around them so my language download could go faster.

Unsurprisingly, I left the store with some items that had grabbed my attention. Among the things that had caught my attention were blank make-your-own masks. I know I had promised myself that I would relax on this vacation, but I just couldn't help it. It's not often that I got masks, and they usually would break, but when I saw the machine in the store I just had to make one. Having no originality though, I decided to instead base the mask off of a mask that my curator liked a lot. Putting the bags into my inventory, which I hid the screen for in my backpack, I pulled out the mask and looked at it for a bit.

It was white and animal-like. There was red around the eyes that reached up to the insides of the ears. There were thick red eyebrows. Paired with the eyes, the face had a stand-offish expression. There was also a gold design that went from the very top of the forehead, down to just above the end of the nose.

I put the mask back into my inventory before continuing to explore. I had finally finished downloading the language, and testing it out, I asked a local if they knew any place a tourist would like to hang out in.

"ah, a tourist. Welcome to Musutafu, Japan! I sadly don't know many tourist spots, but I believe theirs a tourist hub down that way." The man said, pointing out a building not too far down the road. I told him thank you before walking to the building.

It wasn't very crowded for a tourist building, so I entered. There was information posted all around the walls. Looking around, I saw a front desk. There was sitting a lady with a cat head. "Excuse me miss, I'm completely new here and only recently picked up the language. Do you know where I can find places to stay?" I asked, trying my best to seem as lost as possible. "Really, you speak Japanese wonderfully, there should be some papers over on that board over there. There are also some mannerisms on papers under the board if you might need them." She said, pointing out the board. I nodded before walking over to the board.

First I picked up the mannerisms papers, putting them in my inventory to study later. Then I scanned the board. All the good hotels costed money, which I had forgotten to bring with me for exchange. Realizing I couldn't sleep anywhere with no money, I walked out of the building, waving goodbye to the cat lady as I left.

I walked around more, studying the mannerisms papers that I had picked up. The darker it got, the quieter the streets were. Though I did notice more people getting robbed. For the first time in forever, I didn't do anything about the injustice in front of me and kept walking. One guy tried to pickpocket me but then realized I had nothing in my pockets. I even felt him unzip my backpack, but since there was nothing in there, he backed off.

It was really dark now, and barely anyone was on the streets. Only a few late stragglers and poor people. Looking through alleyways, I finally found one with a fire escape that didn't have any lights on or people around. I went to the alley and climbed the fire escape, going all the way up to the roof. Setting up camp, I replaced the jacket I was wearing with a thicker one, and then took off my backpack and used it as a pillow.

It wasn't as cold as I was expecting.