Part 10

I sighed again, my stamina still not going anymore up the longer I sat there. Deciding it was useless, I got up and opened the first aid, wrapping Aizawa's arms. I then roll him over so I can see his face, letting out a hiss when I see it's condition. Using a rag, I rub as lightly as possible at the blood flowing from his face. Putting the rag away, I disinfect the wounds before putting some ointment on them.

When I've finally put everything away, I watch as All Might goes flying down the stairs, beating the shit out of the minor villains before they can react. When he gets over here, he picks up Aizawa. Even though I usually would've intervened before he accidentally hurt him from being picked up, I instead sat back and watched him pick him up with care.

Feeling liquid on my face, I raise my hand, surprising myself with the blood and goop mixture coming from my eyes. "Seriously, now's not the time." I grumble silently as I wipe it onto the ground and pick myself up. The feeling of liquid flowing from my eyes doesn't stop, but when it drips onto my shirt I see that it's no longer a mixture and is fully goop. I probably look like my mascara's running, if I even wore mascara in the first place.

Next thing I know, I've been picked up, along with Izuku, Tsu, and Mineta. Not how I was expecting this to go, to say the least. "Everybody back to the entrance. And take Aizawa with you." All Might says. I hadn't even noticed him pick me up earlier, let alone put me down a few seconds ago. I go to help the others pick up Aizawa, ignoring the ramble-lings of others around me. Midoriya tries to talk All Might out of fighting Nomu, but gets reassured instead.

When we get far enough away from All Might, I stop walking. "Hey, we have to keep going." Mineta says. "Drop him. Your all tired and I can carry him myself." I respond with, turning to look over my shoulder. They seem to hesitate before complying. Once they've all released their hold on him, I pick him up completely, laying him over my shoulder. We then keep walking, the others rebuilding stamina now that they don't have to carry Aizawa.

I can only watch out of the corner of my eye as All Might punches at Nomu, not dealing any damage. Ugh, I need to get Aizawa to the others quickly. I'd love to help out, but right now the other students have no one protecting them, meaning that if something came their way, they might not be able to counter attack.

But I can't just vanish. My stamina isn't going up, meaning my vanish is super glitchy. I can't risk a glitchy vanish, I don't know if he'd make it in one piece. I turned from the fight, turning my limping walk into a staggering run. Hearing the sound of someone running I turn to see Izuku running into the battle. God Dammit Izuku! Growling, I lay Aizawa onto the ground softly, placing him behind the bushes nearby. Leaving the Tsu and Mineta to watch over him and try to get him back, I run after Izuku.

When I get there, Izuku hasn't run into the battle. But instead, Todoroki and Bakugo have. I step in front of Izuku making sure he doesn't go any further and that nothing can get to close to him. I watch as Todoroki's Ice helps All Might escape from Nomu's grip. Yet he's bleeding from his weak spot. I then watch as Kirishima joins, trying to hit at the hand guy.

I can only look at the boys, eyes narrowed. They may be doing well, but the possibility of each of them getting hurt is at a high 80%, even the ones with strong quirks or good reflexes. Mother mode is activated, and they'll surely be hearing from me later. From the corner of my eye, I can see Tsu and Mineta have picked up Aizawa, and have gotten close enough to the front that they have some other student's coming down to help them.

When the hand guy says something about 'kids these days', I can only mutter out a "Bruh. You look like a twelve year old." I don't know who heard that but someone chuckles.

Suddenly Nomu lets out a horrible sound as it pulls itself through the portal and hobbles around with only one arm and leg. My eyes widen in shock when the ice breaks off and meat grows, making him a new arm and leg. Hearing the blue haired guy talk about the monstrosity before us made me just wanna through one of them into the void. 'Oh he's so special, Oh he has so many powers', yeah, I could care less.

When Nomu suddenly gets sent to attack Bakugo, I find myself using one of my powers. Next thing I know, I've pushed both me and Bakugo aside with the rest. All Might's taken the punch of Nomu, probably trying to make sure that both me and Bakugo got out unscathed. I guess we surprised the others cause Midoriya freaks out for a second before noticing me and Bakugo. This idiot thinks we were able to dodge the freak.

"These are kids and you didn't hold back?" All Might asks the hand guy. "I didn't have much choice." The blue haired boy responds with, continuing on to talk about how Bakugo was threatening his friend.

"Besides, these kids are no angels. The plain-looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed out punch. What kind of hero does something like that?" He goes on to say. I look at Izuku, frowning when I notice him flinch.

Honestly though, does this man ever stop talking? You'd think in a world were villains have been beaten over and over again, they'd finally learn to stop monologing. Letting out a huff, I interrupt his little speech, "You're so annoying that the moment I get the chance to, I'm going to grab some of your hand accessories and stick them so far up your throat, that you'll be able to see them coming out your ears."

"And there! One of your so called precious angels just threatened me." He says, pointing toward me. "I'm no angel, point that finger at me again and I'll chop it off." I growl out, honestly starting to get pissed. I thought all these villains would help me relax, but everyone got to them before I could. Now my anger was just building. I wipe at the bottom of my eyelid, flicking away the black goop that rubs off onto my hand. Instead of seeing red, I was starting to black.

The boys get ready to attack, talking a bit of strategy. Before they can attack, All Might puts his hand out, keeping them from even trying. The boys argue with him, Todoroki insisting he needs help, and Midoriya trying to tell him that he's hurt. I watch as All Might just raises his one of his hands, throwing Izuku and the rest of us a thumbs-up.

"Nomu, Kirigiri, kill him. I'll deal with the children." The blue hair boy says. I think that's honestly the shortest sentence to come out of this hoe's mouth this entire day. He comes running at us, but everything stops when a large amount of swirling power fills the air. We all look over towards All Might, who looks extremely scary. I look over his stance and face, letting out a chuckle as I joke, "He's over 9,000."

He goes running for the blue haired kid, but instead finds himself going punch to punch with the bird monster. I had just put down my fight stance when I had to guard myself again as the wind from All Might's and the bird monster's punch exchanges started to blow everyone backward.

I think I've decided on the Nomu's nickname. 'Bird Brain. Seems fitting doesn't it?'.

I watch as Bird Brain suddenly punches at the same bleeding spot from before. But instead of falling backward like it seemed he was about to do, All Might swung back forward and continued attacking. I watch as they start to move backwards. All Might's giving it his all. I watch the battle, I mean, it's pretty entertaining to see them fly all over the place as they fight.

"Now for a lesson. You may have heard this words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean. Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!" All Might yells as he punches Bird Brain so hard that he goes flying through the dome, leaving a hole, and further beyond.

It's going! It's going! And it's gone!

"Team rocket's blasting off again, huh?" I say, looking at the tiny sparkle Bird Brain makes as he continues to fly from the epic punch. I wonder if he hit the outer atmosphere yet. Looking about, I can tell that I confuse Izuku, cause he looks at me with this odd look on his face.

We all just kinda sit there, startled at how far that dude went. I take a second to glance at All Might, surprising myself when I notice that he's practically in a cloud of dust. Shrugging, I turn back to look at the hole in the dome. I turn back around when I hear him say something about over 300 'mighty' blows. He reminds me of Thor the longer I get to know him.

~Tiny Time Skip~

This dude's been scratching at his neck so much that it's started bleeding. He should get that checked out. I watch as the mist guy reassures him from his little panic attack. I listen as he points out things I hadn't noticed. From behind us, some of the minor villains are starting to get up, and in front of us, All Might seems to be tired. The boy completely stops scratching at his neck, lowering his hands as he agrees with the mist.

I turn with the rest of the boys as we get back into fighting stances. The minor villains behind us have completely gotten up and started walking towards us. Finally, I could go with blowing off some stress. If I get interrupted again I'm going to break a wall. Suddenly a large amount of wind brings my attention back to Izuku, who has completely launched himself to try to help All Might. I smack my face but peck out through my fingers in concern. The blue boy appears in the mist man's portal, going to grab at Izuku. I was about to launch into action when a bullet randomly flew through the guy's arm. Oh thank goodness, reinforcements here.

When I turn the look, I even see Principal Nezu sitting on a pro hero's shoulder. Everyone's here, or at least, everyone I can think of. I also notice Iida, his loud voice carrying. So he's the one who got out and brought back the teachers, huh? Definitely buying him a churro for christmas.

I turn and watch as Present Mic screams so loud that some villains faint. Another pro hero multiplies, beating up villains. I then watch as the blue boy seems to decide to flee, letting out a gasp when he gets shot multiple times. The mist guy blocks most of the bullet from hitting him though. A ripped up Thirteen tries to capture them but they get away via Mist guy's portals before they can. After that, the heroes went around making sure everyone was ok, and collecting all the minor villains who had been left behind. My anger is boiling but now isn't the time, I'll break that wall later.

Kirishima goes running to help Izuku. I'm about to run to help too when the ground rises up and blocks us. The pro hero says something to Kirishima and he runs back. "He said to join the others." Kirishima says, running back to walk with us.

~Time Skip~

We were outside. The police had arrived and started to take away the villains. As I listened in on conversations, I learned that Hagakure, the invisible girl, had been up in the Landslide zone with me and Todoroki. I could only guess she hadn't seen the little stunt I pulled since she didn't say anything about me.

Hearing the news about how Thirteen and Mr.Aizawa were in the hospital worried me. My fighting adrenaline seemed to go away as fatigue settled in. Before I could remember to warn anyone, my 3/4th's empty tank of energy knocked me out. I could hear someone call to me, and could feel someone go to pick me up. My brain started to get fuzzy, and I gave into my exhaustion.

Waking up in the med room at the school startled me. They don't drop off their casualties at hospitals? Looking around me, I see blond hair sticking out from under a huge amount of covers to my right. To the left of me, I can see Izuku's plain looking face. He's pretty fine, just seems like he's in here to rest and heal the broken bones. I look around, judging the other person's condition. I can't tell much since they're under the covers, but I know the person has to be knocked out.

Sitting for a few moments, I slowly connect the blond hair and two bangs to All Might. Looking down at my hands, I turn the over a few times before getting up. My body's perfectly fine but my body shield has been completely shattered. I don't feel safe in this school, let alone outside of it.

I then decide that I could go for staying here a bit longer as I approached the bed holding All Might.I place my hands on his head. He's in a lot of pain, and he seems to be missing his whole stomach. You'd think someone missing their whole stomach would be something you could tell. Using up more power, I find that he has a wound, it's along the area where his missing stomach area is. Sighing, I give up a large amount of my energy to take away most of his pain, and heal the slightly open wound that Bird Brain had inflicted. Taking my hands away, I sag from exhaustion.

I walk over to Izuku, laying my hand on his arm. I don't have enough energy to heal bones right now, but I do take away all of his pain. There isn't much since his body seems to be getting used to breaking bones. I can't quite tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Reaching into my jacket, I pull out a pen and sign one of his casts. Giggling at what I put, I fall back onto my own hospital bed.

"Just rested up and your already using all your energy." An old voice says from the door way. I turn my head slightly and watch as a little old woman comes to stand by my bed. "Rest now, you've probably used up too much energy to leave." I chuckle at her before turning on my side to snuggle into my pillow.