My days at home were nice but as days passed I always knew I'd have to go back to college to face the world eventually.
When I Was made to go back, I wasn't happy!
Crying my eyes out after arguing with my parents, I
silently got onto the minibus that was going to take me to college.
I was so scared of being bombarded by people asking me questions.
Groaning to myself - that was the last that I needed, having someone constantly ask why I was absent for so long and what was up.
All "why?" "why?" "why?"
I had pleaded with my parents with no success to let me stay off more.
My head still hurt and I didn't feel well.
Things were surprisingly better than I thought at college and I wasn't bombarded with questions, however, I still had a
Painful head and I still felt extremely low and unwell.
I felt so unwell that I didn't eat lunch for days and I didn't care.
For days it went like this and I was forever angry and didn't really want to talk to anyone yet.
Little did I know but things were just going to get worse for me